Overqualification in the Workplace

Berrin Erdogan ◽  
Talya N. Bauer ◽  
Aysegul Karaeminogullari

Overqualification is a unique form of underemployment, which represents a state where the employee’s education, abilities, knowledge, skills, and/or experience exceed job requirements and are not utilized on the job. Potentially conflicting upsides and downsides of the phenomenon created a fruitful area of research. Thus, overqualification has received considerable attention both in the academic literature and popular press. Studies of overqualification have emerged and received considerable attention in diverse fields including education, labor economics, sociology, management, and psychology. Antecedents of overqualification include individual differences (such as education, personality, age, sex, job search attitudes, previous work experience, past employment history, vocational training and type of degree, migrant status) and environmental dynamics (such as the characteristics of the position held and size of the job market). Commonly studied outcomes of overqualification include job attitudes, performance, proactive behaviors and creativity, counterproductive behaviors, absenteeism and turnover, health and well-being, feelings of job security, wages, upward mobility, and interpersonal relationships. While the effects are typically negative, there are some contemporary findings revealing the potential benefits of overqualified employees for their work groups and organizations. In recent years, boundary conditions shaping the effects of overqualification have also been identified, including factors such as empowerment and autonomy, overqualification of referent others, personality traits, and values. Despite the accumulating research on this topic, many unanswered questions remain. Conflicting findings on some of the outcomes and limited empirical investigations of theory-based mediators promise a lively and still developing field of research.

Karolina Baras ◽  
Luísa Soares ◽  
Carla Vale Lucas ◽  
Filipa Oliveira ◽  
Norberto Pinto Paulo ◽  

Smartphones have become devices of choice for running studies on health and well-being, especially among young people. When entering college, students often face many challenges, such as adaptation to new situations, establish new interpersonal relationships, heavier workload and shorter deadlines, teamwork assignments and others. In this paper, the results of four studies examining students' well-being and mental health as well as student's perception of challenges and obstacles they face during their academic journey are presented. In addition, a mobile application that acts as a complement to a successful tutoring project implemented at the authors' University is proposed. The application allows students to keep their schedules and deadlines in one place while incorporating virtual tutor features. By using both, the events from the student's calendar and his or her mood indicators, the application sends notifications accordingly. These notifications encompass motivational phrases, time management guidelines, as well as relaxation tips.

Nele De Cuyper ◽  
Rita Fontinha ◽  
Hans De Witte

This chapter focuses upon the careers of temporary workers. Temporary employment for many workers presents a route to permanent employment. Other workers, however, get trapped into temporary employment or cycle between unstable jobs and spells of unemployment. Predictors of such transitions are multiple. We selected two broad categories, namely perceived employability from the area of career research and health and well-being from the area of occupational health and well-being research. The overall conclusion is that the association between temporary employment and both perceived employability and health and well-being is inconclusive. This suggests that there are boundary conditions that may make some temporary workers successful and others not. Risk factors include dynamics related to the dual labor market, including lower job quality, lower investments on the part of employers, and negative stereotyping of temporary workers as second-class citizens. On the positive side, many temporary workers have learned to manage their careers in the sense that they invest in training and in continuous job search.

2015 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 77-84 ◽  
Elaine Argyle ◽  
Tony Kelly

Purpose – Recent years have seen the advocacy of person-centred approaches to dementia care. An important component of this approach has been the use of arts in the promotion of health and well-being. However, relatively little attention has been given to the barriers and facilitators experienced in trying to implement these types of interventions in a dementia care setting. It is therefore, the purpose of this paper is to help to redress this neglect by examining the process of implementing a personalised musical intervention for the clients of a specialist dementia home care service. Design/methodology/approach – Drawing on interviews with five project stakeholders, the paper examines, not only the potential benefits to be gained from the musical intervention but also identifies the barriers experienced in its implementation and ways in which they could be overcome. Findings – It was found that although the musical intervention had a potentially positive impact, there were multi-levelled barriers to its implementation including issues of training, leadership as well as contextual issues such as commissioning and resourcing more generally. Originality/value – The key role played by these issues in the process of implementation suggests that practice should transcend its focus on individual wellbeing and address the wider factors that can facilitate or prevent its fulfilment. While the multi-levelled nature of the obstacles identified suggest that the implementation of innovative interventions within health and social care settings should adopt a similarly eclectic approach.

Kruhlov K.O. ◽  
Blyskun O.O.

Метою дослідження є визначення особливостей суб’єктивного соціального благополуччя молодих співробітників в організації. Методи: аналізування та узагальнення результатів наукових досліджень; «Опитувальник параметрів суб’єктивного соціального благополуччя» (Т.В. Данильченко); методи математичної обробки даних, зокрема порівняльний аналіз за допомогою критерію кутового перетворення Фішера.Результати. Констатовано, що психологічне благополуччя є умовою, чинником та водночас критерієм успішної адаптації співробітника в організації. Визначено, що стан благополуччя створює сприятливі позитивні міжособистісні відносини, можливість спілкуватися, позитивні емоції, тому переважно йдеться про суб’єктивне соціальне благополуччя. Висновки. Виявлено відмінності у проявах показників суб’єктивного соціального благополуччя між групою молодих працівників, які перебувають у процесі трудової адаптації, та більш досвідченими співробітниками, які мають більший стаж роботи, а саме: за параметрами: соціальна помітність, соціальна дистантність, соціальне схвалення, соціальні переконання (р ≤ 0.05), тобто молоді співробітники вважають недостатньою свою соціальну значущість, соціальний престиж та авторитетність з погляду інших осіб; вони відчувають іноді соціальну ізольованість, відчуженість, незадоволеність соціальними стосунками; працююча молодь в оцінках своїх особистісних та професійних якостей переважно орієнтується на сторонні думки колег, керівництва, водночас має позитивні уявлення про якості, чесноти інших осіб та справедливість та контрольованість світу. Отримані дані є корисними для роботи з адаптації молодих працівників в організації.Ключові слова: суб’єктивне соціальне благополуччя, співробітники організації, працююча молодь, молоді співробітники, трудова адаптація. The aim of the study is to determine the peculiarities of the subjective social well-being of young employees in the organization.Methods: analysis and generalization of scientific research results; “The questionnaire of parameters of subjective social well-being” (T.V. Danylchenko); methods of mathematical data processing, the comparative analysis by means of Fisher’s angular transformation criterion, in particular.Results. It has been stated that psychological well-being is a condition, factor, and, at the same time, a criterion of successful adaptation of an employee in the organization. It has been determined that the state of well-being creates favorable positive interpersonal relationships, a possibility to communicate, get positive emotions, satisfy a person’s need for that; therefore, it is mostly about subjective social well-being.Conclusions. Some differences have been revealed in the manifestations of the indicators of subjective social well-being between a group of young workers in the organization, who are in the process of labor adaptation, and more experienced employees, who have more work experience: social noticeability, social remoteness, social approval, social beliefs (p ≤ 0.05), that is, young employees consider their social significance insufficient, social prestige and authority from the point of view of other people; they sometimes feel social isolation, alienation, dissatisfaction with social relations; working youth, in assessing their personal and professional qualities, is mainly guided by the extraneous opinions of colleagues, directorship, and, at the same time, has positive ideas about qualities, virtues of other people, justice and positiveness of the world. The obtained data are useful for work on the adaptation of young employees in the organization.Key words: subjective social well-being, employees of the organization, working youth, young employees, labor adaptation.

Sofia Stavropoulou ◽  
Anastasia Georgaki

A growing body of interdisciplinary research suggests that children's structured engagement in musical activities may have a positive impact on social inclusion by means of offering opportunities for social bonding, developing interpersonal relationships and empowering self-expression, health and well-being. In this paper we investigate the amelioration of children's voice accuracy and quality in signing through a visual feedback software. The research took place in two public elementary schools in Athens in a total of sixty children aged 6-9 years old and with a different cultural background. The statistical analysis on the effectiveness of the software has proved the amelioration of the children's voice quality before and after its use.

Fasli Sidheek ◽  
Veena A. Satyanarayana ◽  
Geetha Desai

Families provide the bedrock for the development of interpersonal relationships. It grooms a young member’s entry into a web of societal relationships and contributes to one’s mental health and well-being. Couples and families transition through a set of stages, known as family life-cycle stages, with each stage unique in its tasks and goals. In addition to introducing the key tenets of family systems theory, the chapter details contemporary topics in marriage and family, including extramarital involvement, violence, divorce, and same-sex marriages. It discusses important theoretical and therapeutic approaches to marriage and family therapy, including behavioural, dynamic, systemic, and experiential formats of family therapy. It also reviews process and outcome research in the area of marriage and family therapy.

2021 ◽  
pp. 38-58
Mathew P. White ◽  
Lewis R. Elliott ◽  
Mireia Gascon ◽  
Bethany Roberts ◽  
Lora E. Fleming

Karolina Baras ◽  
Luísa Soares ◽  
Carla Vale Lucas ◽  
Filipa Oliveira ◽  
Norberto Pinto Paulo ◽  

Smartphones have become devices of choice for running studies on health and well-being, especially among young people. When entering college, students often face many challenges, such as adaptation to new situations, establish new interpersonal relationships, heavier workload and shorter deadlines, teamwork assignments and others. In this paper, the results of four studies examining students' well-being and mental health as well as student's perception of challenges and obstacles they face during their academic journey are presented. In addition, a mobile application that acts as a complement to a successful tutoring project implemented at the authors' University is proposed. The application allows students to keep their schedules and deadlines in one place while incorporating virtual tutor features. By using both, the events from the student's calendar and his or her mood indicators, the application sends notifications accordingly. These notifications encompass motivational phrases, time management guidelines, as well as relaxation tips.

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