Judicial Control of Unfair Contract Terms

Sof'ya Shestakova ◽  
Uulzhan Imanalieva

The article iis devoted to the research of the institution of investigative judge introduced into the criminal procedure of the Kyrgyz Republic in 2019. The authors analyze the conceptual foundations of this institution, its procedural significance, as well as the legal model under Kyrgyz legislation in its comparative perspective with the legislation of Germany and some former Soviet republics. Two main achievements: the organizational and functional isolation of an investigating judge during the criminal procedure and granting them the power of deposition are seen by the authors as advantages of the Kyrgyz model of the institution of an investigative judge. The former is aimed at guaranteeing the objectivity, impartiality and neutrality of the judge considering the case on the merits, who is discharged judicial control in pre-trial procedure nowadays. The latter is aimed at implementing for the prosecution and defense the right to be equal parties of procedural opportunities to participate in evidence as an integral element of the adversarial principle.

Maria José Rangel de Mesquita

The article addresses the issue of judicial control of the implementation of Common Foreign and Security Policy at international regional level within the framework of the relaunching of the negotiation in view of the accession of the EU to the ECHR. Considering the extent of jurisdiction of the CJEU in respect of Common Foreign and Security Policy field in the light of its case law (sections 1 and 2), it analyses the question of judicial review of Common Foreign and Security Policy within international regional justice by the ECtHR in the light of the ongoing negotiations (section 3), in the perspective of the relationship between non-national courts (section 3.A), having as background the (2013) Draft Agreement of accession (section 3.B.1). After addressing the relaunching of the negotiation procedure (section 3.B.2) and the issue of CFSP control by the ECtHR according to the recent (re)negotiation meetings (section 3.B.3), some concrete proposals, including for the redrafting of the accession agreement, will be put forward (section 3.B.4), as well as a conclusion (section 4).

Laws ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 22
Sebastian von Peter ◽  
Martin Zinkler

In August 2019, a manuscript was published in this journal that aimed at imagining a mental health care system that renounces the judicial control to better focus on the will and preferences of those who require support. Alternative scenarios for dealing with risk, inpatient care, and police custody were presented that elicited strong and emotionally laden reactions. This article adds further reflections to this debate, aiming at contributing explanations for this unsettlement. A productive notion of criticism is discussed, and ways to achieve change toward a more human rights-oriented psychiatric practice are outlined.

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (3) ◽  
pp. 356-370
Maria José Rangel de Mesquita

The article addresses the issue of judicial control of the implementation of Common Foreign and Security Policy at international regional level within the framework of the relaunching of the negotiation in view of the accession of the EU to the ECHR. Considering the extent of jurisdiction of the CJEU in respect of Common Foreign and Security Policy field in the light of its case law (sections 1 and 2), it analyses the question of judicial review of Common Foreign and Security Policy within international regional justice by the ECtHR in the light of the ongoing negotiations (section 3), in the perspective of the relationship between non-national courts (section 3.A), having as background the (2013) Draft Agreement of accession (section 3.B.1). After addressing the relaunching of the negotiation procedure (section 3.B.2) and the issue of CFSP control by the ECtHR according to the recent (re)negotiation meetings (section 3.B.3), some concrete proposals, including for the redrafting of the accession agreement, will be put forward (section 3.B.4), as well as a conclusion (section 4).


La interdicción de la arbitrariedad y las obligaciones de motivar y justificar las decisiones se han erigido en pilares claves del control judicial de la actividad administrativa. Sin embargo, siguen subsistiendo problemas, tanto conceptuales como de aplicación, que presentan un indudable interés: se discute la naturaleza formal o sustantiva de la motivación; las relaciones entre motivación y justificación siguen siendo complejas y controvertidas; no existe acuerdo sobre la obligación o no de motivar resoluciones administrativas que aplican conceptos jurídicos indeterminados; el principio de la autorrestricción judicial en el control de la motivación cede en algunos sectores mientras se mantiene de forma más que discutible en otros; y las últimas líneas jurisprudenciales evidencian que la determinación del alcance legítimo del control judicial sigue siendo conflictiva. El presente trabajo lleva a cabo una valoración crítica de las últimas orientaciones tanto en la doctrina científica como jurisprudencial, al mismo tiempo que ofrece propuestas conceptuales e interpretativas para contribuir a una adecuada evolución de estos aspectos oscuros del control judicial de la Administración. rbitrariotasunaren debekua eta erabakiak arrazoitzeko eta justifikatzeko betebeharrak oinarrizko zutabe bihurtu dira administrazio-jardueraren kontrol judizialean. Hala ere, oraindik arazo batzuk diraute, direla kontzeptualak, direla aplikaziokoak, eta interes ukaezina dute horiek guztiek: arrazoiketaren izatasun formala edo substantiboa eztabaidatzen da; arrazoiketaren eta justifikazioaren arteko harremanak konplexuak eta eztabaidagarriak dira oraindik; ez dago adostasunik kontzeptu juridiko zehaztugabeak aplikatzen dituzten administrazio-ebazpenak arrazoitu edo ez arrazoitu beharraz; arrazoiketaren kontroleko automurrizketa judizialak atzera egin du sektore batzuetan, eta beste batzuetan, aldiz, modu aski eztabaidagarrian mantendu da, eta azkeneko lerro jurisprudentzialek erakusten dute kontrol judizialaren irismen zilegia gatazkatsua dela oraindik. Honako lan honek balioespen kritiko bat egiten du doktrina zientifikoan zein jurisdikzionalean dauden azken jarraibideetan, eta era berean proposamen kontzeptual eta interpretatibo batzuk eskaintzen ditu, Administrazioaren kontrol judizialaren alderdi ilun horien bilakaera egokiari laguntzeko. The prohibition of arbitrariness, the duty to give reasons and the duty to justify decisions have become principles of main relevance in the judicial control of administrative discretion. However, there still remain important and interesting theoretical and practical problems: the formal or substantive nature of motivation is controversial; the relationship between motivation and justification is difficult and unclear; there is no agreement over the duty to motivate decisions that apply opentexture concepts; our tribunals leave the doctrine of self-restriction in some cases at the same time that they strongly maintained it in others without a clear justification; and the last judicial resolutions that determine the scope of the duty to give reasons show that this is still a difficult issue. This article approaches a critical analysis of the recent trends in these fields with the purpose to offer theoretical and interpretative proposals that should contribute to an adequate evolution of these problematic aspects of the judicial control of the Administration.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (18) ◽  
pp. 219-241
علی مشهدی ◽  
آیت اله جلیلی مراد ◽  

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