659 Myocardial infarcion and ischaemic stroke in a COVID-19 patient: nothing happens by chance
Abstract A 68-years-old man, affected by arterial hypertension in treatment with angiotensin-receptor blocker (cardesartan 32 mg), was admitted to emergency department for fever and dyspnoea. The molecular swab for SARS-CoV-2 was positive. Chest CT showed bilateral interstitial pneumonia with Chung severity score index 15/20. The laboratory examinations showed: PCR 21 mg/dl, IL-6 17 pg/ml, d-dimer 374 ng/ml, lymphopenia, glycaemia 218 mg/dl, total cholesterol 245 mg/dl. At COVID-19 diagnosis he started the following therapy: Azithromycin 500 mg once a day, Methylprednisolone 20 mg twice a day, Remdesivir 200 mg once a day, Enoxaparin 6000 UI twice a day, Insulin Lispro 6/8/8 UI three times a day, High FlowNasal Cannula (FiO2 45%). No lipid-lowering therapy was prescribed. During the hospitalization, the patient experienced a progressive improvement in clinical and laboratory parameters. On the 28th day, there was a sudden worsening of dyspnoea with evidence of ST-elevation in DI, aVL, V2–V6 leads. A primary percutaneous coronary intervention at COVID-19 HUB hospital (2.9 km away) was required. Because of massive demand for emergency vehicles, the patient was admitted to the Chat Lab 3 h and 23 min later. Due to evidence of critical stenosis of the proximal and intermediate left anterior descending artery, a PTCA with stenting was performed. 12 h later, the patient developed left hemiplegia (NIHSS score: 7). The brain CT revealed an acute right frontal ischaemic lesion; no indication to fibrinolysis was given by the consultant neurologist. Our case report describes the rare concomitance of two thrombotic events in a COVID-19 patient with many cardiovascular risk factors, offering the opportunity to underline the need of their appropriate treatment during the hospitalization for SARS-CoV-2 infection. Moreover, a dedicated treatment pathways should be provided for COVID-19 patients in order to ensure the timely and correct application of the protocols suggested by the international guidelines. 659 Figure 1ECG performed at the onset of acute dyspnoea.659 Figure 2Critical stenosis on LAD and subcritical stenosis on first and second obtuse marginal arteries.