Fermionic QFT, Grassmann calculus, and combinatorics
In the first section of this chapter, we use Grassmann calculus, used in fermionic QFT, to give, first a reformulation of the Lingström–Gesse–Viennot lemma proof. We further show that this proof generalizes to graphs with cycles. We then use the same Grassmann calculus techniques to give new proofs of Stembridge's identities relating appropriate graph Pfaffians to sum over non-intersecting paths. The results presented here go further than the ones of Stembridge, because Grassmann algebra techniques naturally extend (without any cost!) to graphs with cycles. We thus obtain, instead of sums over non-intersecting paths, sums over non-intersecting paths and non-intersecting cycles. In the fifth section of the chapter, we give a generalization of these results. In the sixth section of this chapter we use Grassmann calculus to exhibit the relation between a multivariate version of Tutte polynomial and the Kirchhoff-Symanzik polynomials of the parametric representation of Feynman integrals, polynomials already introduced in Chapters 1 and Chapter 3.