scholarly journals Effect of reactive phosphate rock to corn on acid sulphate soil in South Kalimantan

Wahida Annisa ◽  
Husnain ◽  
Fadjri Djufry
2021 ◽  
Vol 648 (1) ◽  
pp. 012175
A F Siregar ◽  
Husnain ◽  
I W Suastika ◽  
N P S Ratmini ◽  
I A Sipahutar ◽  

1997 ◽  
Vol 37 (8) ◽  
pp. 921 ◽  
P. W. G Sale ◽  
R. J. Gilkes ◽  
M. D. A. Bolland ◽  
P. G. Simpson ◽  
D. C. Lewis ◽  

Summary. The agronomic effectiveness of directly applied North Carolina reactive phosphate rock was determined for 4 years from annual dry matter responses at 26 permanent pasture sites across Australia as part of the National Reactive Phosphate Rock Project. Fertiliser comparisons were based on the substitution value of North Carolina reactive phosphate rock for triple superphosphate (the SV50). The SV50 was calculated from fitted response curves for both fertilisers at the 50% of maximum yield response level of triple superphosphate. The reactive phosphate rock was judged to be as effective as triple superphosphate in the 1st year (and every year thereafter) at 4 sites (SV50 >0.9), and was as effective by the 4th year at 5 sites. At another 9 sites the reactive phosphate rock was only moderately effective with SV50 values between 0.5 and 0.8 in the 4th year, and at the final 8 sites it performed poorly with the 4th year SV50 being less than 0.5. Pasture environments where the reactive phosphate rock was effective in the 1st year were: (i) those on sandy, humic or peaty podsols with an annual rainfall in excess of 850 mm; (ii) those on soils that experienced prolonged winter inundation and lateral surface flow; and (iii) tropical grass pastures in very high rainfall areas (>2300 mm) on the wet tropical coast on North Queensland. The highly reactive North Carolina phosphate rock became effective by the 4th year at sites in southern Australia where annual rainfall exceeded 700 mm, and where the surface soil was acidic [pH (CaCl2) <5.0] and not excessively sandy (sand fraction in the A1 horizon <67%) but had some phosphorus (P) sorption capacity. Sites that were unsuitable for reactive phosphate rock use in the medium term (up to 4 years at least) were on very high P-sorbing krasnozem soils or high P-sorbing lateritic or red earth soils supporting subterranean-clover-dominant pasture, or on lower rainfall (< 600 mm) pastures growing on soils with a sandy A1 horizon (sand component >84%). No single environmental feature adequately predicted reactive phosphate rock performance although the surface pH of the soil was most closely correlated with the year-4 SV50 (r = 0.67). Multiple linear regression analysis found that available soil P (0–10 cm) and the P sorption class of the surface soil (0–2 cm), together with annual rainfall and a measure of the surface soil"s ability to retain moisture, could explain about two-thirds of the variance in the year-4 SV50 . The results from this Project indicate that there are a number of specific pasture environments in the higher rainfall regions of Australia where North Carolina reactive phosphate rock can be considered as an effective substitute P fertiliser for improved pasture.

1992 ◽  
Vol 31 (1) ◽  
pp. 111-118 ◽  
A. C. Braithwaite ◽  
A. C. Eaton ◽  
P. S. Groom

1991 ◽  
Vol 28 (3) ◽  
pp. 295-304 ◽  
D. C. Golden ◽  
R. B. Stewart ◽  
R. W. Tillman ◽  
R. E. White

A.D. Mackay ◽  
J.R. Caradus

A glasshouse study investigated the dry matter response of Grasslands Kopu and Grasslands Tahora white clover, cultivars of differing origins and morphologies, to three phosphate fertilizers, monocalcium phosphate (MCP), partially acidulated phosphate rock (PAPR) and a reactive phosphate rock, North Carolina phosphate rock (NCPR), of differing water solubility. Kopu responded more rapldly and reached Its maximum dry matter yield at a lower phosphorus (P) level than Tahora when MCP and NCPR were the P fertilizers. With PAPR as the P fertilizer, their response was similar. The shoot dry matter response by Kopu to all three P sources was reflected more in leaf weight and size than leaf number or stolon length. In contrast Tahora responded to added P by increasing leaf number and stolon length to a much greater extent than Kopu. Keywords: Trifolium repens, monocalcium phosphate, partially acidulated phosphate rock, reactive phosphate rock.

M. Zaman ◽  
B.F. Quin

The commercial introduction of reactive phosphate rock (RPR) to the New Zealand market in 1987 was the subject of much dispute regarding its efficacy, and the differing interpretations of field trial results. Twenty-five years on, it was considered time to seek the views of farmers who are long-term users of RPR, across a wide range of geographic, soil type, fertility, climate and farming operations. The fact that the farmers interviewed have all been farming successfully with RPR for many years enables conditions suitable for RPR use to be identified more clearly compared to earlier advice. This progress is discussed in the context of utilising the proven reduced phosphorus (P) run-off with RPR to reduce P eutrophication in P-sensitive catchments. Key words: Reactive phosphate rock, RPR, superphosphate, SSP, long-term use, phosphorus runoff, eutrophication, water quality, recommendations

K.W. Perrott ◽  
B.E. Kerr ◽  
J.H. Watkinson ◽  
J.E. Waller

The dissolution rate of Sechura phosphate rock (particle size 75-150 pm) was determined at 95 New Zealand sites with a range of soil and environmental properties. Rates ranged from 0 to 70% of the phosphate rock dissolved per year with an average dissolution rate of 3 1 %/year. An initial model based on stepwise linear regression analysis indicated that the rate of dissolution was negatively associated with soil pH and positively associated with rainfall and exchangeable soil magnesium. There was also an effect of soil type and drainage. The amount of residual RPR accumulated from previous fertiliser application can be determined by a new soil test. This, together with the dissolution rate estimated from the nature of the RF'R and the soil and site factors, can be used to indicate likely soil P status. Keywords: dissolution, fertiliser, phosphorus, reactive phosphate rock, soil test

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