scholarly journals Estimating perturbed stress from 3-D borehole displacements induced by fluid injection in fractured or faulted shales

2020 ◽  
Vol 221 (3) ◽  
pp. 1684-1695 ◽  
Yves Guglielmi ◽  
Christophe Nussbaum ◽  
Jonny Rutqvist ◽  
Frédéric Cappa ◽  
Pierre Jeanne ◽  

SUMMARY Hydrofracturing stress measurements in fractured and anisotropic shales are notoriously difficult, because opening of existing geological features tends to prevent the creation of a pure hydraulic fracture perpendicular to the least compressive principal stress. Here we show how adding 3-D borehole-displacement measurements while conducting the hydraulic injection test helps to better constrain the principal stress orientations and magnitudes. We developed a 3-D fully coupled hydromechanical numerical model to analyse the displacement, fluid pressure and injection flow-rate data measured during an injection pressure-step-rate test conducted to activate a faulted borehole interval in the Mont Terri Opalinus Clay (Switzerland). We find that injected fluids can only penetrate the fault when it is at or above the Coulomb failure pressure. Borehole displacement orientations are sensitive to a ∼15° variation in the stress–tensor orientation and a 1 MPa stress magnitude variation. Although some dispersion occurs while rupture is propagating along the fault plane ∼4 m away from the borehole, the maximum density of displacement orientations consistently informs about the stress orientation. Thus, an extended injection step-rate approach coupled with an accurate in situ measurement of the borehole wall displacements can be used to better constrain the local stress field perturbations in fractured shales and in heterogeneous rock in general.

2021 ◽  
Ake Fagereng ◽  
Adam Beall

<p>Current conceptual fault models define a seismogenic zone, where earthquakes nucleate, characterised by velocity-weakening fault rocks in a dominantly frictional regime. The base of the seismogenic zone is commonly inferred to coincide with a thermally controlled onset of velocity-strengthening slip or distributed viscous deformation. The top of the seismogenic zone may be determined by low-temperature diagenetic processes and the state of consolidation and alteration. Overall, the seismogenic zone is therefore described as bounded by transitions in frictional and rheological properties. These properties are relatively well-determined for monomineralic systems and simple, planar geometries; but, many exceptions, including deep earthquakes, slow slip, and shallow creep, imply processes involving compositional, structural, or environmental heterogeneities. We explore how such heterogeneities may alter the extent of the seismogenic zone.</p><p> </p><p>We consider mixed viscous-frictional deformation and suggest a simple rule of thumb to estimate the role of heterogeneities by a combination of the viscosity contrast within the fault, and the ratio between the bulk shear stress and the yield strength of the strongest fault zone component. In this model, slip behaviour can change dynamically in response to stress and strength variations with depth and time. We quantify the model numerically, and illustrate the idea with a few field-based examples: 1) earthquakes within the viscous regime, deeper than the thermally-controlled seismogenic zone, can be triggered by an increase in the ratio of shear stress to yield strength, either by increased fluid pressure or increased local stress; 2) there is commonly a depth range of transitional behaviour at the base of the seismogenic zone – the thickness of this zone increases markedly with increased viscosity contrast within the fault zone; and 3) fault zone weakening by phyllosilicate growth and foliation development increases viscosity ratio and decreases bulk shear stress, leading to efficient, stable, fault zone creep. These examples are not new interpretations or observations, but given the substantial complexity of heterogeneous fault zones, we suggest that a simplified, conceptual model based on basic strength and stress parameters is useful in describing and assessing the effect of heterogeneities on fault slip behaviour.         </p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 111 (3) ◽  
pp. 383-398 ◽  
Bruno Lauper ◽  
David Jaeggi ◽  
Gaudenz Deplazes ◽  
Anneleen Foubert

Bernhard Hostettler ◽  
Achim G. Reisdorf ◽  
David Jaeggi ◽  
Gaudenz Deplazes ◽  
Hansruedi Bläsi ◽  

2015 ◽  
Vol 52 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-17 ◽  
A.D. Le ◽  
T.S. Nguyen

Opalinus clay is a candidate host formation for the geological disposal of nuclear wastes in Switzerland. The understanding of its long-term mechanical (M) and hydraulic (H) behaviour is an essential requirement for the assessment of its performance as a barrier against radionuclide transport. To study the HM response of Opalinus clay, a microtunnel, 13 m in length and 1 m in diameter, was excavated in that formation at the Mont Terri Underground Research Facility. The rock mass was equipped with sensors to measure the deformation and pore pressure in the rock mass during and after the excavation. A mathematical model that couples the equations of flow and mechanical equilibrium was developed to simulate the HM response of the rock mass. An anisotropic plastic constitutive relationship, based on a microstructure tensor approach, was incorporated in the model. Creep was also considered, as well as the anisotropy of permeability. It is shown that the model satisfactorily predicts the shape and extent of the excavation damage zone (EDZ), deformation, and pore pressure in the rock mass. It is also shown that anisotropy and creep play an important role in the HM response of the rock mass to excavation. The model was further used to simulate water injection tests performed at the test section in the microtunnel. The results show that EDZ, due to its high permeability, is a preferential groundwater flow path along the microtunnel.

2020 ◽  
Vol 184 ◽  
pp. 106457 ◽  
Stéphane M. Al Reda ◽  
Catherine Yu ◽  
Guillaume Berthe ◽  
Jean-Michel Matray

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