How Injustices Harm You

2019 ◽  
pp. 121-150
Thomas J. Donahue-Ochoa

Chapter 5 mounts the main argument of the book to show that oppression makes everyone unfree. The main ideas are that oppressions are despotic over their victims, that they can endure only if they try to suppress all actual or potential resistance, that any institutional feature of society that suppresses resistance has established authority, that institutional features with established authority are central social institutions, while suppressing resistance to central social institutions counts as authoritarian tactics used against everyone, that such tactics count as arbitrary power, and that to be subjected to such power is to be subjected to unfreedom of the kind theorized by neo-republicans and Hayekian competitive-order theorists. And since we all have a decent-life interest in freedom from arbitrary power, we are all harmed by such oppression, since it sets back this interest for everyone in society.

2002 ◽  
Vol 22 (5) ◽  
pp. 543-562 ◽  

Since 1989 there has been a widespread collapse of public services and income support for older people in the Russian Federation. Pensions have declined in real value and frequently are paid late, the system of collective health care has become less reliable, and the social institutions and services that formerly helped disadvantaged older people overcome isolation and loneliness have almost entirely ceased to function. Most people's personal assets and savings are insufficient for a decent life, and many cannot now afford the medical services and medications that they need. Given the absence of formal or institutional support, older people in Russia have had to develop pragmatic coping mechanisms, most commonly based on informal social networks and diverse income-generating activities, including barter and exchange in the informal ‘grey’ and ‘black’ economies. The household budgets of many pensioners increasingly rely upon their ability to raise income through their labour and the exchange of goods, and the time that they devote to these productive activities is increasing sharply. In comparison with other age groups, older people in Russia own many private apartments, garages, and garden or allotment plots, and they are important factors in the generation of income. These assets are used first and foremost to avert poverty and degradation, and more generally to support the immediate and extended family. The current economic system and the inadequacies of the existing system of social protection perpetuate the distinctive coping strategies.

2016 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 2-17 ◽  
Daniel Rottig

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to discuss the role of institutions in emerging markets by sketching out the unique institutional features of these markets and their implications for multinational corporations (MNCs). Design/methodology/approach – The study is conceptual in nature and provides an examination and interrelation of some of the key developments of institution-based research in the context of emerging market studies. Findings – This paper examines several idiosyncratic institutional features of emerging markets, including institutional voids, the relative importance of informal compared to formal institutions, institutional pressures by local governments, as well as institutional change and transitions. Practical implications – The paper discusses key effects and implications of the unique institutional environments of emerging markets for managers of MNCs, such as the relevance and importance of context, political, economic and social adaptability, as well as institutional arbitrage. Social implications – The paper discusses institutional legitimacy pressures in emerging markets for MNCs’ social performance, the relevance and importance of social institutions in these markets, as well as the need for social adaptation in order to successfully do business in emerging markets. Originality/value – This paper provides a current and relevant discussion of the key formal and informal institutional idiosyncrasies of emerging markets compared to developed markets and forwards a number or practical prescriptions for how to navigate these different and unique institutional environments.

2020 ◽  
pp. 111-121

The socio-economic reforms taking place in the country have led to fundamental transformations in all spheres of society, including in the education system, the rapid development of which in comparison with other social institutions is designed to bring Ukraine out of the crisis, to ensure the future of the nation, a decent life for every family, every citizen of Ukraine. In this regard, the requirements to the quality of professional activity of teachers, including teachers of technology, are increasing. The urgency of the problem of improving the training of future teachers of technology on occupational safety is due to the need to resolve the contradiction between the needs of society in preserving the health and life of children and the real state of injuries in educational institutions and institutions. Key words: Occupational safety, occupational health and safety management system, civil protection, professional training, Informatization, integration, competences.

The article notes that there has been a steady increase in the proportion of the elderly in all regions of the world in recent years, especially distinguished by this characteristic Europe, similar changes are taking place in Ukraine. The agenda of intergovernmental and non-governmental international organizations raises the question of shaping society's attitude to its oldest members as a source of wisdom and experience, recognizing the importance of their contribution to the development of various spheres of public life. At the global and European level, a system of normative acts is being formed aimed at ensuring the enjoyment of fundamental rights and freedoms of the elderly, preventing discrimination on the basis of age and disability, and formulating public policies to promote maximum active and healthy aging. It is emphasized that an understanding of a “decent life” is not limited to the availability of a certain level of material wealth and the availability of social services. Equally important for the elderly is the opportunity for as long as possible (but in accordance with their own desire) to continue working, communicate in a professional environment, maintain a sense of self-importance and need, as well as to receive education. The need for special attention from the state is due to the particular vulnerability of the elderly, in particular, in the conditions of being a client of social institutions and / or in the presence of negative changes in health. The analysis of the Ukrainian social legislation gives grounds to claim that our country does not stand aside from global trends and pays considerable attention to the development of legal norms for improving the quality of life of elderly people. The activities of the Commissioner for Human Rights, the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine, employment agencies and public organizations also contribute to this. Much of the work of social workers has to do with the care of the elderly, so it is important to provide quality social services, to build a consciously respectful attitude towards the honor and dignity of social service clients, and to empower older generations to live the lifestyle they desire. Establishing and applying in Ukraine a system of standards for determining eligibility and provision of social services, establishing adequate care payments for the elderly, as well as bringing European standards to the standard of other types of social welfare payments that will contribute to improving the quality of life of the elderly .

2020 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Devon Gidley

PurposeThis paper develops a new method to study institutions based on institutional work theory. Institutional disruption is intentionally utilized to explore the taken-for-granted foundations of social institutions. The paper outlines the method and considerations.Design/methodology/approachTaking inspiration from ethnomethodological breaches, the paper outlines the steps in the new method called researcher initiated institutional disruption (RIID). The four steps are identifying the institution, identifying the institutional actors, selecting the disruption type and disrupting the institution to gather data (action and reaction). RIID utilizes three types of institutional disruption: undermining assumptions and beliefs, resistance and issue raising.FindingsThe new method complements traditional field methods, such as observation, by showing how a researcher can deliberately make taken-for-granted institutional features visible. The paper finds that RIID offers the opportunity to gather different data, but it is not appropriate for every study and carries potential consequences in the field.Originality/valueThis paper contributes to the literature by outlining an innovative use of theory as method. The approach has not previously been detailed and offers the potential to access previously inaccessible research questions, data and theoretical insights.

2020 ◽  
pp. 145-149
Dinara Zhulamanova

The theory of modern school management is developed as part of the general theory of social institutions management. Very important changes are expected in the system of financing and management of education in accordance with modern requirements. The object and subject of management is a person. The article states that the basic principles and regularities of the management process are generally reflected in all public structures. However, when managing any organization at the request of the manager, the management model is applied to this organization and its staff. And modern management models differ in creating conditions for employees. Accordingly, the author considers the importance and relevance of forming their own management model in relation to the organization of education. The author analyzes the management models of various foreign countries, factors that determine the national management model and formulates their main ideas. Қазіргі заманғы мектепті басқару теориясы әлеуметтік мекемелерді басқарудың жалпы теориясының бір бөлігі ретінде дамиды. Заман талабына сай білім беруді қаржыландыру және басқару жүйесінде өте маңызды өзгерістер күтілуде. Басқарудың объектісі мен субъектісі – адам. Мақалада басқару үрдісінің басты ұстанымдары, заңдылықтары барлық қоғамдық құрылымдарда жалпылама түрде кездесетіні жайлы айтылған. Дегенмен кез-келген ұйымды басқару барысында басшының қалауы бойынша сол ұйымға және қызметкерлерге қатысты басқару моделі қолданылады. Ал заманауи басқару модельдері қызметкерлерге жағдай жасау арқылы ерекшеленеді. Сәйкесінше білім беру ұйымына қатысты өзіндік басқару моделін қалыптастыру маңыздылығы мен өзектілігі қарастырылады. Автор әртүрлі шет елдердің басқару моделдеріне, ұлттық басқару моделін анықтайтын факторларға талдау жасайды және олардың негізгі идеяларын тұжырымдайды.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (14) ◽  
pp. 84-100
Mariera E.O. ◽  
E G.Mecha ◽  
G M.Anyona ◽  

This paper mainly presents evidence for a relationship between language structure and meaning in EkeGusii, a Bantu language spoken in Kenya. The main argument is that the structure of language mirrors the structure of reality. A brief overview of other scholars demonstrates that diagrammatic iconicity shows universal tendencies. Five main ideas run down the discussion. Firstly, in EkeGusii, speakers sub-consciously cluster sounds around related meanings, evidencing gestalt and relative iconicity. Secondly, there is evidence of overlap of morphological and phonetic iconicity, an aspect of phonaesthesia. Thirdly, reduplication in certain infinitives demonstrates the reality of phono-iconicity in EkeGusii, augmented by unpleasant sound sequences. Fourthly, certain onomatopes in EkeGusii are actually diagrammatic, indicating that there is no one stop criterion for classifying overlapping types of icons. And finally, the paper posits that iconicity intersects with arbitrariness showing that language has both motivated and discrete symbols.

Carla Shedd

In Chapter 3 Carla Shedd focuses on individuals who act as brokers in urban institutions. She notes that there is a symbiotic relationship among urban neighborhoods, public education, and criminal justice. In the name of justice, and often in the name of protecting America’s most vulnerable residents, the nurturing arm of the state, she says, now looks more like the punishing arm of the state. It is critical, Shedd contends, that we empirically trace the long reach of the justice system, its links with central social institutions, and the identities/attributes of key racial agents in order to put our public systems back on track to fulfill their stated missions.

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