scholarly journals Development of Phytophthora Fruit Rot Caused by Phytophthora capsici on Resistant and Susceptible Watermelon Fruit of Different Ages

Plant Disease ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 102 (2) ◽  
pp. 370-374 ◽  
Chandrasekar S. Kousik ◽  
Jennifer L. Ikerd ◽  
William W. Turechek

Watermelon is an important crop grown in 44 states in the United States. Phytophthora fruit rot caused by Phytophthora capsici is a serious disease in the southeastern U.S.A., where over 50% of the watermelons are produced. The disease has resulted in severe losses to watermelon growers, especially in Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina during the past few years. Several fruit rot-resistant watermelon germplasm lines have been developed for use in breeding programs. To evaluate the development of Phytophthora fruit rot on fruit of different ages, plants of fruit rot-resistant and susceptible lines were planted at weekly intervals for five consecutive weeks in experiments conducted over three years (2011 to 2013). Flowers were routinely inspected and hand pollinated to ensure having fruit of different ages. In each year, different aged fruit were harvested on the same day and inoculated with a 5-mm agar plug from an actively growing colony of P. capsici. Inoculated fruit were maintained in a room set to conditions conducive for disease development (>95% relative humidity, 26 ± 2°C). After 5 days, lesion diameter and intensity of sporulation was recorded for each fruit. Lesion diameter and sporulation intensity were significantly greater on fruit of susceptible lines compared with resistant lines. Fruit age did not have an effect on either measurement on susceptible (Sugar Baby) or resistant lines (PI 560020 and PI 595203). Our results showed that resistance to Phytophthora fruit rot in watermelon was not correlated with fruit age.

Plant Disease ◽  
2021 ◽  
Chandrasekar S Kousik ◽  
Jennifer Lauren Ikerd ◽  
William Wechter ◽  
Sandra Branham ◽  
William W Turechek

Watermelon is an important cucurbit vegetable crop grown in most states in the United States of America (USA). Phytophthora fruit rot of watermelon caused by Phytophthora capsici has been a major factor, limiting production for the past 15 years in the southeastern USA. USDA-ARS released five Phytophthora fruit rot-resistant germplasm lines for use in breeding programs. These lines were developed by phenotyping using a local isolate of P. capsici from South Carolina. The present study was undertaken to determine if these resistant lines had broad resistance to diverse P. capsici isolates collected from different states and crops. Five resistant germplasm lines (USVL020-PFR, USVL203-PFR, USVL782-PFR, USVL489-PFR and USVL531-MDR) and two susceptible cultivars Sugar Baby and Mickey Lee used as checks were grown in a field in 2014 and 2015 to produce fruit for evaluation. Mature fruit were harvested and placed in a walk-in growth chamber and inoculated with 20 different P. capsici isolates. The chamber was maintained at 26±2°C and high relative humidity (>95%) using a humidifier. All five resistant germplasm lines were significantly more resistant than the two susceptible checks to all 20 P. capsici isolates. Among the five resistant germplasm lines, USVL020-PFR, USVL782-PFR and USVL531-MDR had broad resistance. Some P. capsici isolates induced minor lesions and rot on USVL489-PFR compared to the other resistant lines. Variation in virulence and genetic diversity among the 20 P. capsici isolates was also observed. The five watermelon germplasm lines will be useful for developing commercial watermelon cultivars with broad resistance to P. capsici.

2017 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-34 ◽  
Chandrasekar (Shaker) S. Kousik ◽  
Pingsheng Ji ◽  
Daniel S. Egel ◽  
Lina M. Quesada-Ocampo

About 50% of the watermelons in the United States are produced in the southeastern states, where optimal conditions for development of Phytophthora fruit rot prevail. Phytophthora fruit rot significantly limits watermelon production by causing serious yield losses before and after fruit harvest. Efficacy of fungicide rotation programs and Melcast-scheduled sprays for managing Phytophthora fruit rot was determined by conducting experiments in Phytophthora capsici-infested fields at three locations in southeastern United States (North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia). The mini seedless cultivar Wonder and seeded cultivar Mickey Lee (pollenizer) were used. Five weekly applications of fungicides were made at all locations. Significant fruit rot (53 to 91%, mean 68%) was observed in the nontreated control plots in all three years (2013 to 2015) and across locations. All fungicide rotation programs significantly reduced Phytophthora fruit rot compared with nontreated controls. Overall, the rotation of Zampro alternated with Orondis was highly effective across three locations and two years. Rotations of Actigard followed by Ranman+Ridomil Gold, Presidio, V-10208, and Orondis, or rotation of Revus alternated with Presidio were similarly effective. Use of Melcast, a melon disease-forecasting tool, may occasionally enable savings of one spray application without significantly impacting control. Although many fungicides are available for use in rotations, under very heavy rain and pathogen pressure, the fungicides alone may not offer adequate protection; therefore, an integrated approach should be used with other management options including well-drained fields.

HortScience ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 47 (12) ◽  
pp. 1682-1689 ◽  
Chandrasekar S. Kousik ◽  
Jennifer L. Ikerd ◽  
Patrick Wechter ◽  
Howard Harrison ◽  
Amnon Levi

Phytophthora fruit rot, caused by Phytophthora capsici, is prevalent in most watermelon-producing regions of southeastern United States and is known to cause pre- and post-harvest yield losses. A non-wound inoculation technique was developed to evaluate detached mature fruit belonging to U.S. watermelon PIs for resistance to fruit rot caused by P. capsici. Mature fruit were harvested and placed on wire shelves in a walk-in humid chamber [greater than 95% relative humidity (RH), temperature 26 ± 2 °C] and inoculated with a 7-mm agar plug from an actively growing colony of P. capsici. Twenty-four PIs that exhibited resistance in a preliminary evaluation of 205 PIs belonging to the watermelon core collection in 2009 were grown in the field and greenhouse in 2010 and 2011 and evaluated in the walk-in humid chamber. Fruit rot development was rapid on fruit of susceptible controls ‘Black Diamond’, ‘Sugar Baby’, and PI 536464. Several accessions including PI 560020, PI 306782, PI 186489, and PI 595203 (all Citrullus lanatus var. lanatus) were highly resistant to fruit rot. One C. colocynthis (PI 388770) and a C. lanatus var. citroides PI (PI 189225) also showed fruit rot resistance. Fruit from PIs that were resistant also had significantly lower amounts of P. capsici DNA/gram of fruit tissue compared with the susceptible commercial cultivars Sugar Baby and Black Diamond. The sources of resistance to Phytophthora fruit rot identified in this study may prove useful in watermelon breeding programs aimed at enhancing disease resistance.

Plant Disease ◽  
2008 ◽  
Vol 92 (6) ◽  
pp. 979-979 ◽  
C. S. Kousik ◽  
A. P. Keinath

Phytophthora capsici is rapidly becoming an important limiting factor in vegetable production in the southeastern United States, particularly on cucurbits as fruit rots. One of the strategies used to manage diseases caused by P. capsici is the regular application of fungicides. Recently the new fungicide cyazofamid (trade name Ranman, FRAC Group 21, FMC Corporation, EPA Reg. No. 71512-3-279) was registered for management of P. capsici on cucurbits. Cyazofamid has been reported to be very effective against P. capsici on peppers (1). In a recent evaluation, we observed that cyazofamid was not very effective on fruit rot of watermelon in a field artificially infested with P. capsici (3). Hence, we evaluated our collection of isolates for sensitivity to cyazofamid. We confirmed our isolates as P. capsici based on morphology of colonies and sporangia and amplification of internal transcribed spacer regions using specific PCR primers (4). Mycelial growth of 28 isolates from the southeastern United States including North (NC) and South Carolina (SC), Georgia (GA), and Florida (FL) was evaluated on Ranman amended (0, 25, 100, 310, 518, and 1,000 mg/liter of the active ingredient cyazofamid) V8 juice agar using similar techniques as described before (2). The EC50 (50% effective concentration) values ranged from 3.8 to 535 mg/liter. Thirteen isolates (8 GA, 3 SC, 1 NC, and 1 FL) had EC50 >100 mg/liter. Similar results were obtained when technical grade cyazofamid was used. The same 28 isolates were evaluated on media amended with technical grade cyazofamid (0, 1, 10, and 100 mg/liter) and 100 mg/liter of salicylhydroxaymic acid, which was added to inhibit the alternative oxidase enzyme. The EC50 values ranged from <1 to >100 mg/liter. Six isolates (5 GA and 1 NC) had EC50 >100 mg/liter. Three isolates, one sensitive and two insensitive, were used to inoculate cucumber (Cucumis sativus) fruits treated with commercial Ranman at 0, 10, 100, 300, and 1,000 mg/liter of cyazofamid plus the surfactant Silwett L-77 (0.52 ml/liter). Mycelial plugs (7-mm diameter) were placed on nonwounded fruits. Fruits were kept under high humidity at 25 ± 1°C in an incubator for 3 days. Two measurements of each lesion at right angles were averaged to get the lesion diameter. The EC50 value for lesion diameter on fruits varied from 13 mg/liter for the sensitive isolate to >233 mg/liter for the insensitive isolates. EC50 values for diameter of the lesion with sporulation ranged from 3 to 107 mg/liter. Relative lesion diameters of the insensitive isolates at 100 mg/liter treatment compared with nonsprayed check were 70 to 93%, and at 300 mg/liter, it was 38 to 80%. Similarly in another experiment, watermelon (Citrullus lanatus var. lanatus) fruits were sprayed with a recommended field rate of Ranman (284 mg of cyazofamid/liter) plus Silwett L-77 (0.52 ml/liter) till runoff and inoculated with four isolates. The relative lesion diameter for insensitive isolates on Ranman treated watermelon fruits were 76 to 100% of nonsprayed fruits. To our knowledge, these insensitive isolates were collected from fields that were never sprayed with Ranman. Because of the existence of cyazofamid insensitive P. capsici isolates, it should be rotated with fungicides from other chemical classes to prevent extensive selection of insensitive isolates. References: (1) K. L. Ivors et al. Plant Dis. Manage. Rep. 1:V088, 2007. (2) A. P. Keinath. Plant Dis. 91:743, 2007. (3) C. S. Kousik and R. Hassell. Plant Dis. Manage. Rep. 1:V010, 2007. (4) J. B. Ristaino et al. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 64:948, 1998.

2015 ◽  
Vol 105 (1) ◽  
pp. 110-118 ◽  
R. P. Naegele ◽  
A. J. Tomlinson ◽  
M. K. Hausbeck

Pepper is the third most important solanaceous crop in the United States and fourth most important worldwide. To identify sources of resistance for commercial breeding, 170 pepper genotypes from five continents and 45 countries were evaluated for Phytophthora fruit rot resistance using two isolates of Phytophthora capsici. Genetic diversity and population structure were assessed on a subset of 157 genotypes using 23 polymorphic simple sequence repeats. Partial resistance and isolate-specific interactions were identified in the population at both 3 and 5 days postinoculation (dpi). Plant introductions (PIs) 640833 and 566811 were the most resistant lines evaluated at 5 dpi to isolates 12889 and OP97, with mean lesion areas less than Criollo de Morelos. Genetic diversity was moderate (0.44) in the population. The program STRUCTURE inferred four genetic clusters with moderate to very great differentiation among clusters. Most lines evaluated were susceptible or moderately susceptible at 5 dpi, and no lines evaluated were completely resistant to Phytophthora fruit rot. Significant population structure was detected when pepper varieties were grouped by predefined categories of disease resistance, continent, and country of origin. Moderately resistant or resistant PIs to both isolates of P. capsici at 5 dpi were in genetic clusters one and two.

1969 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 35-57
J. A. B. Nolla

1. A serious disease of eggplants known in Porto Rico as "lunares de la hoja y tallo" and "podredumhre de la fruta", in the United States of North America as leaf blight, foot-rot, leaf-spot, stem-blight. fruit-rot, eggplant-blight and seedling-stem-blight and in Cuba as "mancha de la hoja" and "enfermedad del tallo" exists in Porto Rico. 2. All varieties of eggplant are more or less equally susceptible under Porto Rican conditions. Color of plant or of fruit has no bearing on susceptibility or resistance. 3. The disease usually brings a loss of 50 per cent or over of the crop. 4. The symptoms of the disease appear on all above-ground parts of the plant. A seedling blight, stem and petiole cankers, spots on leaf blades, fruit stalks and calices and a rotting of the young and mature fruit are produced. 5. The fungus may occur inside the seed. 6. The pathogene responsible for the malady is Phomopsis vexans (Sacc. & Sydow) Harter. 7. Variations of the fungus as have been observed elsewhere do not appear to occur in the fungus in Porto Rico. 8. The size of the pyenidiospores ranges from 5 to 8 microns in length to 1.3 to 3 microns in width. 9. The germ tube of a germinating spore may either enter through a stoma, enter through a wound or force its penetration through the cuticle. 10. Secondary cycles repeatedly occur in fields. 11. The fungus is capable of a saprophytic existence. 12. The prevailing temperature in Porto Rico seems adequate for spore germination. 13. Moisture is a very important factor in outbreaks of the disease. 14. The disease is probably controlled by a three- or four-years rotation. 15. Plants with the symptoms of the disease should be promptly removed from fields. 16. Although seed treatment is beneficial it never completely eliminates the pathogene. 17. Clean seed from unaffected fruit should be demanded. 18. Infested soils should be avoided in preparing seedbeds. 19. Inoculated soils can he rendered safe for seedlings if drenched with a 1-50 formaldehyde solution at the rate of one-half gallon per square foot of soil surface. An application of 4-4-50 Bordeaux mixture is highly beneficial but the formaldehyde treatment is to be preferred. The latter treatment will cost about two-thirds of one cent per seedling. 20. Bordeaux mixture (4-4-50) is quite effective in preventing seedling blight. The treatment is too expensive and therefore inapplicable under ordinary conditions. Bordeaux mixture may be of practical application where labor cost is reduced. The safest and cheapest control measure is to grow healthy seedlings and set them on in uninfested soils.

Plant Disease ◽  
2000 ◽  
Vol 84 (12) ◽  
pp. 1345-1345 ◽  
M. Babadoost

Approximately 65% of the total commercial processing pumpkins (Cucurbita moschata Poir.) in the United States are produced in central Illinois. In 1999, Phytophthora capsici caused severe foliar blight and fruit rot in processing pumpkin fields in Illinois. Infection was widely observed in July when fruit weights were approximately 5 kg and continued until harvest in late August. Infection of the fruit generally started on the side contacting the soil. However, when an infected leaf came in contact with a fruit, fruit rot started at the site of contact. Many fruits that looked normal fell apart when they were turned for examination. Infected fruit were generally covered with white, cottony growth consisting of mycelium, sporangiophores, and sporangia. Leaf infection began as small chlorotic lesions, which enlarged and became necrotic. Leaf petioles also were infected and developed lesions that girdled petioles, causing the collapse and death of leaves. Vines also were infected and developed girdling lesions. The girdling lesions, which caused collapse and death of the vines, were observed on all parts of the vines. Affected vines collapsed and died. Roots and crowns of the plants with foliar blight and fruit rot exhibited little brownish discoloration or no symptoms. In most fields, the disease started in low-lying areas but spread rapidly throughout the field. The disease occurred in both irrigated and nonirrigated fields. In August, approximately 1 week before harvest, one nonirrigated and eight irrigated fields, a total of 267 ha, were surveyed to assess the incidence of disease. The incidence of disease was determined by examining vines, leaves, and fruit in 10 plots (36 m2 each) per field by walking a path on the longest diagonal of each field. In each plot, 10 plants were inspected, with one vine, 10 leaves on the vine, and one fruit of each plant (total of 10 vines, 100 leaves, and 10 fruits in each plot) were examined for infection. The incidence of vine blight, leaf blight, and fruit rot in the nonirrigated field was 30, 50, and 49%, respectively. The incidence of vine blight, leaf blight, and fruit rot in irrigated fields ranged from 4 to 48% (average 21%), 17 to 68% (average 40%), and 4 to 71% (average 32%), respectively. The incidence of vine blight, leaf blight, and fruit rot were highly correlated. Due to severe fruit rot, two of the irrigated fields were not harvested. In Illinois, processing pumpkins are planted in May and harvested in August. Recorded precipitation in the pumpkin growing area in Illinois in 1999, was 9 days (211 mm), 7 days (113 mm), 7 days (147 mm), and 7 days (91 mm) in May, June, July, and August, respectively. It is believed that the frequent and high rainfall during the growing season in the area resulted in the outbreak of Phytophthora foliar and fruit rot in processing pumpkins in Illinois in 1999. References: (1) D. C. Erwin and O. K. Ribeiro. 1996. Phytophthora Diseases Worldwide. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN. (2) M. T. McGrath. 1998. Biological and Cultural Tests. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN.

HortScience ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 53 (10) ◽  
pp. 1467-1474 ◽  
R. Karina Gallardo ◽  
Parichat Klingthong ◽  
Qi Zhang ◽  
James Polashock ◽  
Amaya Atucha ◽  

Informed assessment of priority genetic traits in plant breeding programs is important to improve the efficiency of developing cultivars suited to current climate and industry needs. The efficiency of genetic improvement is critical for perennial crops such as cranberries, as they usually involve more resources, time, and funding compared with other crops. This study investigated the relative importance of cranberry producers’ preferences for breeding traits related to fruit quality, productivity, plant physiology, and resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses. Industry responses revealed that fruit characteristics affecting fruit quality, including firmness, fruit size and anthocyanin content, and resistance to fruit rot, were the most desired traits in new cranberry cultivar release. These traits have the potential to increase the quality standards needed to process high-value sweetened dried cranberry products, positively affecting price premiums received by producers, which is critical for the economic viability of the cranberry industry. Our findings will be useful to breeders and allied scientists seeking to develop an advanced DNA-based selection strategy that would impact the global cranberry industry.

2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 112-119
Camilo H. Parada-Rojas ◽  
Lina M. Quesada-Ocampo

Phytophthora blight, caused by Phytophthora capsici, is an important disease of peppers in the United States and worldwide. P. capsici causes crown, root, and fruit rot as well as foliar lesions in peppers. Field trials were conducted in 2015 and 2016 to evaluate 32 commercial and experimental pepper cultivars against a mixed-isolate inoculum in North Carolina. Cultivars Martha-R and Meeting were classified as highly resistant to P. capsici, and Paladin was classified as resistant. Intermediate resistance to P. capsici in the field was observed with Fabuloso, Revolution, Vanguard, Archimedes, Aristotle, Ebano-R, and Declaration. Greenhouse experiments were conducted to determine the response of 48 pepper cultivars when inoculated individually with two isolates from North Carolina and an isolate from Michigan. Isolates exhibited different levels of virulence in pepper cultivars screened for resistance. Landraces CM334 and Fidel as well as the cultivars Martha-R, Meeting, and Intruder were categorized as highly resistant or resistant to the three isolates tested. Overall, highly resistant cultivars tended to respond similarly to field mix inoculations and greenhouse single isolate inoculations.

Plant Disease ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 96 (11) ◽  
pp. 1588-1600 ◽  
Leah L. Granke ◽  
Lina Quesada-Ocampo ◽  
Kurt Lamour ◽  
Mary K. Hausbeck

Since L. H. Leonian's first description of Phytophthora capsici as a pathogen of chile pepper in 1922, we have made many advances in our understanding of this pathogen's biology, host range, dissemination, and management. P. capsici causes foliar blighting, damping-off, wilting, and root, stem, and fruit rot of susceptible hosts, and economic losses are experienced annually in vegetable crops including cucurbits and peppers. Symptoms of P. capsici infection may manifest as stunting, girdling, or cankers for some cultivars or crops that are less susceptible. P. capsici continues to be a constraint on production, and implementation of an aggressive integrated management scheme can still result in insufficient control when weather is favorable for disease. Management of diseases caused by P. capsici is currently limited by the long-term survival of the pathogen as oospores in the soil, a wide host range, long-distance movement of the pathogen in surface water used for irrigation, the presence of fungicide-resistant pathogen populations, and a lack of commercially acceptable resistant host varieties. P. capsici can infect a wide range of hosts under laboratory and greenhouse conditions including cultivated crops, ornamentals, and native plants belonging to diverse plant families. As our understanding of P. capsici continues to grow, future research should focus on developing novel and effective solutions to manage this pathogen and prevent economic losses due to the diseases it causes.

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