Preserving Islamic Tradition

Nathan Spannaus

Abu Nasr Qursawi (1776–1812) was a major figure in the history of the Muslim communities of the Russian Empire. An important religious scholar, he wrote works calling for the reform of the Islamic scholarly tradition that shaped the religious discourse of these communities into the 20th century. Qursawi focused on the construction of Islamic scholarship in the postclassical period (14th–19th centuries), criticizing scholars’ overreliance on taqlid, which had led them to hold incorrect theological views and prevented them from engaging with scripture in legal interpretation (through ijtihad). He argued that all scholarly positions must be verified (tahqiq) to ensure their correctness, and ijtihad was an obligation upon all Muslims to determine their own actions. Though critical, his reformism was grounded within the existing scholarly tradition, and its content was not subject to European influence. Nevertheless, it can be seen as a response to the incorporation of Islamic institutions into the bureaucracy of the Russian imperial state in the late 18th century, which remade the exercise of Islamic law and religious authority in the empire. This book analyzes his reformism in reference to its antecedents and sources and in light of these historical shifts. It also addresses the issue of modernity, arguing that although his reformism is grounded in the postclassical tradition, it is also an early example of Islamic modernism. It is, however, distinct from Jadidism, the 20th-century reform movement, despite frequent claims to contrary, as Jadidism instead grew out of transformations in the Volga-Ural religious environment postdating Qursawi.

1970 ◽  
pp. 74
Suvi Niinisalo

Finland, under Swedish rule at the time, started constructing the Lappeenranta Fortress in the 1720s for defence against an eastern threat. A small town had been founded on the site as early as 1649. In 1741, the Russians invaded the fortress in a fierce battle. Russians, led by Aleksandr Suvorov, started to improve the fortress in the late 18th century. The oldest buildings in the fortress date back to this time. When Finland was annexed into the Russian Empire as an autonomous grand duchy, the fortress was employed as a correctional facility for prisoners. After the Second World War, the fortress was left to deteriorate, but in the 1970s a 30-year conservation project was launched. This article explores the effects of this conservation work on the city of Lappeenranta as well as on its inhabitants.

Vladimir N. Benda

Which are of considerable interest or the 18th century history of the creation and development of the Russian system of military schools of the Russian Empire conducting courses for military personnel for land and special forces of the Russian army, are the schools that were created in the last quarter of the 18th century. The author traces the history of the creation and development of Shklow noble school and the Orphanage, later renamed the Imperial Military orphanage. The author comes to the conclusion that Shklow noble school was a multinational and multi-confessional educational institution. The establishment of the Military orphanage was one of the means for the formation of the newly formed estate of soldiers' children. The article summarises the new material on the topic under study, previously unpublished sources and literature are introduced into scientific circulation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-20
Ishak Tri Nugroho ◽  
Muhammad Akbar ◽  
Suhri Hanafi

The long history of reforming Islamic Family Law in the Muslim world began in the 20th century when Turkey became the first Muslim country to pioneer this reform. These reforms greatly influenced the reform of Islamic family law in Egypt and provided a more forward-looking color compared to what was previously done, the impetus for reform and reform of Islamic law in Egypt came from within the Islamic tradition itself and from outside the Islamic tradition. In addition to reforming family law in general, Egypt has also reformed the concept of inheritance law regarding wajibat for orphan grandchildren, which actually does not discuss this matter in classical books. Egypt regulates the issue of compulsory wills in the Egyptian Law, namely Law no. 71 of 1946 concerning inheritance, Egypt introduced a new concept in terms of inheritance for orphaned grandchildren who are usually considered as dzawil arham who are prevented from obtaining inheritance, so they are now entitled to inheritance by using the mandatory will. The concept of wills, mandatory, for inheritance for orphaned grandchildren does not exist in classical jurisprudence, and it appears that Egypt is trying to reform the law by inventing new laws or rechtsvinding, in order to find a solution to the inheritance problems that occur in Egypt.

Slovene ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 211-230
Kristina Ju. Anders-Namzhilova

The anti-catholic Tractatus de Processione Spiritus Sancti by Adam Zernikaw was created in the late 17th century in Latin and was significant for interconfessional polemic between the Orthodox and the Catholic Church in the Russian Empire over the next centuries. In this paper we systematize information about the history of the tractate in Russia, including its significance for the Tractatus de Processione Spiritus Sancti by Theophan Prokopovich. Russian translations of Adam Zernikaw’s Tractatus are also considered. The earliest Russian translation was done in Kiev in the late 18th century by Hieronym Koptsevich into late Church Slavonic. In 1795, the Ober-Procurator Aleksei Musin-Pushkin commissioned Hyacinth Karpinsky to do another translation, this time into Russian, but the translator had died before the translation was finished. After that, the Synod ordered the members of the Moscow Ecclesiastical Censorship committee to finish it, but it became impossible due to Adam Zernikaw’s original Latin text getting mixed up with the Theophan Prokopovich’s work by the same name. Eventually, the first Russian publication of Tractatus de Processione Spiritus Sancti by Adam Zernikaw happened in 1902. Using different manuscripts of Hyacinth Karpinsky’s Russian translation, we analyze the language edits made by the translator and make suggestions on specifics of the development of a style of Russian-language religious literature in late 18th – early 19th centuries.

Vera V. Serdechnaia ◽  

The article is devoted to the analysis of the concept of literary romanticism. The research aims at a refinement of the “romanticism” concept in relation to the history of the literary process. The main research methods include conceptual analysis, textual analysis, comparative historical research. The author analyzes the semantic genesis of the term “romanticism”, various interpretations of the concept, compares the definitions of different periods and cultures. The main results of the study are as follows. The history of the term “romanticism” shows a change in a number of definitions for the same concept in relation to the same literary phenomena. By the end of the 20th century, realizing the existence of significant contradictions in the content of the term “romanticism”, researchers often come to abandon it. At the same time, the steady use of the term “romanticism” testifies to the subject-conceptual component that exists in it, which does not lose its relevance, but just needs a theoretical refinement. Conclusion: one have to revise an approach to romanticism as a theoretical concept, based on the change in the concept of an individual in Europe at the end of the 18th century. It is the newly discovered freedom of an individual predetermines the rethinking for the image of the author as a creator and determines the artistic features of literary romanticism.

1989 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 319-328
Salahudeen Yusuf

The history of Islam in part of what is known today as Nigeria datesto about the loth Century. Christianity dates to the late 18th Century. Bythe middle of the 19th Century, when Nigerian newspapers began to appearon the streets of Nigeria, both religions had won so many followers and extendedto so many places in Nigeria that very few areas were untouched bytheir influence. The impact of both religions on their adherents not only determinedtheir spiritual life, but influenced their social and political lives aswell. It therefore became inevitable that both religions receive coverage frommost of the newspapers of the time. How the newspapers as media of informationand communication reported issues about the two religions is thetheme of this paper.Rationale for the StudyThe purpose of this study is to highlight the context in which such earlynewspapers operated and the factors that dictated their performance. Thisis because it is assumed that when a society faces external threat to its territory,culture, and independence, all hands (the press inclusive) ought tobe on deck to resist the threat with all might. Were newspapers used as verbalartillery and how did they present each religion? It is also assumed thatin a multireligious society a true press should be objective and serve as avanguard in the promotion of the interest of the people in general and notcreate or foster an atmosphere of religious conflict. The study also aims atfinding out whether the papers promoted intellectual honesty and fosteredthe spirit of unity particularly when the society was faced with the encroachmentof the British who posed a threat to their freedom, culture, economy ...

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-20
Vladimir Shaidurov

The period between the 19th – early 20th century witnessed waves of actively forming Polish communities in Russia’s rural areas. A major factor that contributed to the process was the repressive policy by the Russian Empire towards those involved in the Polish national liberation and revolutionary movement. Large communities were founded in Siberia, the Volga region, Caucasus, and European North of Russia (Arkhangelsk). One of the largest communities emerged in Siberia. By the early 20th century, the Polonia in the region consisted of tens of thousands of people. The Polish population was engaged in Siberia’s economic life and was an important stakeholder in business. Among the most well-known Polish-Siberian entrepreneurs was Alfons Poklewski-Koziell who was called the “Vodka King of Siberia” by his contemporaries. Poles, who returned from Siberian exile and penal labor, left recollections of their staying in Siberia or notes on the region starting already from the middle of the 19th century. It was this literature that was the main source of information about the life of the Siberian full for a long time. Exile undoubtedly became a significant factor that was responsible for Russia’s negative image in the historical memory of Poles. This was reflected in publications based on the martyrological approach in the Polish historiography. Glorification of the struggle of Poles to restore their statehood was a central standpoint adopted not only in memoirs, but also in scientific studies that appeared the second half of the 19th – early 20th century. The martyrological approach dominated the Polish historiography until 1970s. It was not until the late 20th century that serious scientific research started utilizing the civilizational approach, which broke the mold of the Polish historical science. This is currently a leading approach. This enables us to objectively reconstruct the history of the Siberian Polonia in the imperial period of the Russian history. The article is intended to analyze publications by Polish authors on the history of the Polish community in Siberia the 19th – early 20th century. It focuses on memoirs and research works, which had an impact on the reconstruction of the Siberian Polonia’s history. The paper is written using the retrospective, genetic, and comparative

Diacronia ◽  
2018 ◽  
Gheorghe Chivu

The history of the verbal forms sum and sunt, introduced into the literary writing by the Transylvanian Latinist School, reveals a winding process in the elaboration of certain cultured norms proper to the modern literary Romanian. Not at all linear, this process was concurrently influenced by two, often divergent, tendencies that were active from the end of the 18th century up to the beginning of the 20th century: the use of some cultured forms, borrowed from Latin or created according to Latin patterns; and the revitalization of certain linguistic forms with regional diffusion. Initially proposed as literary pronunciations, the two verbal forms were soon adopted and used as etymological graphic forms that corresponded to sîm and suntu from certain conservative patois. During the second half of the 19th century (sum), and during the first decades of the 20th century (sunt), the two graphic forms became orthoepic norms as well, due to the phonological tradition of the Romanian writing.

Geografie ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 121 (1) ◽  
pp. 187-207
Zdeněk R. Nešpor

The article introduces the field of necrogeography to Czech social geography and provides information on existing (nationwide) data sources. The author takes the issue of Protestant confessional cemeteries as an example, briefly outlines the history of these special types of burial fields (established principally from the end of the 18th century until approximately the mid-20th century), and provides a historical geographical analysis of their regional distribution in the Czech Lands. The article proves the impact of religious and geographical factors on the emergence (and eventual demise) of non-Catholic Christian confessional cemeteries and, at the same time, the research unveiled a number of important research questions to be addressed by Czech necrogeography in the future.

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