scholarly journals VIII International Conference Days of Applied Mathematics

2022 ◽  
Vol 2159 (1) ◽  
pp. 011001
O Valbuena ◽  
E Gelvez-Almeida ◽  
E D V-Niño

These proceedings are the contributions made by the participants of the VIII International Conference / Days of Applied Mathematics (ICDAM). The main objective of the VIII ICDAM is to effectively share and transfer mathematical and physical knowledge for the purpose of problem-solving in different contexts of the sciences, engineering, and medicine. The VIII ICDAM was organized by the Facultad de Ciencias Ciencias Básicas y Biomédicas of the Universidad Simón Bolívar, was carried out in the city of San José de Cúcuta, Colombia, from October 20-22, 2021, in which dissertations and workshops developed by students, professors and researchers, those who worked in research lines related to the field of mathematics and physics from Francia, Mexico, República Dominicana, Chile, Argentina, Venezuela, and Colombia. List of Organizing Committee, National Scientific Committee, International Scientific Committee, Sponsor, Partners are available in this pdf.

Thelma Manabat

This study was conducted to determine the level of academic quality compliance of public secondary high schools and its predictors as input to strengthen institutional profiling. The respondents of the study were 167 teachers and school managers in (9) public secondary junior high schools in the City Schools Division of San Jose del Monte Bulacan for the School Year 2017-2018. The descriptive research design was used employing the predictive technique in determining the influence of respondents’ profile, institutions’ profile variables and the management capability factors as the academic quality compliance of the schools. The findings revealed that the schools’ academic quality compliance on leadership and governance is predicted by the NAT (Beta = .431), promotion rate (Beta= 1.170), and enrollment rate (Beta = .747).  The management capability on quality instruction predicts the schools’ academic quality compliance on curriculum and learning (Beta = .971) and the academic quality compliance on accountability and continuous improvement is influenced by the management capability on quality instruction. The promotion rate of the school predicts the academic quality compliance of the school in the area of management of resources (Beta =.671). The hypothesis stating that the respondent's profile, institutional profile, and management capability, singly or combination predict the schools' academic quality compliance is partly sustained. 

2016 ◽  
Ken Baar ◽  
Patrick Burns ◽  
Daniel Flaming
San Jose ◽  

M. I. Rodriguez-Laiton ◽  
H. A. León-Vega ◽  
E. Upegui

Abstract. The following article describes the implementation of a methodology for the structural reconstruction of the Heroes monument and the statue on the north side of Simon Bolivar Ecuestre located between the intersection of the north highway and 80th Street in Bogota (Colombia) from the acquisition of SFM photogrammetry methods and images, using low-cost sensors for this process and making use of drones from the obtaining of frames of a video to for areas with lower altimetric reach, and thereby creating an analysis in their accuracy, sizing and quality within the framework of appropriation and documentation of the cultural assets in the public space of the city Bogotá taking this data as a starting point for future developments in the process of 3D reconstructions Colombia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 900 (1) ◽  
pp. 011001

3rd International Conference “Advances in Environmental Engineering” (AEE 2021) organised by Faculty of Mining and Geology of the VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic and Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Technical University of Košice, Slovak republic, was held in November 25-26, 2021 online. This year the conference offered an virtual platform for the dissemination of original research results, new ideas and discovered advances in the field of environmental engineering and related interdisciplinary topics. List of Preface, Sponsors, Editors, Scientific Committee, Organising Guarantees, Review Statement, List Of Reviewers are available in this pdf.

Siti Nurul Hamidah

Tramp panhandler (Gelandangan Pengemis, called: Gepeng) is a social phenomenon that is a problem for every region in Indonesia. Gepeng is a promising job for some communities. Gepeng in Serang itself varies, from which can still suffice the need to be said to be sufficient and not including the poor households (RTM), to the poor who really belong to poor households (RTM). This article aims to analyze the background of the emergence of sprawl in Serang city. This paper uses the research method of the library study, discussing the sprawl in the city of Serang to provide the correct problem solving the mitigation in the city of Serang in an effort to realize social welfare. From the results of the study obtained data that the cause factor of the person chose to be a sprawl; Physical disabilities, age, education, economics, environment and religion.

Liz Harvey-Kattou

This chapter argues that cinema has been the primary creative vehicle to reflect on national – tico – identity in Costa Rica in the twenty-first century, and it begins with an overview of the industry. Considering the ways in which film is uniquely positioned to challenge social norms through the creation of affective narratives and through the visibility it can offer to otherwise marginalised groups, this chapter analyses four films by key directors. Beginning with an exploration of Esteban Ramírez’s Gestación, it considers youth culture, gender, and class as non-normative spaces in the city of San José. Similarly, Jurgen Ureña’s Abrázame como antes is then discussed from the point of view of its ground-breaking portrayal of trans women in the capital. Two films shot at the geographic margins of the nation are then discussed, with the uncanny coastline the focus of Paz Fábrega’s Agua fría de mar and the marginalized Afro-Costa Rican province of Limón the focus of Patricia Velásquez’s Dos aguas.

Paul C. King

Interdisciplinary problem solving and research skills require early preparation in two categories: critical thinking and communication. This chapter reviews the two-year process of interdisciplinary curriculum development, shaped by collaboration between the New York City Department of Education, the New York City College of Technology of the City University of New York, and City Polytechnic High School of Engineering, Architecture, and Technology. The resulting course, “Inter-Academy Integrated Projects” (IP), emphasizes multidisciplinary problem solving that includes creativity, observation, research, visual and discursive communication, and reflection. The collaborative lessons make use of project-based methodology and emphasize social responsibility. Core skills are combined across the two trimesters of IP. This endeavor will be contrasted and compared to the work of the Partnership for the 21st Century Skills by examining the use of high-impact learning practices, feedback from students and teachers, and the issues surrounding the implementation of any new curriculum.

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