Religious Practices at Court

2020 ◽  
pp. 108-123
Hugh M. Thomas

John oversaw a surprisingly active religious life at court that nonetheless failed to create an aura of pious kingship for him. Despite his reputation for impiety, recent work has shown that John carried out the religious practices expected of kings in his day, such as honouring saints’ relics, giving alms, and supporting religious houses. John’s religious activities were perforce generally court activities. Kingship was in part a religious office and religious activities at court were partly designed to project an image of sacral kingship. The chapter explores why the court’s many religious activities failed so miserably to improve John’s religious reputation and discusses the broader relationship between power, pleasure, and piety.

2019 ◽  
Vol 87 ◽  
pp. 1-45
Maureen Carroll

This study explores social and gendered aspects of female fertility in popular religious practices in Italy in the last four centuries BC, and it investigates the role of supplication and votive dedications in promoting maternal health and family continuity. It tackles modern assumptions which have strongly aligned the religious activities of women in Republican Italy with their generative interests and specific ‘fertility cults’ or ‘women's goddesses’. Divinities associated with fertility are explored here, with particular emphasis on Mater Matuta who is often defined in modern research as a ‘mother goddess’. The study shows that cults purely concerned with fertility are unlikely to have existed. Fertility was only one of several fundamental personal concerns brought by women and men to the generalist and polyvalent deities of Republican Italy. Items associated with fertility, such as terracotta wombs, male and female genitals, and swaddled infants, always occur together with other anatomical ex-votos across a wide range of sites and were dedicated to many deities. Considering the archaeological and textual evidence, Mater Matuta can be shown to have occupied a more flexible and encompassing space in the pantheon, and her involvement in marriage, motherhood and childbearing was part of a wider repertoire of responsibilities. The study also focuses attention on a distinctive, but largely overlooked, votive assemblage from Capua which includes numerous tufa statues of women and babies. The paper proposes that they should be understood as votive objects offered to an unknown deity by Capuan women as thanks for support in the generative enterprise, personally and more broadly in the context of the city's religious and civic identity.

2018 ◽  
Vol 39 (5) ◽  
pp. 509-518 ◽  
Fayron Epps ◽  
Ishan C. Williams

This study was a post hoc analysis of a larger qualitative descriptive study exploring family involvement in health promotion activities for African Americans living with dementia where participants identified religious practices as meaningful health promotion activities. The purpose of this study was to explore ways in which religiosity may influence the well-being of older adults living with dementia. Semi-structured interviews were conducted among a sample of 22 family caregivers and 15 older adults living with dementia ( N = 37). Three themes emerged: Engagement, Promotion of Faith and Spiritual Connectedness, and Maintenance of Religious Practices. It is imperative for family caregivers to understand the important contributions of religious activities and beliefs to the well-being of their family member. This information might be of use for faith communities, policy makers, and health care providers in the provision of optimal person-centered care and the promotion of quality of life for persons living with dementia.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 71
I Nyoman Kiriana

In religious life, at first the existence of Hindu and Buddhist very harmonious and contradictory in their home country, namely India. But the two religions in Indosesia seem very harmonious, especially in the era of the Majapahit kingdom. Moreover, the existence of Hinduism and Buddhism in Bali very harmony and even complement each other in practice and spiritual order. Buddhism is very much a substance similar to the teachings of Hinduism. In some Hindu literature was found a lot in common with the essence of Buddhism, and vice versa. Very often found literature-literature that reflects the harmony of both religions, among others: <em>Lontar Siwagama, Kekawin Mahabharata, Ramayana Kekawin, Kekawin Arjuna Wiwaha, Kekawin Bharata Yudha </em>and<em> Kekawin Sutasoma, Sanghyang Kamahayanikan, Bubugsah Gagakaking</em> and so on. By looking at it as if the two religions fused in practice in Bali, especially in the implementation of religious activities such as the ritual tawur agung in connection with the celebration of Nyepi Saka as the New Year.

James R. Lewis

The notion of the religious life as being a quest or a journey is quite ancient. Nevertheless, traditionally the average believer has not usually experienced her or his religion in these terms. Rather, religion is typically a part of everyday life that is, for the most part, taken for granted. However, as early as the eighteenth century, a new spiritual subculture had begun to emerge in Western nations within which a number of people with interests in alternative religious ideas and practices adopted a posture of seekership, pursuing various alternative spiritual interests from Spiritualism to certain Asian religions and Asian religious practices. The present chapter proposes to survey this development.

2014 ◽  
Vol 20 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 292-302
Heidi Wendt

Abstract James C. Hanges’ new book raises a number of important questions about what it means to situate Paul’s religious activities within his own historical context, and also models one possible methodology for doing so. In this review, I interrogate some of the assumptions underpinning Hanges’ approach, namely, ones having to do with the cultural particularity of certain discourses and religious practices, as well as the utility of the concept “identity” as it pertains to the study of religion. I also attempt to draw the author’s conclusions into wider and ongoing efforts to theorize ancient Mediterranean religion by proposing that many of the actors whom he introduces as comparanda for Paul fall within a discrete class of religious activity, populated by varieties of freelance experts.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 177-198
Saidun Derani

Abstrak Dalam menjelaskan tentang berbagai aktivitas keagamaan agama selalu dikaitkan dengan aspek-aspek sosiologis. Hal ini karena agama  dapat menjadi focus social yang memunculkan berbagai sudut pandang masyarakat. Praktek keagamaan sering menjadi perilaku yang diistimewakan masyarakat yang melakukannya, sebagai contoh dalam kajian ini adalah praktek mauled nabi Muhammad saw. Artikel ini mengangkat tentang isu praktek mauled nabi yang dikaitkan dengan keberadaan praktek mauled pada nabi lainnya selain nabi Muhammad saw. Berdasarkan kajian sosiologi makna maulid di sini adalah lebih kepada peringatan kelahiran nabi Muhammad Saw yang telah menjadi tradisi dalam suatu masyarakat, daerah dan negara tertentu, Dengan demikian perayaan maulid nabi Muhammad saw yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat muslim sangat terkait dengan dimensi keagamaan sehingga Nampak tidak bisa dipisahkan dengan pranata-pranta social yang meliputi nilai dan norma agama.---Abstrak In explaining abaout several kinds of religious activities, it is usually related to sociological aspects. Because religion can be social focus emerging several point of views from societies. Religious practices often triger a certain attitude for people who perform them. Lets take a look at the example in this article about the prophet mauleed (birth), Muhammad SAW. This article discusses about practical isue of mauleed related to another prophets’ birth. Based on the sociological analysis what we meant by mauleed is tends to be something like a memorial of prophet Muhammad’s birth as it has been adopted social tradition in many regions and countries. Therefore, the celebration of prophet Muhammad’s birth done by moslems is very much often influenched by religious dimension. So, it seems that it can not be sparated by social infrastructure covering values and religious norms.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (24) ◽  
pp. 131-141
Hong Van Vu

The study of the impact of globalization on religion and the changes in Vietnam's policies in recent years is a difficult and difficult task to determine accurately. However, the results that this article brings will partly shed light on the religious trends in Vietnam before the impact of globalization and the changes in religious policy of the Vietnamese state today. This study focuses on clarifying religious life in Vietnam; the impact of globalization on religious life in its people; it highlights common trends in religious life, as well as secularization, modernization of religion, diversification of religious activities, new forms of religion, and the characteristics of new religious phenomena. The study also focused on analyzing Vietnam's religious policies; the advantages and limitations of these policies. It can be seen that the change of religious life in Vietnam in the period of renewal is mainly due to the impact of change in the economic, cultural and social life of the renewal of economic development, in the context of globalization, market expansion, and the international integration of Vietnam. Furthermore, it is a consequence of the restoration and increasing need for religious-spiritual life after years of repression by war. Hence, the need for theoretical and practical research on religious trends and policies, to help improve the policies of the Communist Party and the State on religion, guaranteeing democracy and equality in religious activities in Vietnam.

Abdul Hadi

Development of Sufism in the archipelago is one icon in view of the problems connected with the Sufi. Sufism is the diversity of colour patterns of thought of religious life, while religious practice to be a representation of the diversity of religious thought to be highly variable and often decorated with the interview "controversial" a very sharp. In the context of religious institutions belonging to the tarekat also have a variety of variants, so that a diverse group of tarekat scattered every where and have the characteristics of each in accordance with religious discourse and the "religious experience" developer congregation. In fact there are some "differences" between the executive tarekat in an area with other regions, although with the same tarekat. Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al-Banjary as a prolific writer in various fields of Islamic sciences, such as Tawheed, Fiqh and Sufism. Among his works is the Kanz al-patterned ma'rifah Sufism, but in some discussion related to religious practices and traditions of the congregation are very close, but the Sammaniyah tarekat who had been brought closer to the Al-Banjary Arsyad not so visible in Kanz al-Ma 'rifah but Syaziliyah tarekat who are more visible.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 68
I Komang Suastika Arimbawa ◽  
Putu Ayu Septiari

<p><em>Harmony can be interpreted as a living and living condition that reflects an atmosphere of peace, order, peace, prosperity, respect, respect, price respect, tolerance, mutual cooperation in accordance with religious teachings. Harmony that adheres to the teachings of each religion can make every group among fellow human beings who have different beliefs as an open group (inclusive). Regarding this reality, in the text of Tutur Jatiswara there is an inclusive theological concept that can be a "nutrient" to build harmony, so that a plural religious life can live harmoniously, peacefully and help one another in the joys and sorrows. Inclusive is a way of thinking and an open attitude to all differences. Inclusive theology opens the door to apology and recognizes the existence of truth and salvation in other religions.</em></p><em>Based on several excerpts in the text of Tutur Jatiswara, that truth is not narrow and not exclusive, because the truth lies in a vast expanse. This means that the truth radiates on each side. Because it radiates on every side, humans must build an inclusive paradigm of thinking so that they can become 'religious people', not just 'feel' religious or do religious activities. By being a religious person, the application of life together will form mutual respect (price-respecting), compassion (love-loving), and fostering (respect) towards adherents of different religions because they have the same rights.</em>

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