The World Upside Down in 16th-Century French Literature and Culture. By Vincent Robert-Nicoud

2019 ◽  
Vol 73 (4) ◽  
pp. 625-626
Jeff Persels
2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (Extra-A) ◽  
pp. 157-161
Lutfullo Eshonovich Ismoilov ◽  
Ramil Tagirovich Yuzmukhametov ◽  
Markhabo Tukhtasunovna Rajabova

The article considers the topic of the Plant World in the Sufi writings of the 16th century Transoxiana, based on the material of manakibs, i. e. the so-called Lives of the Saints. The significance and relevance of the topic is due to the need to study the issues of semantic interpretation of the concept of plant and plant world in Sufi writings. Hence, the purpose of this article is to disclose the diverse meanings of the concept of the “World of Plants” contained in the 16th-century Transoxiana manakibs of such authors as Abdurakhman Jami, Abu-l Baka b. Khodzha Bakha-ud-din, Khusein Serakhsi. The main method in the study of this issue is the historical and comparative method, and the method of literary analysis, which allows you to create a holistic understanding of the symbolism of the Plant World in Sufi writings of Transoxiana of the 16th century.      

2020 ◽  
pp. 1-19
Agnė Lisauskaitė

This research investigates the semantics and the structure of the constructions with the verb eiti ‘to go’ extracted from the old Lithuanian written texts, dating back to the 16th century. It aims to examine the meanings and the structure of the constructions that contain the motion verb eiti ‘to go’ within their structure. There is a considerable body of research investigating various aspects of motion verbs in different languages of the world, including Lithuanian. However, no studies have so far targeted constructions with the verb eiti ‘to go’, found in the 16th century Lithuanian writings. The present study is based on the qualitative content analysis, quantitative analysis, and frame semantics methodology. The concordances of the Lithuanian texts have been filtered out from the Database of Old Writings digitalised by the Institute of the Lithuanian Language. The examples were taken from Martynas Mažvydas’ Katekizmas (MžK) and Forma krikštymo (MžF), Jonas Bretkūnas’ Biblija (BB), Giesmės Duchaunos (BG), Kancionalas (BKa) and Kolektos (BKo), Mikalojus Daukša’s Katekizmas (DK) and Postilė (DP).The frames of Motion, State, Law, Eternity, Service, Opposition, Law, etc., evoked by the selected constructions, were examined using the frame semantics (FrameNet Project). The research has shown that the current constructions with the motion verb eiti ‘to go’ can form the core of the mentioned frames. The observation that has emerged from this analysis is that some meanings of the analysed constructions are conserved in the current Lithuanian language while others have already disappeared. This work could be useful for historical linguists.

Knygotyra ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 74 ◽  
pp. 35-95
Sondra Rankelienė

In this article, the latest data about the personal book collection items of King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania Sigismund II Augustus in Vilnius University (VU) Library are presented. The authors that have been doing research on these books have not ascertained all of the embossed images that were used for cover decoration and have not identified the locations of where these books were bound and have not disclosed all of the provenances. In order to amend the lack of knowledge about the books of Sigismund II Augustus in VU library, the book covers of the King’s personal library were reviewed de visu and decorative ornaments were described. The ownership signs of the books were registered once again. While describing and comparing these books with the copies in various libraries of the world, the number of physical books (14) and publications in composite volumes (21) kept in VU library was assessed. The name of one book and a publisher’s imprint of two books were specified, eight provenances that were not mentioned by previous authors were registered. While describing book covers, the embossed images were given provisory names. Connections between the supralibros, dates of binding, decorative wheels, single embossed images, and other decorative elements were detected and lead to a reasonable conclusion that eight out of fourteen books from the Sigismund II Augustus collection were bound in Kraków, five were bound by bookbinders in Vilnius, while one was rebound in the 18th century. The identification of tools used by craftsmen that worked in Kraków and Vilnius will allow to ascertain the manufacturing location of similar book covers made in the middle of the 16th century.

Milanesi Milanesi

This article presents the first results of the studies on the geographical content of the heart-shaped map of the world signed Cagi Acmet (1559), which has been made possible by the complete transliteration and translation of the work. The considered area, i.e. Central Asia, is presented and compared with 16th-century cartography. The Author draws from an in-depth examination of this area, as well as from the study of all the other parts of the map, the conclusion that the heart-shaped map is the work of the cartographer Giacomo Gastaldi, active in Venice between 1545 and 1566.

Tokimasa Sekiguchi

The major works by Bruno Schulz and Witold Gombrowicz were translated into Japanese in the 1960s, mainly by Yukio Kudō. I was enchanted by those Japanese texts to such an extent that I decided to abandon French literature and switch to Polish contemporary literature. In 1974, I came to Poland on a post-graduate fellowship of the Polish government, and I began studies in literature and the Polish language at the Jagiellonian University. During that two-year stay in Krakow, my view of Polish literature changed several times. The phase well established in the Japanese translations I had known ended quickly. Then I began to “hunt” for promising Polish authors not yet present in world literature. I thus discovered the prolific, esoteric and difficult Teodor Parnicki (1908–1988). This essay is my description of my “penetrating” the world of the Polish language at that time.

PMLA ◽  
1917 ◽  
Vol 32 (4) ◽  
pp. 583-597
Horatio E. Smith

Brief narrative, at first thought, connotes the abridged fiction of low grade with which American magazines are now saturated; but as soon as the term is used to cover the whole field in modern literature, it calls to mind a genre which, under various names, has risen to a position of dignity in many places in the world and has worthily engaged the attention of literary historians, particularly in America and in Germany.The chief features in the development of the form in the United States and England have been discussed at length, and there is now a definitive record, with abundant bibliographical apparatus, of its evolution. Poe is looked upon as the pioneer, and his perpetually quoted definition (1842) has set a standard for the majority of the practitioners of the art in the English language. The form suggests, for America, such experts as Hawthorne, Bret Harte, and Henry James; in England it does not gain the attention of writers of the first magnitude until near the end of the century, in the persons of Stevenson and Kipling.

Emily Van Buskirk

This chapter undertakes a treatment of the rhetoric of personal pronouns in Ginzburg's writings on love and sexuality, drawing on Michael Lucey's study of the first person in twentieth-century French literature about love. It brings together questions of genre and narrative, on the one hand, and gender and sexuality, on the other. The chapter is divided into two sections, treating writings from two different periods on two kinds of love Ginzburg thought typical of intellectuals: in “First Love,” it discusses the unrequited and tragic love depicted in Ginzburg's teenage diaries (1920–23); in “Second Love,” it analyzes the love that is realized but in the end equally tragic, depicted in drafts related to Home and the World (1930s). The chapter examines the models the author sought in literary, psychological, and philosophical texts (Weininger, Kraft-Ebbing, Blok, Shklovsky, Oleinikov, Hemingway, and Proust).

2020 ◽  
pp. 1-20

This introduction provides a context for the volume by opening up the question of the agency of form and the work it accomplishes in a range of texts — including fiction, life-writing, poetry and thought — that explore the everyday and the real. The chapter addresses the broad trajectory and some of the key articulations and tendencies of form in the period covered by the volume and argues that form is not simply about the nature of aesthetic objects but a term that can be linked to translation and to social and ideological constructs that work to pattern and shape the ways we act and think. Indeed, in engaging with the contents of the volume, the authors of the introduction argue that form is about the potential for transformation. As such, form transforms us and also serves to transform how we see and read the world. The introduction thus provides a set of key considerations to guide the reader through the book, and also beyond it.  

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