2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (Supplement_6) ◽  
pp. vi219-vi219
Vidyha Ravi ◽  
Kevin Joseph ◽  
Jürgen Beck ◽  
Oliver Schnell ◽  
Ulrich Hofmann ◽  

Abstract OBJECTIVE Glioblastoma (GBM) is among the most common of malignant brain tumours, with a median post-surgical survival of less than one year. Over the past several decades, therapies that appeared promising in mice models have failed during clinical trials due to the differences encountered during translation of research from model organisms to humans. To partially mitigate these difficulties in translation, we present a human cortical organotypic culture based GBM model, which allows us to manipulate individual components of the tumour environment in order to investigate the influence of different cell types in the immunosuppressive tumour microenvironment. METHODS Human neocortical tissue (at least 2 cm away from the tumour core) or entry cortex from epilepsy surgery guided by intraoperative neuro navigation, was cultured for up to 14 days post resection using an optimized medium. The cultured tissue was further injected with patient derived human GBM cells to create an ex vivo human model of glioblastoma model. The role of astrocytes in the tumour microenvironment was studied using microglia loss of function model. RESULTS Our established human neo-cortical slice model can recapitulate an in-vivo characteristics of glioblastoma from functional and imaging aspect. Our data corroborate differences between astrocytes in human and murine models in different reactive states, shows that the glioblastoma microenvironment can be difficult to be accurately modelled using murine models. Results from our human microglia depletion model, provided ample evidence that complex interaction of astrocytes and microglia cells, promotes an immunosuppressive environment in Glioblastoma by releasing high concentration of IL10 and TGFbeta (p< 0.001). CONCLUSION Our model therefore has potential applications to the fields of neuroscience, neuro-oncology, and pharmacotherapy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (Supplement_6) ◽  
pp. vi98-vi98
Brandyn Castro ◽  
Mark Dapash ◽  
David Hou ◽  
Aida Rashidi ◽  
Deepak Kanojia ◽  

Abstract Glioblastomas (GBM) are characterized by a strong immunosuppressive environment, contributing to their poor prognosis and limited therapeutic response to immunotherapies. B-cells represent a unique opportunity to promote immunotherapy due to their potential to kill tumors by both cellular and humoral immunity. To generate our B-cell-based vaccine (BVax) platform, we activated 41BBL+ B cells from tumor bearing mice or GBM patient blood with BAFF, CD40, and IFNg. We have previously demonstrated that BVax potentiates radiation therapy, temozolomide and checkpoint blockade in murine models of GBM via enhancement of CD8+ T-cell based immunity. The aim of this current study is to evaluate the humoral effector functions of BVax. We examined the antibody (Ab) repertoire in vivo from serum of tumor-bearing B-cell knockout mice treated with BVax or by ex vivo stimulation of patient-derived BVax. Upon systemic administration, BVax infiltrates the tumor where it differentiates into plasmablasts. Murine BVax- and BNaive-derived serum immunoglobulin generated in vivo showed that the majority of murine BVax-derived Ab were IgG isotype, while BNaive mainly produced IgM isotype. Transfer of IgG from BVax treated mice directly into tumors of recipient animals significantly prolonged their survival, demonstrating anti-tumor cytotoxicity directly through humoral immunity. Patient-derived BVax activated ex vivo showed a plasmablast phenotype and the Ab repertoire supports the previous findings seen in our murine model. Our work suggests BVax-derived IgGs role in antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity and improved survival in murine models. This function, in addition to its role in cellular immunity against GBM, renders BVax a potentially effective alternative immunotherapeutic option for GBM patients.

Blood ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 126 (23) ◽  
pp. 1176-1176
Xin Gao ◽  
Tongyu Wu ◽  
Jamie Lahvic ◽  
Kirby D. Johnson ◽  
Erik A. Ranheim ◽  

Abstract The generation of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) via endothelial-to-hematopoietic transition within the aorta-gonad-mesonephros (AGM) region of the mammalian embryo is crucial for development of the adult hematopoietic system. Many questions remain unanswered regarding the molecular program in hemogenic endothelium that promotes the budding of hematopoietic cell clusters containing HSCs. We demonstrated that a deletion of a Gata2 cis-element reduced GATA-2 levels in the AGM and abrogated the capacity of hemogenic endothelium to generate HSCs. Consistent with the defective HSC generator, the mutant fetal livers were deficient in hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs). Using an ex vivo intact AGM culture system, we demonstrated that retrovirus-mediated GATA-2 expression in the +9.5-/- AGM rescues its hematopoietic defect. Thus, the reduced GATA-2 levels in the +9.5-/- AGM cause the HSC generation defect, and this rescue assay provides a unique system to decipher the downstream genetic network. To discover novel druggable regulators in the GATA-2 pathway to promote HSC generation, we profiled the expression pattern of all G-protein-coupled-receptors, which represent the most successful class of pharmaceutical targets, in the AGM using our RNA-seq dataset (+9.5+/+ vs. +9.5-/- AGM). This global GPCR analysis revealed four GATA-1 and GATA-2 co-regulated genes, Adora3, Gpr65, Ltb4r1, and Adora2b. Database mining revealed that only the Gpr65 expression pattern resembled that of Gata2. To evaluate GPR65 functions during HSC generation, we conducted an shRNA-based loss-of-function analysis in the AGM. While downregulating Gpr65 did not alter the abundance of the CD31+ c-Kit+ hematopoietic cell population, it significantly increased the CD31+ c-Kit+ Sca1+ HSC-containing cell population (1.4 fold, p<0.05), indicating that GPR65 suppresses HSC generation. To validate the involvement of GPR65 during the HSC generation process in vivo, we conducted a morpholino oligonucleotide (MO)-based loss-of-function study in zebrafish. In situ hybridization analysis revealed high Runx1/c-Myb expression (labeling definitive HSCs and progenitors) in 48% of embryos injected with Gpr65 MOs compared with 11% of wild type embryos. Consistent with the ex vivo AGM analysis, this increase in Runx1/c-Myb expression upon Gpr65 MO treatment suggests GPR65 is a negative regulator of HSC emergence in vivo. To dissect the molecular mechanism governing GPR65-suppressed HSC generation, we tested whether lowering Gpr65 levels altered the expression of key HSC regulators. Quantitative RT-PCR analysis revealed that downregulating Gpr65 by 60-70% in AGM CD31+ c-Kit- endothelialcells increased Gata2 mRNA by 2.9 fold (p<0.05), Gata2 primary transcripts by 3.9 fold (p<0.05), and elevated expression of the GATA-2 target gene Runx1 (2.9 fold, p<0.05). These results support a mechanism whereby GPR65-mediated Gata2 repression is an important determinant of GPR65-suppressed HSC generation. In addition to this important function in the AGM, Gpr65 knockdown studies in primary fetal liver HSPCs revealed GPR65 suppression of Gata2 transcription to the same magnitude as in the AGM. To determine if GPR65-mediated Gata2 repression requires the +9.5 site, we infected freshly isolated HSPCs from fetal livers heterozygous for the +9.5 site with retrovirus expressing shRNA targeting Gpr65. Quantitative RT-PCR with allele-specific primers revealed that Gpr65 knockdown significantly upregulates Gata2 primary transcripts from the wild type (3.1 fold, p<0.01), but not the 9.5 mutant, allele. These results establish a requirement of the +9.5 site for GPR65 to repress Gata2 transcription. As we reported that SetD8, the only enzyme known to monomethylate H4K20, represses Gata2 expression via the +9.5 site, we tested whether GPR65 represses Gata2 expression through SetD8. H4K20me1 ChIP revealed that downregulating Gpr65 significantly reduces H4K20me1 levels at the +9.5 site by 30% (p<0.005), suggesting that GPR65 repression of Gata2 transcription involves SetD8. Our studies indicate that a G-protein coupled receptor, GPR65, is negative regulator of HSC generation and establish a GATA-2-GPR65 Type Iincoherent feedforward loop that controls HSC generation, providing a foundation to develop new targets for expanding HSCs for transplantation therapies and a new druggable target to treat hematologic disorders. Disclosures Zon: FATE Therapeutics: Employment, Equity Ownership, Membership on an entity's Board of Directors or advisory committees, Other: Founder; Scholar Rock: Employment, Equity Ownership, Membership on an entity's Board of Directors or advisory committees, Other: Founder.

2019 ◽  
Tapash Jay Sarkar ◽  
Marco Quarta ◽  
Shravani Mukherjee ◽  
Alex Colville ◽  
Patrick Paine ◽  

SummaryAging is characterized by a gradual loss of function occurring at the molecular, cellular, tissue and organismal levels1-3. At the chromatin level, aging is associated with the progressive accumulation of epigenetic errors that eventually lead to aberrant gene regulation, stem cell exhaustion, senescence, and deregulated cell/tissue homeostasis3. The technology of nuclear reprogramming to pluripotency, through over-expression of a small number of transcription factors, can revert both the age and the identity of any cell to that of an embryonic cell by driving epigenetic reprogramming2,4,5. Recent evidence has shown that transient transgenic reprogramming can ameliorate age-associated hallmarks and extend lifespan in progeroid mice6. However, it is unknown how this form of ‘epigenetic rejuvenation’ would apply to physiologically aged cells and, importantly, how it might translate to human cells. Here we show that transient reprogramming, mediated by transient expression of mRNAs, promotes a rapid reversal of both cellular aging and of epigenetic clock in human fibroblasts and endothelial cells, reduces the inflammatory profile in human chondrocytes, and restores youthful regenerative response to aged, human muscle stem cells, in each case without abolishing cellular identity. Our method, that we named Epigenetic Reprogramming of Aging (ERA), paves the way to a novel, potentially translatable strategy for ex vivo cell rejuvenation treatment. In addition, ERA holds promise for in vivo tissue rejuvenation therapies to reverse the physiological manifestations of aging and the risk for the development of age-related diseases.

2021 ◽  
Salik Miskat Borbora ◽  
R.S. Rajmani ◽  
Kithiganahalli N Balaji

Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), the causative agent of tuberculosis (TB), triggers enhanced accumulation of lipids to generate foamy macrophages (FMs). This process has been often attributed to the surge in the expression of lipid influx genes with a concomitant decrease in those involved in lipid efflux genes. Here, we define an Mtb-orchestrated modulation of the ubiquitination mechanism of lipid accumulation markers to enhance lipid accretion during infection. We find that Mtb infection represses the expression of the E3 ubiquitin ligase, ITCH, resulting in the sustenance of key lipid accrual molecules viz. ADRP and CD36, that are otherwise targeted by ITCH for proteasomal degradation. In line, overexpressing ITCH in Mtb-infected cells was found to suppress Mtb-induced lipid accumulation. Molecular analyses including loss-of-function and ChIP assays demonstrated a role for the concerted action of the transcription factor YY1 and the arginine methyl transferase PRMT5 in restricting the expression of Itch gene by conferring repressive symmetrical H4R3me2 marks on its promoter. Consequently, siRNA-mediated depletion of YY1 or PRMT5 rescued ITCH expression, thereby compromising the levels of Mtb-induced ADRP and CD36 and limiting FM formation during infection. Accumulation of lipids within the host has been implicated as a pro-mycobacterial process that aids in pathogen persistence and dormancy. In our study, perturbation of PRMT5 enzyme activity resulted in compromised lipid levels and reduced mycobacterial survival in primary murine macrophages (ex vivo) and in a therapeutic mouse model of TB infection (in vivo). These findings provide new insights on the role of PRMT5 and YY1 in augmenting mycobacterial pathogenesis. Thus, we posit that our observations could help design novel adjunct therapies and combinatorial drug regimen for effective anti-TB strategies.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (23) ◽  
pp. 5915-5924
Jana Oltova ◽  
Ondrej Svoboda ◽  
Olga Machonova ◽  
Petra Svatonova ◽  
David Traver ◽  

Abstract Kit ligand (Kitlg) is pleiotropic cytokine with a prominent role in vertebrate erythropoiesis. Although the role of Kitlg in this process has not been reported in Danio rerio (zebrafish), in the present study we show that its function is evolutionarily conserved. Zebrafish possess 2 copies of Kitlg genes (Kitlga and Kitlgb) as a result of whole-genome duplication. To determine the role of each ligand in zebrafish, we performed a series of ex vivo and in vivo gain- and loss-of-function experiments. First, we tested the biological activity of recombinant Kitlg proteins in suspension culture from zebrafish whole-kidney marrow, and we demonstrate that Kitlga is necessary for expansion of erythroid progenitors ex vivo. To further address the role of kitlga and kitlgb in hematopoietic development in vivo, we performed gain-of-function experiments in zebrafish embryos, showing that both ligands cooperate with erythropoietin (Epo) to promote erythroid cell expansion. Finally, using the kita mutant (kitab5/b5 or sparse), we show that the Kita receptor is crucial for Kitlga/b cooperation with Epo in erythroid cells. In summary, using optimized suspension culture conditions with recombinant cytokines (Epo, Kitlga), we report, for the first time, ex vivo suspension cultures of zebrafish hematopoietic progenitor cells that can serve as an indispensable tool to study normal and aberrant hematopoiesis in zebrafish. Furthermore, we conclude that, although partial functional diversification of Kit ligands has been described in other processes, in erythroid development, both paralogs play a similar role, and their function is evolutionarily conserved.

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
Miron Mikhailowitsch Gershkovich ◽  
Victoria Elisabeth Groß ◽  
Anette Kaiser ◽  
Simone Prömel

Abstract Background The neuropeptide Y system affects various processes, among others food intake, and is frequently discussed in the context of targeting obesity. Studies in model organisms are indispensable to enable molecular studies in a physiological context. Although the NPY system is evolutionarily conserved in all bilaterians, in the widely used model Caenorhabditis elegans there is controversy on the existence of NPY orthologous molecules. While the FMRFamide-like peptide (FLP)/Neuropeptide receptor-Resemblance (NPR) system in the nematode was initially suggested to be orthologous to the mammalian NPY system, later global phylogenetic studies indicate that FLP/NPR is protostome-specific. Methods We performed a comprehensive pharmacological study of the FLP/NPR system in transfected cells in vitro, and tested for functional substitution in C. elegans knockout strains. Further, we phenotypically compared different flp loss-of-function strains. Differences between groups were compared by ANOVA and post-hoc testing (Dunnett, Bonferroni). Results Our pharmacological analysis of the FLP/NPR system including formerly functionally uncharacterized NPY-like peptides from C. elegans demonstrates that G protein-coupling and ligand requirements for receptor activation are similar to the human NPY system. In vitro and in vivo analyses show cross-reactivity of NPY with the FLP/NPR system manifesting in the ability of the human GPCRs to functionally substitute FLP/NPR signaling in vivo. The high pharmacological/functional similarities enabled us to identify C. elegans FLP-14 as a key molecule in avoidance behavior. Conclusions Our data demonstrate the pharmacological and functional similarities of human NPY and C. elegans NPR systems. This adds a novel perspective to current phylogenetic reconstructions of the neuropeptide Y system. NPY and NPR receptors are pharmacologically so similar that the human receptors can functionally compensate for the C. elegans ones, suggesting orthologous relationships. This is also underlined by the presence of NPY-like peptides and parallels in peptide requirements for receptor activation. Further, the results presented here highlight the potential of this knowledge for physiological as well as molecular studies on neuropeptide GPCRs such as the NPY system in the future.

Blood ◽  
2000 ◽  
Vol 96 (12) ◽  
pp. 3823-3826 ◽  
Domenico Praticò ◽  
Tillmann Cyrus ◽  
Hongwei Li ◽  
Garret A. FitzGerald

Abstract Thromboxane A2 is a potent vasoconstrictor and platelet agonist; prostacyclin is a potent platelet inhibitor and vasodilator. Altered biosynthesis of these eicosanoids is a feature of human hypercholesterolemia and atherosclerosis. This study examined whether in 2 murine models of atherosclerosis their levels are increased and correlated with the evolution of the disease. Urinary 2,3-dinor thromboxane B2 and 2,3-dinor-6-keto prostaglandin F1α, metabolites of thromboxane and prostacyclin, respectively, were assayed in apoliprotein E (apoE)-deficient mice on chow and low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR)-deficient mice on chow and a Western-type diet. Atherosclerosis lesion area was measured by en face method. Both eicosanoids increased in apoE-deficient mice on chow and in LDLR-deficient mice on a high-fat diet, but not in LDLR-deficient mice on chow by the end of the study. Aspirin suppressed ex vivo platelet aggregation, serum thromboxane B2, and 2,3-dinor thromboxane B2, and significantly reduced the excretion of 2,3-dinor-6-keto prostaglandin F1α in these animals. This study demonstrates that thromboxane as well as prostacyclin biosynthesis is increased in 2 murine models of atherogenesis and is secondary to increased in vivo platelet activation. Assessment of their generation in these models may afford the basis for future studies on the functional role of these eicosanoids in the evolution and progression of atherosclerosis.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 ◽  
Dov B. Shamir ◽  
Yan Deng ◽  
Qian Wu ◽  
Swananda Modak ◽  
Erin E. Congdon ◽  

We and others have shown in various in vivo, ex vivo and cell culture models that several tau antibodies interact with pathological tau within neurons. To further clarify this interaction in a dynamic human model, we differentiated SH-SY5Y cells with retinoic acid and BDNF to create a neuron-like model. Therein, tau antibodies were primarily taken up by receptor-mediated endocytosis, and prevented toxicity of human brain-derived paired helical filament-enriched tau (PHF). Subsequently, we monitored in real-time the interaction of antibodies and PHF within endocytic cellular compartments. Cells were pre-treated with fluorescently-tagged PHF and then incubated with tau antibodies, 4E6, 6B2, or non-specific isotype control IgG1 labeled with a pH sensitive dye. The uptake and binding of the efficacious antibody, 4E6, to PHF occurred mainly within the soma, whereas the ineffective antibody, 6B2, and ineffective control IgG1, were visualized via the processes and showed limited colocalization with PHF within this period. In summary, we have developed a neuron-like model that clarifies the early intracellular dynamics of the interaction of tau antibodies with pathological tau, and identifies features associated with efficacy. Since the model is entirely human, it is suitable to verify the therapeutic potential of humanized antibodies prior to extensive clinical trials.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 12 ◽  
Nils R. Hansmeier ◽  
Pia J. M. Widdershooven ◽  
Sajjad Khani ◽  
Jan-Wilhelm Kornfeld

In recent years, long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) have emerged as multifaceted regulators of gene expression, controlling key developmental and disease pathogenesis processes. However, due to the paucity of lncRNA loss-of-function mouse models, key questions regarding the involvement of lncRNAs in organism homeostasis and (patho)-physiology remain difficult to address experimentally in vivo. The clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)/Cas9 platform provides a powerful genome-editing tool and has been successfully applied across model organisms to facilitate targeted genetic mutations, including Caenorhabditis elegans, Drosophila melanogaster, Danio rerio and Mus musculus. However, just a few lncRNA-deficient mouse lines have been created using CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genome engineering, presumably due to the need for lncRNA-specific gene targeting strategies considering the absence of open-reading frames in these loci. Here, we describe a step-wise procedure for the generation and validation of lncRNA loss-of-function mouse models using CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genome engineering. In a proof-of-principle approach, we generated mice deficient for the liver-enriched lncRNA Gm15441, which we found downregulated during development of metabolic disease and induced during the feeding/fasting transition. Further, we discuss guidelines for the selection of lncRNA targets and provide protocols for in vitro single guide RNA (sgRNA) validation, assessment of in vivo gene-targeting efficiency and knockout confirmation. The procedure from target selection to validation of lncRNA knockout mouse lines can be completed in 18–20 weeks, of which <10 days hands-on working time is required.

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