Identify the physical characteristics of bedload transport using accelerometer
Abstract Real-time sediment transport discharge monitoring in rivers is a challenge. One of the difficulties is the existence of the transport sediment on the bottom of the river bed, the water flow making it invisible to the naked eye, and the flow of velocity itself creates a barrier to measure and install devices in the river. Vibration-based sediment transport measuring instruments have been developed in developed countries. Only a few people in Indonesia have created a technique for quantifying transport sediment. The experiment was carried out in a flume with sediment of a specified diameter flowing through it. An accelerometer was installed at the bottom to measure the vibration induced by the sediment movement at the channel’s bottom. Impact energy is created when sediment grains collide with the channel’s bottom. The amount and size of the sediment determine how much energy is released. The accelerometer measures the amplitude of the vibration signal that is produced by the energy. The statistical parameters can be used with alternating quantities of data. The findings of the experiments reveal that the larger the parameters value linearly with the sediment grain size.