scholarly journals Predicting Metabolizable Energy from Digestible Energy for Growing and Finishing Beef Cattle and Relationships to Prediction of Methane

K E Hales ◽  
C A Coppin ◽  
Z K Smith ◽  
Z S McDaniel ◽  
L O Tedeschi ◽  

Abstract Reliable predictions of metabolizable energy (ME) from digestible energy (DE) are necessary to prescribe nutrient requirements of beef cattle accurately. A previously developed database that included 87 treatment means from 23 respiration calorimetry studies has been updated to evaluate the efficiency of converting DE to ME by adding 47 treatment means from 11 additional studies. Diets were fed to growing-finishing cattle under individual feeding conditions. A citation-adjusted linear regression equation was developed where dietary ME concentration (Mcal/kg of dry matter [DM]) was the dependent variable and dietary DE concentration (Mcal/kg) was the independent variable: ME = 1.0001 × DE – 0.3926; r 2 = 0.99, root mean square prediction error [RMSPE] = 0.04, P < 0.01 for the intercept and slope). The slope did not differ from unity (95% CI = 0.936 to 1.065); therefore, the intercept (95% CI = -0.567 to -0.218) defines the value of ME predicted from DE. For practical use, we recommend ME = DE – 0.39. Based on the relationship between DE and ME, we calculated the citation-adjusted loss of methane, which yielded a value of 0.2433 Mcal/kg of DMI (SE = 0.0134). This value was also adjusted for the effects of dry matter intake (DMI) above maintenance, yielding a citation-adjusted relationship: CH4, Mcal/kg = 0.3344 – 0.05639 × multiple of maintenance; r 2 = 0.536, RMSPE = 0.0245, P < 0.01 for the intercept and slope). Both the 0.2433 value and the result of the intake-adjusted equation can be multiplied by DMI to yield an estimate of methane production. These two approaches were evaluated using a second, independent database comprising 129 data points from 29 published studies. Four equations in the literature that used DMI or intake energy to predict methane production also were evaluated with the second database. The mean bias was substantially greater for the two new equations, but slope bias was substantially less than noted for the other DMI-based equations. Our results suggest that ME for growing and finishing cattle can be predicted from DE across a wide range of diets, cattle types, and intake levels by simply subtracting a constant from DE. Mean bias associated with our two new methane emission equations suggests that further research is needed to determine whether coefficients to predict methane from DMI could be developed for specific diet types, levels of DMI relative to body weight, or other variables that affect the emission of methane.

Animals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (6) ◽  
pp. 1696
Ridha Ibidhi ◽  
Rajaraman Bharanidharan ◽  
Jong-Geun Kim ◽  
Woo-Hyeong Hong ◽  
In-Sik Nam ◽  

This study was performed to update and generate prediction equations for converting digestible energy (DE) to metabolizable energy (ME) for Korean Hanwoo beef cattle, taking into consideration the gender (male and female) and body weights (BW above and below 350 kg) of the animals. The data consisted of 141 measurements from respiratory chambers with a wide range of diets and energy intake levels. A simple linear regression of the overall unadjusted data suggested a strong relationship between the DE and ME (Mcal/kg DM): ME = 0.8722 × DE + 0.0016 (coefficient of determination (R2) = 0.946, root mean square error (RMSE) = 0.107, p < 0.001 for intercept and slope). Mixed-model regression analyses to adjust for the effects of the experiment from which the data were obtained similarly showed a strong linear relationship between the DE and ME (Mcal/kg of DM): ME = 0.9215 × DE − 0.1434 (R2 = 0.999, RMSE = 0.004, p < 0.001 for the intercept and slope). The DE was strongly related to the ME for both genders: ME = 0.8621 × DE + 0.0808 (R2 = 0.9600, RMSE = 0.083, p < 0.001 for the intercept and slope) and ME = 0.7785 × DE + 0.1546 (R2 = 0.971, RMSE = 0.070, p < 0.001 for the intercept and slope) for male and female Hanwoo cattle, respectively. By BW, the simple linear regression similarly showed a strong relationship between the DE and ME for Hanwoo above and below 350 kg BW: ME = 0.9833 × DE − 0.2760 (R2 = 0.991, RMSE = 0.055, p < 0.001 for the intercept and slope) and ME = 0.72975 × DE + 0.38744 (R2 = 0.913, RMSE = 0.100, p < 0.001 for the intercept and slope), respectively. A multiple regression using the DE and dietary factors as independent variables did not improve the accuracy of the ME prediction (ME = 1.149 × DE − 0.045 × crude protein + 0.011 × neutral detergent fibre − 0.027 × acid detergent fibre + 0.683).

2021 ◽  
Vol 99 (Supplement_3) ◽  
pp. 152-153
Seongwon Seo ◽  
Kyewon Kang ◽  
Seoyoung Jeon ◽  
Luis O Tedeschi

Abstract We aimed to assess whether predicting the metabolizable energy (ME) to digestible energy (DE) ratio (MDR), rather than a prediction of ME with DE, is feasible and to develop a model equation to predict MDR in beef cattle. For this, we constructed a literature database based on published data. A meta-analysis was conducted with 306 means from 69 studies containing both dietary DE and ME concentrations measured by calorimetry to test whether the exclusion of the y-intercept is adequate in the linear relationship between DE and ME. A random coefficient model with study as the random variable was used to develop equations to predict MDR in growing and finishing beef cattle. The developed equations were evaluated with other published equations. The no-intercept linear equation represented the relationship between DE and ME more appropriately than the equation with a y-intercept. Within our growing and finishing cattle data, the animal’s physiological stage was not a significant variable affecting MDR after accounting for the study effect (P = 0.213). The mean (± SE) of MDR was 0.849 (± 0.0063). Two linear equations with the dry matter intake and content of several dietary nutrients were developed to predict MDR. When using these equations, the observed ME was predicted with high precision (R2 = 0.92). The model accuracy was also high, as shown by the high concordance correlation coefficient (&gt; 0.95) and small root mean square error of prediction (RMSEP), less than 5% of the observed mean. Moreover, a significant portion of the RMSEP was due to random bias (&gt; 93%), without mean or slope bias (P &gt; 0.05). We concluded that dietary ME in beef cattle could be accurately estimated from dietary DE and its conversion factor, MDR, using the two equations developed in this study.

1972 ◽  
Vol 79 (1) ◽  
pp. 99-103 ◽  
A. M. Raven

SUMMARYA 6 x 6 Latin Square balance experiment was carried out using six Friesian steers, each of which initially weighed about 304 kg. The six treatments studied were an all-hay diet and five other diets containing 20,40,60,80 and 100 % of rolled barley fortified with mineral and vitamin supplements, accompanied by correspondingly reduced proportions of hay. Each diet was fed at an estimated maintenance level of feeding.The progressive increase in the proportion of concentrate gave a significantly linear increase (P < 0·001) in both digestible and calculated metabolizable energy. The actual increase in digestible energy was from 2·62Mcal/kg dry matter (59·3% of the gross energy) on the all-hay treatment to 3·42 Mcal/kg dry matter (79·5% of the gross energy) on the all-concentrate treatment. Use of the determined digestible energy values for the all-hay and fortified barley diets to calculate the digestible energy of the four mixed diets gave results in reasonably good agreement with the determined values, the maximum difference being 0·12 Mcal/kg dry matter, which represented 3·83 % of the determined value. The losses of energy in the urine expressed as percentages of the gross energy of the diets showed a small but significantly linear decrease (P < 0·01) with increase in proportion of barley in the diet. The molar proportions of steamvolatile acids in samples of rumen fluid taken from two animals on each treatment indicated that increase in the proportion of concentrate was associated with tendencies for increase in acetic acid, decrease in propionic acid and little change in butyric acid. The mean digestibility of the organic matter was 62·6 % on the all-hay treatment and 81·8 % on the all concentrate treatment. The progressive increase in the proportion of concentrate gave a significantly linear increase (P < 0·001) in digestibility of the organic matter. Although intakes of nitrogen decreased with increase in the proportion of concentrate due to a decrease in the amount of dry matter fed, the weights of nitrogen retained were well maintained and when expressed as percentages of intake showed a significantly linear increase (P < 0·01).

1993 ◽  
Vol 56 (1) ◽  
pp. 61-67 ◽  
R. W. J. Steen

AbstractTwo randomized-block experiments were carried out to examine the relative value of wheat and barley as supplements to grass silage for finishing beef cattle. In each experiment unwilted, formic acid-treated silage was offered ad libitum and supplemented with 500 g soya-bean meal and 50 g minerals and vitamins to 44 12-month-old bulls for 157 and 172 days in experiments 1 and 2 respectively. Twelve of the animals also received 2·5 kg rolled spring barley (LB), 12 received 4·0 kg barley (HB) and 20 received 3·25 kg rolled wheat (W). For experiments 1 and 2 respectively the barley contained 796 and 787 g dry matter (DM) per kg; 118 and 105 g crude protein (CP) per kg DM; 47 and 57 g crude fibre per kg DM; the wheat contained 845 and 800 g DM per kg; 112 and 116 g CP per kg DM; 23 and 25 g crude fibre per kg DM; and the silages contained 190 and 177 g DM per kg; 153 and 176 g CP per kg DM; 80 and 104 g ammonia-nitrogen per kg total nitrogen. On average over the two experiments, for treatments LB, HB and W respectively, silage DM intakes were 5·4, 4·7 (s.e. 0·14) and 4·9 (s.e. 0·11) kg/day; total DM intakes 7·9, 8·3 (s.e. 0·14) and 8·1 (s.e. 0·11) kg/day; metabolizable energy intakes 91·4, 97·8 and 94·2 MJ/day; live-weight gains 1·04,1·19 (s.e. 0·029) and 1·10 (s.e. 0·023) kg/day and carcass gams 0·65, 0·77 (s.e. 0·017) and 0·70 (s.e. 0·013) kg/day. It is concluded that the feeding value of wheat was proportionately 0·98 of that of barley for finishing beef cattle when given as a supplement to grass silage, and that the type of cereal offered did not affect silage intake or carcass composition.

1969 ◽  
Vol 29 (6) ◽  
pp. 967-971 ◽  
S. A. Adeyanju ◽  
M. A. Fowler ◽  
Wise Burroughs

2015 ◽  
Vol 44 (5) ◽  
pp. 8-11
MC Mokolobate ◽  
A Theunissen ◽  
MM Scholtz ◽  
FWC Neser

Beef cattle are unique, because they not only suffer from climate change, but they also contribute to climate change through the emission of greenhouse gases (GHG). Mitigation and adaptation strategies are therefore needed. An effective way to reduce the carbon footprint from beef cattle would be to reduce the numbers and increase the production per animal, thereby improving their productivity. Sustainable crossbreeding systems can be an effective way to reduce GHG, as it has been shown to increase production. There are a wide range of different cattle breeds in South Africa which can be optimally utilized for effective and sustainable crossbreeding. This paper reports on the effects of crossbreeding on the kilogram calf weaned per Large Stock Unit (kgC/LSU) for 29 genotypes. These genotypes were formed by crossing Afrikaner (A) cows with Brahman (B), Charolais (C), Hereford (H) and Simmentaler (S) bulls and by back-crossing the F1 cows to the sire lines. A LSU is the equivalent of an ox of 450 kg with a daily weight gain of 500 g on grass pastures with a mean digestible energy (DE) content of 55% and a requirement of 75 MJ metabolizable energy (ME). Crossbreeding with A as dam line increased the kgC/LSU on average by 8 kg (+6%) - with the CA cross producing the most kgC/LSU (+8%) above that of the AA. The BA dam in crosses with C, H and S, increased kgC/LSU on average by 26 kg (+18%) above that of the AA dam, with the H x BA cross, producing the most kgC/LSU (+21%). The BA, CA, HA and SA F1 dam lines, back-crossed to the sire line breeds, increased kgC/LSU on average by 30 kg (21%), 21 kg (15%), 19kg (13%) and 26 kg (18%) above the that of the AA, respectively. The big differences between breeds in kgC/LSU provide the opportunity to facilitate effective crossbreeding that can be useful in the era of climate change. From this study it is clear that cow productivity can be increased by up to 21% through properly designed, sustainable crossbreeding systems, thereby reducing the carbon footprint of beef production.Keywords: Carbon footprint, cow productivity, kilogram calf, production systems

2003 ◽  
Vol 83 (4) ◽  
pp. 787-792
E. K. Okine ◽  
D. H. McCartney ◽  
J. B. Basarab

The accuracy of predicted CowBytes® versus actual dry matter intake (DMI) and average daily gain (ADG) of 407 Hereford × Angus and Charolais × Maine Anjou (445.6 ± 36 kg) feeder cattle using digestable enery acid detergent fiber (DE) estimated from the (ADF) content [Laboratory analysis method (LAB)] and from values determined in vivo (INVIVO method) was examined. The diet consisted of a 73.3% concentrate diet, 22.0% barley silage, 1.6% molasses, and 3.1% feedlot supplement fed ad libitum (as-fed basis). The calculated DE values of the feed were used to predict the metabolizable energy (ME), net energy of maintenance (NEm), and net energy of gain (NEg) of the diet. These energy values were then used in CowBytes® to predict dry matter intake (DMI), ADG, and days on feed (DOF) necessary to meet targeted quality grade of AA and weights of 522 and 568 kg for the heifers and steers, respectively. There was no effect of gender and prediction method interaction (P > 0.10) on any of the variables measured. There were no (P > 0.05) differences in predicted DMI by either the INVIVO or LAB method but both methods underestimated DMI actually consumed by the cattle by 6.8 and 4.9% (P = 0.007), respectively. Indeed, regression values from these predictive methods and actual DMI were (P < 0.05) different from the one-to-one relationship expected by definition. In spite of the higher actual DMI, the actual ADG of the cattle was 14 and 11% (P = 0.0004) lower than was predicted by either the INVIVO or LAB methods. A possible reason for the lower ADG could be an overestimation of DE of the diet. Thus, if available, users of CowBytes® should use actual DMI from their experience in ration formulation. In addition, the effects of environmental temperature on digestibility of diets should be taken into consideration when using the DE of the diet as determined from in vivo digestibility trials or calculated from chemical analyses in determining the DMI of feedlot cattle. Key words: Beef cattle, performance, CowBytes®, National Research Council

1995 ◽  
Vol 61 (1) ◽  
pp. 149-154 ◽  
J. Powles ◽  
J. Wiseman ◽  
D. J. A. Cole ◽  
S. Jagger

AbstractData from experimental programmes designed to investigate the effect of chemical structure of fats upon their apparent digestible energy (DE) value for pigs were subjected to regression analysis. For growing pigs, over the approximate live-weight range 30 to 90 kg, 25 data points were available, with fats evaluated having a range in the ratio of unsaturated to saturated fatty acids (U/S) from 0·66 to 15·67 and in free fatty acid (FFA) content from 8 to 818 g/kg. Sixteen data points were available for young pigs of approximately 12 kg live weight with a range in U/S from 0·62 to 5·71 and in FFA content from 54 to 756 g/kg. The wide range of values for U/S and FFA content had been obtained by blending different fats and, therefore, represented both the range and extremes likely to be found in the formulation of pig diets. Derivation of prediction equations for DE were based upon a series of non-linear regression analyses employing, in sequence, U/S, U/S + FFA content and U/S × FFA content. The DE offats could be predicted from U/S and FFA content with equations accounting for 0·802 and 0·768 of the variation in DE values for growing and young pigs respectively. The most appropriate equation for pigs of all live weights employed U/S and FFA content additively (U/S + FFA content). The equation for growing pigs was DE (MJ/kg) = 36·898 – (0·0046FFA (g/kg)) — 7·33e(–0·906U/S) and for young pigs was DE (MJ/kg) = 37·890 — (0·0051FFA (g/kg)) –8·20e(–0·515U/S). Comparisons revealed that differences between the two age groups, with lower values achieved with younger pigs, -were more pronounced the lower U/S and the higher FFA content of the fat.

1961 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 24 ◽  
RJ Moir

The digestible energy content (y, in Calories per gram) of a wide range of foodstuffs for ruminants may be accurately estimated from the dry matter digestibility (x per cent) by the regression y = 0.0467 x - 0.158 (r = 0.998). It follows that dry matter digestibility itself is a simple and accurate description of the digestible energv content of foodstuffs for ruminants.

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