Liquid Chromatographic Determination of Pesticides in Finished Drinking Waters: Collaborative Study

1992 ◽  
Vol 75 (5) ◽  
pp. 858-871 ◽  
Kenneth W Edgell ◽  
Elizabeth J Erb ◽  
James E Longbottom ◽  
Vlorica Lopez-Avila

Abstract A joint U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)/AOAC International collaborative study was conducted on EPA National Pesticide Survey Method 4, Determination of Pesticides in Finished Drinking Water by High Performance Liquid Chromatography with an Ultraviolet Detector, to determine mean recovery and precision for analyses of 18 pesticides and metabolites in reagent water and finished drinking waters. The study design was based on Youden's nonreplicate plan for collaborative studies of analytical methods. The waters were spiked with 18 pesticides and metabolites at 6 concentration levels, prepared as 3 Youden pairs. Ten volunteer laboratories extracted the spiked test waters with methylene chloride, performed a solvent exchange with methanol, and analyzed an aliquot of each extract by liquid chromatography using an ultraviolet detector at 254 nm. Results were analyzed using an EPA computer program that calculated recovery and precision for each of the 18 compounds and compared method performance between water types. The method was judged useable for all analytes tested. Recoveries were good for 16 of the analytes. The method exhibited poor recovery but acceptable between-laboratory precision for metribuzin DADK and metribuzin DK. The method performance statistics for carbofuran phenol and linuron were calculated to be significantly different for reagent water and finished drinking water. Similar statistical differences were observedfor metribuzin DADK, but these effects were not considered of practical significance due to the poor recovery (<25%) in both waters. In reagent water, the overall relative standard deviation (RSDR) range was 7.8-24.1% for all 18 compounds and 5.5-38.6% in finished drinking water. The single- analyst relative standard deviations (RSDr) range was 5.7-17.6% in reagent water and 4.0- 18.7% in finished drinking water. The method has been adopted first action by AOAC International.

2003 ◽  
Vol 86 (4) ◽  
pp. 685-693 ◽  
Guo-Fang Pang ◽  
Yan-Zhong Cao ◽  
Chun-Lin Fan ◽  
Jin-Jie Zhang ◽  
Xue-Min Li ◽  

Abstract Eighteen laboratories participated in a collaborative study on the determination of clopidol residues in chicken muscle tissues by liquid chromatography. Of these, results from 16 laboratories which rigorously followed the method were subjected to statistical analysis. The method performance was assessed by all participants using 14 samples of chicken muscle fortified at concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 5.0 mg/kg. In addition, 9 participants each reported results for 6 clopidol-incurred samples in chicken muscle. Test portions were extracted with acetonitrile, and the extracts were purified with alumina and anion exchange resin solid-phase extraction cartridges in sequence. Clopidol was separated by reversed-phase liquid chromatography and quantified at 270 nm. Average recoveries ranged from 81.8 to 85.4%, reproducibility relative standard deviation (RSDR) ranged from 11.9 to 22.6%, and repeatability relative standard deviation (RSDr) ranged from 9.9 to 15.1%. For clopidol-incurred samples at concentrations of 0.100–0.687 mg/kg, the mean determination value range was 0.099–0.659 mg/kg; RSDR was 12.6–19.8%, RSDr was 3.1–8.5%; and HORRAT values were 0.7–1.1. The accuracy and precision of the method are in conformity with the requirements specified by AOAC INTERNATIONAL. The method was adopted Official First Action in April 2003.

1998 ◽  
Vol 81 (4) ◽  
pp. 763-774 ◽  
Joanna M Lynch ◽  
David M Barbano ◽  
J Richard Fleming

Abstract The classic method for determination of milk casein is based on precipitation of casein at pH 4.6. Precipitated milk casein is removed by filtration and the nitrogen content of either the precipitate (direct casein method) or filtrate (noncasein nitrogen; NCN) is determined by Kjeldahl analysis. For the indirect casein method, milk total nitrogen (TN; Method 991.20) is also determined and casein is calculated as TN minus NCN. Ten laboratories tested 9 pairs of blind duplicate raw milk materials with a casein range of 2.42- 3.05℅ by both the direct and indirect casein methods. Statistical performance expressed in protein equivalents (nitrogen ⨯ 6.38) with invalid and outlier data removed was as follows: NCN method (wt%), mean = 0.762, sr = 0.010, SR = 0.016, repeatability relative standard deviation (RSDr) = 1.287℅, reproducibility relative standard deviation (RSDR) = 2.146%; indirect casein method (wt℅), mean = 2.585, repeatability = 0.015, reproducibility = 0.022, RSDr = 0.560℅, RSDR = 0.841; direct casein method (wt℅), mean = 2.575, sr = 0.015, sR = 0.025, RSDr = 0.597℅, RSDR = 0.988℅. Method performance was acceptable and comparable to similar Kjeldahl methods for determining nitrogen content of milk (Methods 991.20, 991.21,991.22, 991.23). The direct casein, indirect casein, and noncasein nitrogen methods have been adopted by AOAC INTERNATIONAL.

2003 ◽  
Vol 86 (2) ◽  
pp. 400-406 ◽  
Anders Staffas ◽  
Arne Nyman ◽  
K Ask ◽  
E Hermansson ◽  
J S Jacobsen ◽  

Abstract Results are presented from an NMKL (Nordic Committee on Food Analysis) collaborative study of a method for the determination of cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) in foods. The method is based on the addition of an internal standard (vitamin D2), followed by saponification and extraction with n-heptane. The fraction that contains vitamin D2/D3 is separated by preparative normal-phase liquid chromatography (LC), and the analytes are determined by reversed-phase LC with UV detection at 265 nm. The method was tested by 8 participating laboratories. In this study 6 different matrixes were analyzed for cholecalciferol content: milk, liquid infant formula (gruel), cooking oil, margarine, infant formula, and fish oil. The contents varied from 0.4 to 12 μg/100 g. Three matrixes (milk, gruel, and margarine) were fortified with vitamin D3. In the other matrixes, vitamin D3 was added at 3 different levels at the Swedish National Food Administration. The milk was analyzed as a blind duplicate, whereas the other matrixes were analyzed as split-level pairs. The recoveries from the samples with vitamin D3 added varied from 93 to 102%. The repeatability relative standard deviation (RSDr) values for accepted results varied between 2.2% (fish oil) and 7.4% (cooking oil), whereas the reproducibility relative standard deviation (RSDR) values varied between 6.8% (margarine) and 24% (cooking oil).

2000 ◽  
Vol 83 (4) ◽  
pp. 784-788 ◽  
Kieran McCarthy ◽  
Claudia Hischenhuber ◽  
Neil Joyce ◽  
G Cherix ◽  
C Hischenhuber ◽  

Abstract A liquid chromatographic (LC) method for the determination of total taurine in pet foods was evaluated in a collaborative study. Ten laboratories assayed 6 blind duplicate pairs of wet and dry pet foods. The taurine in the 6 sample pairs ranged from low (170 mg/kg) to high (2250 mg/kg) concentrations as is. Collaborators also assayed a sample of known taurine concentration for familiarization purposes. Samples were hydrolyzed to release bound taurine, which was subsequently converted to the dansyl derivative and quantitated by gradient-elution LC with fluorescence detection. Repeatability relative standard deviations, RSDr, ranged from 3.2 to 10.0%; reproducibility relative standard deviations, RSDR, ranged from 6.1 to 16.1%. The method has been adopted Official First Action status by AOAC INTERNATIONAL.

1994 ◽  
Vol 77 (3) ◽  
pp. 672-674 ◽  
Paul R Beuaars ◽  
Remmelt Van Dijk ◽  
Arie Brands

Abstract A collaborative study of the determination of p-tolu-enesulfonamide (p-TSA) in ice cream by a combination of continuous flow and on-line liquid chromatography was conducted. Seven ice cream samples containing 0-6.35 mg p-TSA/kg at 4 levels (1 blank and 3 pairs of split level samples) were analyzed by 11 laboratories. For all samples analyzed, the repeatability relative standard deviation varied from 2.08 to 3.67%, whereas the reproducibility relative standard deviation ranged from 7.79 to 11.68%. The average p-TSA values for the split levels 1,2, and 3 were 0.55,1.02, and 4.44 mg p-TSA/kg, respectively, with mean recoveries ranging from 76 to 79% (overall recovery range for all levels, 63-101 %). No false positive results were reported for the blank sample, and no interference was encountered by the presence of vanillin in samples. The method has been adopted first action by AOAC INTERNATIONAL.

1994 ◽  
Vol 77 (6) ◽  
pp. 1512-1521 ◽  
Mary W Trucksess ◽  
Michael E Stack ◽  
Stanley Nesheim ◽  
Richard H Albert ◽  
Thomas R Romer

Abstract An AOAC/IUPAC collaborative study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of a multifunctional column for the determination of aflatoxins. The test portion is extracted with acetonitrile–water (9 + 1), the extract is filtered, and the filtrate is passed through the column. The aflatoxins in the eluate are determined by reversed-phase liquid chromatography after derivatization with trifluoroacetic acid. Naturally contaminated corn, almonds, Brazil nuts, peanuts, and pistachio nuts spiked with total aflatoxins at 5,10,20, and 30 ng/g were sent to 12 collaborators in the United States, Denmark, France, Japan, and Switzerland. Eleven collaborators completed the study. Average recoveries of total aflatoxins for each spike level for the various commodities (excluding Brazil nuts at 5 ng/g) were 93,97,95, and 95%, respectively; the repeatability relative standard deviation (RSDr) ranged from 6.0 to 23.2% and the reproducibility relative standard deviation (RSDR) ranged from 12.0 to 69.4%. The multifunctional column coupled with a liquid chromatographic method for determination of aflatoxins in corn, almonds, Brazil nuts, peanuts, and pistachio nuts has been adopted first action by AOAC INTERNATIONAL.

2000 ◽  
Vol 83 (6) ◽  
pp. 1423-1428 ◽  
Kaare Julshamn ◽  
Arngriimur Thorlacius ◽  
Per Lea ◽  
Kjetil Barland ◽  
Kari Eidem ◽  

Abstract Eight laboratories participated in an interlaboratory method performance (collaborative) study of a method for the determination of arsenic in foodstuffs of marine origin by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry after wet digestion using a microwave oven technique. The study was preceded by a practice round of familiarization samples. The method was tested on 8 materials (cod roe, krill, blue mussel, saithe, scampi, cod fillet, shrimp, and cod extract) ranging in As content from 2 to 75 mg/kg. The materials were sent to participants in the study as blind duplicates, and the participants were asked to perform single determinations on each sample. Repeatability relative standard deviations (RSDr) for As ranged from 6.8 to 17.4%. Reproducibility relative standard deviations (RSDR) ranged from 7.6 to 24%. The highest RSDR value was found for the sample with the highest concentration of As.

2000 ◽  
Vol 83 (5) ◽  
pp. 1155-1166 ◽  
Wilbur Widmer ◽  
A Brause ◽  
E Coppola ◽  
K Daniels ◽  
R Feicht ◽  

Abstract Fifteen collaborating laboratories were sent 9 samples of citrus juice mixtures as blind duplicates for determination of naringin and neohesperidin by liquid chromatography. Two sample pairs were 100% orange juice and did not contain any naringin or neohesperidin. The remaining 7 sample pairs contained naringin at levels ranging from 3.9 to 46.5 ppm and neohesperidin at levels ranging from 0.14 to 35.6 ppm. Five sample pairs consisted of orange juice mixtures containing 1, 3, and 5% grapefruit juice; 5% sour orange; and 5% K-Early citrus variety. Two sample pairs were orange juice spiked with naringin, neohesperidin, sodium benzoate, and potassium sorbate. Data were received from 13 laboratories. Data from 1 collaborator were eliminated because the method protocol was not followed. Neohesperidin values from another laboratory were also not used because of problems with a coeluting component. Repeatability relative standard deviations ranged from 2.95 to 15.23% for naringin and from 3.00 to 11.74% for neohesperidin. Reproducibility relative standard deviations ranged from 11.34 to 31.94% for naringin and from 10.45 to 26.17% for neohesperidin. The method is reliable for detecting the presence of grapefruit juice in orange juice as indicated by a finding of ≥10 ppm naringin and ≤2 ppm neohesperidin. The method was adopted First Action by AOAC INTERNATIONAL.

2012 ◽  
Vol 95 (2) ◽  
pp. 322-328
Jonathan W DeVries ◽  
Karlene R Silvera ◽  
Elliot McSherry ◽  
Dawn Dowell

Abstract During the “Standards Development and International Harmonization: AOAC INTERNATIONAL Mid- Year Meeting,” held on June 29, 2011, an Expert Review Panel (ERP) reviewed the method for the “Determination of Vitamins A (Retinol) and E (alpha-Tocopherol) in Foods by Liquid Chromatography: Collaborative Study,” published by Jonathan W. DeVries and Karlene R. Silvera in J. AOAC Int. in 2002. After evaluation of the original validation data, an ERP agreed in June 2011 that the method meets standard method performance requirements (SMPRs) for vitamin A, as articulated by the Stakeholder Panel on Infant Formula and Adult Nutritionals. The ERP granted the method First Action status, applicable to determining vitamin A in ready-to-eat infant and adult nutritional formula. In an effort to achieve Final Action status, it was recommended that additional information be generated for different types of infant and adult nutritional formula matrixes at varied concentration levels as indicated in the vitamin A (retinol) SMPR. Existing AOAC LC methods are suited for specific vitamin A analytical applications. The original method differs from existing methods in that it can be used to assay samples in all nine sectors of the food matrix. One sector of the food matrix was powdered infant formula and gave support for the First Action approval for vitamin A in infant and adult nutritional formula. In this method, standards and test samples are saponified in basic ethanol–water solution, neutralized, and diluted, converting fats to fatty acids and retinol esters to retinol. Retinol is quantitated by an LC method, using UV detection at 313 or 328 nm for retinol. Vitamin concentration is calculated by comparison of the peak heights or peak areas of retinol in test samples with those of standards.

2001 ◽  
Vol 84 (4) ◽  
pp. 1116-1124 ◽  
Joerg Stroka ◽  
Elke Anklam ◽  
Urban Joerissen ◽  
John Gilbert ◽  
A Barmark ◽  

Abstract A collaborative study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of an immunoaffinity column cleanup liquid chromatography (LC) method for determination of aflatoxin B1 in a milk powder based infant formula at a possible future European regulatory limit (0.1 ng/g). The test portion was extracted with methanol–water (8 + 2 [v + v]), filtered, diluted with water, and applied to an immunoaffinity column. The column was washed with water to remove interfering compounds, and the purified aflatoxin B1 was eluted with methanol. The separation and determination of the aflatoxin B1 was performed by reversed-phase LC and detected by fluorescence after postcolumn derivatization (PCD) involving bromination. PCD was achieved with either pyridinum hydrobromide perbromide (PBPB) or an electrochemical (Kobra) cell by addition of bromide to the mobile phase. The baby food (infant formula) test samples, both spiked and naturally contaminated with aflatoxin B1, were sent to 14 laboratories in 13 different European countries. Test portions were spiked at levels of 0.1 and 0.2 ng/g for aflatoxin B1. Recoveries ranged from 101 to 92%. Based on results for spiked test samples (blind pairs at 2 levels) and naturally contaminated test samples (blind pairs at 3 levels), the relative standard deviation for repeatability (RSDr) ranged from 3.5 to 14%. The relative standard deviation for reproducibility (RSDR) ranged from 9 to 23%. Nine participants used PBPB derivatization, and 5 particpants used the Kobra cell. There was no evidence of method performance depending on the derivatization method used. The method showed acceptable within- and between-laboratory precision for baby food matrix, as evidenced by HORRAT values, at the target levels of determination for aflatoxin B1.

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