scholarly journals Pre-calculated relevant Nd: YAG laser parameters for optimized varicose veins treatment

2021 ◽  
Vol 2114 (1) ◽  
pp. 012053
Walid K. Hamoudi ◽  
Qusay K. Alhashimi ◽  
Muna B. Mustafa ◽  
Noor R. Abdulhameed ◽  
Hiba H. maqdasi

Abstract Full clearance of enlarged veins, without side effects, had always been the ultimate dream of patients. Varicose veins’ treatment protocols were not very decisive and mostly associated with some side effects. The aim of this work is to demystify the exact dose of laser parameters; namely fluence and pulse duration, to successfully treat enlarged blood vessels in face, legs and arms without side effects. This necessitated the calculation of exact temperature rise of the targeted tissue before laser irradiation. The pre-calculated laser parameters required, for successful treatment, without side effects were tested to achieve optimum clinical results; using 1064nm pulsed Nd: YAG lasers for all skin photo types. For this work, two values of spot size (5mm and 3mm), variable pulse duration (15-30 ms), variable fluences (110-190 J/cm2) and variable skin cooling temperature (3-18 °C) were used. Pre and post-cooling were found necessary to ensure positive results and minimal discomfort.

2010 ◽  
Vol 2010 ◽  
pp. 1-14 ◽  
Georg Eschenburg ◽  
Alexander Stermann ◽  
Robert Preissner ◽  
Hellmuth-Alexander Meyer ◽  
Holger N. Lode

Cancer is one of the most challenging diseases of today. Optimization of standard treatment protocols consisting of the main columns of chemo- and radiotherapy followed or preceded by surgical intervention is often limited by toxic side effects and induction of concomitant malignancies and/or development of resistant mechanisms. This requires the development of therapeutic strategies which are as effective as standard therapies but permit the patients a life without severe negative side effects. Along this line, the development of immunotherapy in general and the innovative concept of DNA vaccination in particular may provide a venue to achieve this goal. Using the patient's own immune system by activation of humoral and cellular immune responses to target the cancer cells has shown first promising results in clinical trials and may allow reduced toxicity standard therapy regimen in the future. The main challenge of this concept is to transfer the plethora of convincing preclinical and early clinical results to an effective treatment of patients.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (Supplement_3) ◽  
pp. ii3-ii3
Yoshihiro Muragaki ◽  
Masayuki Nitta ◽  
Taiichi Saito ◽  
Shunichi Tutsuki ◽  
Atsushi Fukui ◽  

Abstract INTRODUCTION: The tumor treatment field induces apoptosis of tumor cells by providing a low intensity, intermediate frequency, alternating current electric field via a transducer array. TTFields is based on Phase 3 EF-11 and EF-14 trials for glioblastoma in the US FDA and Japan PMDA. Therefore, I will report the statistics of TTFields use in Japan along with recent papers. METHODS: 410 patients were treated with TTFields in Japan (December 2017-), of which 17 were at Tokyo Women’s Medical University. We also referred to papers about global post-marketing surveillance and recent studies. RESULTS: Of the 410 patients, 409 (99.8%) were diagnosed with ndGBM(male: female, 66.8%: 33.2%). As of June 2020, 222 patients (54.1%) were on treatment and 188 (45.9%) were discontinued. In 17 cases at TWMU, the average age was 46.3 years. The average treatment period was 218 days, with 6 patients (35%) continuing treatment, 6 patients (35%) discontinuing due to patient wishes, and 5 patients (30%) discontinuing treatment due to recurrence. Side effects were contact dermatitis under the array in 9 patients (57%) and mild malaise in 7 patients (43%). We experienced long-term progression-free cases with TTF use of 25 months (survival 30 months after surgery) with a glioma partially resected and 21 months (survival 27 months after surgery) with a biopsied glioma. In the biopsy case, bevacizumab was used in combination during the treatment. Conclusion: In global surveillance, use for rGBM accounts for 39%, but Japan is limited to use for ndGBM due to insurance coverage. In terms of side effects, it showed a good safety profile comparable to previous trials. Long-term progression-free cases have been observed, and it is necessary to examine the characteristics of patients who respond to treatment and the effect of concomitant use with bevacizumab by prospective studies

2009 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 190-201 ◽  
Gordon H. Sasaki ◽  
Heather M. Travis ◽  
Barbara Tucker

2021 ◽  
Vol 74 (9) ◽  
pp. 2340-2344
Muna B. Mustafa ◽  
Wailed K. Hamoudi ◽  
Ghufran. S. Jaber ◽  
Mohammed Y. Abbas ◽  
Noor R. Abdulhameed

The aim: Facial and leg telangiectasia are usual cosmetic concern for females who have different skin phototypes and ages. Until now, the various treatments for these problem have frequently failed or led to unwanted side-effects. Based on approved pre-calculated doses, the present study highlights the clinical effects and safety of treatment after using the exact laser parameters from 1064-nm Nd: YAG laser. Materials and methods: Twenty people with facial and leg telangiectasia underwent a single laser treatment, based on pre-calculated laser parameters for each case. Results: All subjects showed visible improvement, with 95–100% clearance of face telangiectasia directly after the first treatment, and 50–100% clearance of the lower extremity vessels after one to three days; with minimal side-effects. Conclusions: Treatment of facial and leg telangiectasia by using true, exact, and mathematically pre-calculated parameters of long pulse 1064 nm Nd: YAG laser was an effective and safe procedure of clearing face and leg telangiectasia.

2021 ◽  
pp. 43-54
О. М. Заліська ◽  
О. М. Семенов ◽  
Н. М. Максимович ◽  
З. О. Заболотня ◽  
Б. М. Заліський ◽  

Rational pharmacotherapy of COVID-19 in the world, treatment protocols, prescriptions of antibacterial (AB), antiviral (AV) medicines have been systematically improved due to updated data of evidence-based medicine. The study aim was to analyze the trends of  AB, AV consumption for outpatients with confirmed COVID-19: to study the reasons of the growing demand for AB, AV; optimization of pharmaceutical care directions for rational cost-effectiveness use, prevention antibiotic resistance. Methods – the survey on consumption trends of AB and AV, side effects of AB; survey data of 205 pharmacists, 5 regions of Ukraine; pharmacoeconomic analysis «cost-minimization», content analysis of instructions, side effects. Analysis of surveys showed that the demand on AB, AV increased by 50.1% to 2019, such groups: beta-lactams, respiratory fluoroquinolones, macrolides. We found the most often were released: azithromycin, cefoperazone, cefipime, piperacillin with tazobactam, meropenem. Pharmacists noted that patients often used AB, AV without a prescriptions, it complicates the release from pharmacies. So it is necessary to implement e-prescriptions for AB, AV for monitoring of effectiveness, side effects, to prevent antibiotic resistance in pandemic. We found 53.7% of pharmacists noted about insufficient of  trade names, stocks of AB and AV. It is the difficulties to provide outpatients with covid-19. Content-analysis data showed the most common side effects during AB course. We identified the main directions of information pharmacist providing to prevent side effects, antibiotic resistance. We conducted the demand for AV, AV medicines increased by 50.1% vs to 2019. It was identified the AB groups, trade names in high demand. Used pharmacoeconomic analysis «cost-minimization», we established that depending on the manufacturer, an antibiotic course costs differ by 15.1 times. The necessity of including in the list of the reimbursement program «Affordable Medicines» the essential AB, AV, to reduce costs for COVID-19 outpatients was substantiated. We showed 83,1% of pharmacists consider the need of approval, implementation of «Protocol for symptomatic treatment of uncomplicated forms of COVID-19». It will improve the results of pharmaceutical care for COVID-19 patients due to GPP requirements.

2019 ◽  
pp. 67-73
I. V. Sergeeva ◽  
A. S. Yamshchikov ◽  
Т. A. Debelova

The article presents the results obtained from the use of aeration with large forms of bactericidal spray (cedar) in preschool and school institutions in Krasnoyarsk in conjunction with individual aeration of small forms of bactericidal spray (cedar) at home in the season of rising incidence of influenza and ARVI. Due to a decrease in the total microbial contamination of the air environment and surface when using the harmless bactericidal spray (cedar), there is a decrease in the incidence of ARVI among children who regularly receive aeration for 4 weeks, and there is a lighter course of ARVI and the absence of complicated forms in 2 times in the observed children in comparison with the group where aeration was not applied. The positive results obtained during the 4-week observation, and the absence of any side effects from the spraying of bactericidal spray (cedar) allows us to recommend it for the prevention of influenza and ARVI during the period of epidemic or seasonal increase in morbidity in organized groups of preschool and school institutions. Considering that since the beginning of the heating season, dry air is installed in the premises, the use of aeration of bactericidal spray reduces the impact of harmful environmental factors on the child’s body, which is facilitated by the ionization and moistening of the air with phytoncide spray components.

A. Y. Anisimov ◽  
A. V. Loginov ◽  
R. A. Ibragimov ◽  
A. A. Anisimov

Aim. A critical analysis of modern scientific publications on the application in complex treatment program of patients with acute bleeding from esophageal varices endoscopic hemostasis with self-expanding nitinol Danish stents.Methods. Literature data are presented on the results of treating patients at the height of esophageal bleeding or with a high risk of recurrence by installing self-expanding nitinol Danish stents.Results. The advantages of Danish stent include low trauma; good tolerance; physiological saliva drainage and the possibility of receiving fluid and food through the mouth; repeated endoscopic examination of the esophagus and stomach after the introduction of the stent; reducing the risk of aspiration pneumonia; the impossibility of removal or displacement by the patient in a state of excitement. The disadvantages of self-expanding nitinol Danish stents, in addition to the risk of migration from the esophagus to the stomach with loss of its plugging function, include the limitation of the therapeutic effect only to varicose veins of the esophagus, the development of small erosions or ulcers on the mucous membrane of the esophagus after stent removal.Conclusion. The extent to which endoscopic hemostasis with self-expanding nitinol Danish stents will take a strong place in the treatment of patients with variceal bleeding is not clear. In the recommendations of the Baveno VI Consensus the method is considered as an attractive alternative to Sengstaken–Blackmore balloon tamponade, however, the need for confirmation of the initial clinical results by further comparative randomized controlled trials is indicated.

Henry Elder ◽  
Anatoliy Khizhnyak ◽  
Vladimir . Markov ◽  
Phillip Sprangle

2015 ◽  
Vol 42 (4) ◽  
pp. 0404003
吕涛 Lü Tao ◽  
张伟 Zhang Wei ◽  
陈昉 Chen Fang

Cancers ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (10) ◽  
pp. 3022 ◽  
Walter Tinganelli ◽  
Marco Durante

Radiotherapy using accelerated charged particles is rapidly growing worldwide. About 85% of the cancer patients receiving particle therapy are irradiated with protons, which have physical advantages compared to X-rays but a similar biological response. In addition to the ballistic advantages, heavy ions present specific radiobiological features that can make them attractive for treating radioresistant, hypoxic tumors. An ideal heavy ion should have lower toxicity in the entrance channel (normal tissue) and be exquisitely effective in the target region (tumor). Carbon ions have been chosen because they represent the best combination in this direction. Normal tissue toxicities and second cancer risk are similar to those observed in conventional radiotherapy. In the target region, they have increased relative biological effectiveness and a reduced oxygen enhancement ratio compared to X-rays. Some radiobiological properties of densely ionizing carbon ions are so distinct from X-rays and protons that they can be considered as a different “drug” in oncology, and may elicit favorable responses such as an increased immune response and reduced angiogenesis and metastatic potential. The radiobiological properties of carbon ions should guide patient selection and treatment protocols to achieve optimal clinical results.

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