Intergenerational Equity and Responsibility for Future Generations

Kotaro Suzumura

Why should the present generation be held responsible for the sustainable well-being of future generations, especially since past generations must bear some large share of the cause of global warming? This chapter describes the principle that all generations irrespective of when they emerged in the past or will emerge in the future should have equal opportunity to lead worthwhile lives of their choice. It assesses several alternatives including assigning voting rights to the very young and setting aside these alternatives as on balance unsatisfactory or unworkable. On the principle of responsibility and compensation, the chapter proposes that the present generation must either abate global warming or compensate future generations. It explains and defends why this one-sided, external, and irrevocable choice of the present generation is the only sensible and moral alternative for addressing intergenerational equity.

Heritage ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 1300-1315 ◽  
Paul S.C. Taçon ◽  
Sarah Baker

In the past decade, scholarship has documented the ways in which interacting with different forms of heritage impact individual and/or community well-being, as well as the harm to human well-being that occurs when heritage is damaged or destroyed. We bring the results of a review of this literature together, defining both heritage and well-being in relation to each other and exploring the relationship between heritage and well-being. New and emerging threats to heritage and, in turn, well-being are outlined, as well as new ways of preserving heritage for future generations. The future of heritage is discussed along with the importance of the concept of “living heritage”. We conclude that heritage is essential for contemporary and future well-being, and that if we do not better care for heritage then human health will be negatively impacted.

Abbie J. Shipp

Temporal focus is the individual tendency to characteristically think more or less about the past, present, and future. Although originally rooted in early work from psychology, research on temporal focus has been steadily growing in a number of research areas, particularly since Zimbardo and Boyd’s (1999) influential article on the topic. This chapter will review temporal focus research from the past to the present, including how temporal focus has been conceptualized and measured, and which correlates and outcomes have been tested in terms of well-being and behavior. Based on this review, an agenda for research is created to direct temporal focus research in the future.

2019 ◽  
pp. 169-190
Rachel Chrastil

What happens to our stuff when we die? How might we reimagine the family tree? Childlessness raises, among others, questions about legacy, inheritance, our relationship with future generations, our ability to shape the future, and the narratives we tell about the past and the future. The author examines several life stories to help readers begin to envision childlessness within a new paradigm of meaning. This chapter encourages readers to consider new metaphors for how they think about childlessness. It ends with considerations about the deep and necessary connections between the childless and the childful within the quest for human flourishing.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (18) ◽  
pp. 7552
Yoshinori Nakagawa ◽  
Tatsuyoshi Saijo

Many serious problems occur due to conflicts between the interests of the present generation and the welfare of future generations, and thus, the actions of the preset generation may be a consequence of presentism. Drawing on the theoretical framework of metacognition, the present study investigates how presentism can be overcome through future design interventions that incorporate an imaginary future generation setting. Four workshop participants were interviewed, and transcripts of the interviews were made. There were two major findings. First, we identified narratives in the responses of participants that suggest that metacognition was active during the workshops concerning the two cognitions governed by present and future selves. Second, the narratives identified above were classified into two categories, and the two corresponding roles of metacognition were identified: the monitoring and controlling function and the harmonizing function. The former is essential for the acquisition of identity as a future person; the latter is essential for reconciling this future identity with the identity of the person in the present. The present study proposes that future design is a tool that can be used to intervene in the metacognition of individuals concerning how one chooses a temporal reference point from which to view the past, present, and future of society rather than a tool to naively motivate individuals to care for future generations.

2014 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-57
Gregory S. Alexander

Abstract Under the human flourishing theory of property, owners have obligations, positive as well as negative, that they owe to members of the various communities to which they belong. But are the members of those communities limited to living persons, or do they include non-living persons as well, i.e., future persons and the dead? This Article argues that owners owe two sorts of obligation to non-living members of our generational communities, one general, the other specific. The general obligation is to provide future generations with the basic material background conditions that are necessary for them to be able to carry out what I call life-transcending projects that their forebears have transmitted to them. The specific obligation is project-specific; that is, its purpose is to enable successive generational community members to whom particular life-transcending projects have been forwarded to be carried out in their way. The future generational members to whom the project is transferred must also be given whatever resources or goods are necessary to carry the project forward in its intended way. I argue further that each generational community owes its predecessors the obligation to accept life-transcending projects transmitted to them by their forebears and make reasonable efforts to carry those projects forward into the future. The obligation is based on the past generational community members’ dependency on their successors for the projects to continue into the future, a matter that is constitutive of the project creators’ flourishing. This obligation is defeasible, rather than absolute, however.

1971 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 437-452 ◽  
Lincoln Allison

A survey of the printed word, including local and national papers as well as weekly journals over the past ten years, would show an increasing proportion of column inches devoted to issues arising out of physical planning — those issues involving such concepts as ‘environment’, ‘conservation’, ‘amenity’ and ‘leisure space’. As a society, we are becoming increasingly preoccupied with our physical environment and on the whole this preoccupation takes the form of fears for the future. Such fears must begin with two propositions: that the environment (or at least some of its important aspects) is changing rapidly and that this is a matter which affects our general well-being.

Renata M. Leitão ◽  
Solen Roth

This article argues that, in collaboration with Indigenous [and non-Western local] communities, social designers should approach “culture” not only as a form of heritage that should be preserved and transmitted, but also as a project that weaves together heritage, current material circumstances, and desirable ideas for the future. We therefore examine the notion that every culture is intrinsically oriented towards the future, representing a trajectory that links the past to a projected ideal of well-being. Thus, cultural diversity leads to numerous trajectories and distinct futures, contrary to the colonial ideology according to which only one trajectory is possible: that which adheres to the project of eurocentric modernity. Based on a participatory research action project called Tapiskwan, which focused on the aspirations of the Atikamekw Nehirowisiwok, we propose that the ultimate goal of social designers should be to nurture local communities’ capacity to (re)create their own autonomous trajectories, in pursuit of the good life as their culture defines it. 

1970 ◽  
pp. 140
John Havermans ◽  
Solveig Sjöberg-Pietarinen

To have an analytical look at the future of the past and to gain innovative ideas for the well-being of the collection are important issues to safeguard our heritage. The dissertation work published and presented by Dr. István Kecskeméti titled Papyruksesta megabitteihin: Arkistoja valokuvakokoelmien konservoinnin prosessin hallinta (From papyrus to megabytes: conservation management of archival and photographic collections) contributes positively to this view, as the work contains items from analysis to rules about conservation work (Kecskeméti 2008). From the use of knowledge and gaining knowledge, especially regarding the terminology, as will be concluded in the coming paragraphs. 

Ingrid M. V. Andersen ◽  
Ulrik D. Nielsen

In Denmark, the maritime engineering competences requested by the industry have changed in the past one to two decades. The typical naval architects do no longer find them selves working in the ship-building industry but rather in the industry of ship operators, consultancies, class societies, etc. This means that universities educating maritime engineers need to reflect the changes in the curricula for their maritime engineering students. Topics and issues regarding this matter have recently been addressed in a survey made in the Danish maritime industry. The survey concludes that the demand for maritime engineers in the industry is considerably larger than the output from the technical universities. Moreover, it sets forth a series of recommendations to the industry as well as to the universities to facilitate meeting the demand for maritime engineers in Denmark in the future. The recommendations are outlined together with work commenced at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) to update the curricula for DTU’s maritime engineering students. Thus, DTU offers an education reflecting a large share of the recommendations in the curricula.

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