scholarly journals Effects of Acetazolamide on Cerebral Blood Flow, Blood Volume, and Oxygen Metabolism: A Positron Emission Tomography Study with Healthy Volunteers

2001 ◽  
Vol 21 (12) ◽  
pp. 1472-1479 ◽  
Hidehiko Okazawa ◽  
Hiroshi Yamauchi ◽  
Kanji Sugimoto ◽  
Hiroshi Toyoda ◽  
Yoshihiko Kishibe ◽  

To evaluate changes in cerebral hemodynamics and metabolism induced by acetazolamide in healthy subjects, positron emission tomography studies for measurement of cerebral perfusion and oxygen consumption were performed. Sixteen healthy volunteers underwent positron emission tomography studies with15O-gas and water before and after intravenous administration of acetazolamide. Dynamic positron emission tomography data were acquired after bolus injection of H215O and bolus inhalation of15O2. Cerebral blood flow, metabolic rate of oxygen, and arterial-to-capillary blood volume images were calculated using the three-weighted integral method. The images of cerebral blood volume were calculated using the bolus inhalation technique of C15O. The scans for cerebral blood flow and volume and metabolic rate of oxygen after acetazolamide challenge were performed at 10, 20, and 30 minutes after drug injection. The parametric images obtained under the two conditions at baseline and after acetazolamide administration were compared. The global and regional values for cerebral blood flow and volume and arterial-to-capillary blood volume increased significantly after acetazolamide administration compared with the baseline condition, whereas no difference in metabolic rate of oxygen was observed. Acetazolamide-induced increases in both blood flow and volume in the normal brain occurred as a vasodilatory reaction of functioning vessels. The increase in arterial-to-capillary blood volume made the major contribution to the cerebral blood volume increase, indicating that the raise in cerebral blood flow during the acetazolamide challenge is closely related to arterial-to-capillary vasomotor responsiveness.

2005 ◽  
Vol 25 (7) ◽  
pp. 852-857 ◽  
Hiroshi Ito ◽  
Masanobu Ibaraki ◽  
Iwao Kanno ◽  
Hiroshi Fukuda ◽  
Shuichi Miura

Hypercapnia induces cerebral vasodilation and increases cerebral blood volume (CBV), and hypocapnia induces cerebral vasoconstriction and decreases CBV. Cerebral blood volume measured by positron emission tomography (PET) is the sum of three components, that is, arterial, capillary, and venous blood volumes. Changes in arterial blood volume ( Va) and CBV during hypercapnia and hypocapnia were investigated in humans using PET with H215O and 11CO. Arterial blood volume was determined from H215O PET data by means of a two-compartment model that takes Va into account. Baseline CBV and values during hypercapnia and hypocapnia in the cerebral cortex were 0.034 ± 0.003, 0.038 ± 0.003, and 0.031 ± 0.003 mL/mL (mean ± s.d.), respectively. Baseline Va and values during hypercapnia and hypocapnia were 0.015 ± 0.003, 0.025 ± 0.011, and 0.007 ± 0.003 mL/mL, respectively. Cerebral blood volume changed significantly owing to changes in PaCO2, and Va changed significantly in the direction of CBV changes. However, no significant change was observed in venous plus capillary blood volume (= CBV- Va). This indicates that changes in CBV during hypercapnia and hypocapnia are caused by changes in arterial blood volume without changes in venous and capillary blood volume.

2001 ◽  
Vol 21 (5) ◽  
pp. 608-612 ◽  
Hiroshi Ito ◽  
Kazuhiro Takahashi ◽  
Jun Hatazawa ◽  
Seong-Gi Kim ◽  
Iwao Kanno

The hemodynamic mechanism of increase in cerebral blood flow (CBF) during neural activation has not been elucidated in humans. In the current study, changes in both regional CBF and cerebral blood volume (CBV) during visual stimulation in humans were investigated. Cerebral blood flow and CBV were measured by positron emission tomography using H215O and 11CO, respectively, at rest and during 2-Hz and 8-Hz photic flicker stimulation in each of 10 subjects. Changes in CBF in the primary visual cortex were 16% ± 16% and 68% ± 20% for the visual stimulation of 2 Hz and 8 Hz, respectively. The changes in CBV were 10% ± 13% and 21% ± 5% for 2-Hz and 8-Hz stimulation, respectively. Significant differences between changes in CBF and CBV were observed for visual stimulation of 8 Hz. The relation between CBF and CBV values during rest and visual stimulation was CBV = 0.88CBF0.30. This indicates that when the increase in CBF during neural activation is great, that increase is caused primarily by the increase in vascular blood velocity rather than by the increase in CBV. This observation is consistent with reported findings obtained during hypercapnia.

2003 ◽  
Vol 23 (6) ◽  
pp. 665-670 ◽  
Hiroshi Ito ◽  
Iwao Kanno ◽  
Masanobu Ibaraki ◽  
Jun Hatazawa ◽  
Shuichi Miura

Hypercapnia induces cerebral vasodilation and increases cerebral blood flow (CBF), and hypocapnia induces cerebral vasoconstriction and decreases CBF. The relation between changes in CBF and cerebral blood volume (CBV) during hypercapnia and hypocapnia in humans, however, is not clear. Both CBF and CBV were measured at rest and during hypercapnia and hypocapnia in nine healthy subjects by positron emission tomography. The vascular responses to hypercapnia in terms of CBF and CBV were 6.0 ± 2.6%/mm Hg and 1.8 ± 1.3%/mm Hg, respectively, and those to hypocapnia were −3.5 ± 0.6%/mm Hg and −1.3 ± 1.0%/mm Hg, respectively. The relation between CBF and CBV was CBV = 1.09 CBF0.29. The increase in CBF was greater than that in CBV during hypercapnia, indicating an increase in vascular blood velocity. The degree of decrease in CBF during hypocapnia was greater than that in CBV, indicating a decrease in vascular blood velocity. The relation between changes in CBF and CBV during hypercapnia was similar to that during neural activation; however, the relation during hypocapnia was different from that during neural deactivation observed in crossed cerebellar diaschisis. This suggests that augmentation of CBF and CBV might be governed by a similar microcirculatory mechanism between neural activation and hypercapnia, but diminution of CBF and CBV might be governed by a different mechanism between neural deactivation and hypocapnia.

1998 ◽  
Vol 18 (4) ◽  
pp. 425-432 ◽  
Leif Østergaard ◽  
Donald F. Smith ◽  
Peter Vestergaard-Poulsen ◽  
SørenB. Hansen ◽  
Antony D. Gee ◽  

The authors determined cerebral blood flow (CBF) with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of contrast agent bolus passage and compared the results with those obtained by O-15 labeled water (H215O) and positron emission tomography (PET). Six pigs were examined by MRI and PET under normo- and hypercapnic conditions. After dose normalization and introduction of an empirical constant ΦGd, absolute regional CBF was calculated from MRI. The spatial resolution and the signal-to-noise ratio of CBF measurements by MRI were better than by the H215O-PET protocol. Magnetic resonance imaging cerebral blood volume (CBV) estimates obtained using this normalization constant correlated well with values obtained by O-15 labeled carbonmonooxide (C15O) PET. However, PET CBV values were approximately 2.5 times larger than absolute MRI CBV values, supporting the hypothesized sensitivity of MRI to small vessels.

2003 ◽  
Vol 98 (5) ◽  
pp. 1101-1111 ◽  
Kenichi Ogawa ◽  
Takeshi Uema ◽  
Nobutaka Motohashi ◽  
Masami Nishikawa ◽  
Harumasa Takano ◽  

Background The precise neural mechanisms of propofol anesthesia in humans are still unknown. The authors examined the acute effects of propofol on regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) using positron emission tomography in patients with severe depression. Methods In six severely depressed patients (mean age, 55.0 yr) scheduled for electroconvulsive therapy, anesthetic levels were monitored by electroencephalography, and rCBF was serially quantified in the awake, sedated, and anesthetized states. The authors used high-resolution positron emission tomography with 15O-labeled water and statistical parametric mapping 99 for imaging and analysis of the data. Results Global cerebral blood flow showed sharp decreases from the awake level during the administration of propofol, decreasing 26.8% in the sedated state and 54.4% in the anesthetized state. Moreover, a dose effect was seen in both parietal cortices and the left lateral prefrontal region with larger regions of relative decrease in rCBF at higher propofol doses. At the higher dose, the values of rCBF in the pulvinar nucleus of the thalamus, the pontine tegmentum, and the cerebellar cortex were also affected. Meanwhile, there were few changes of relative rCBF in the basal frontal lobes during both sedated and anesthetized states. Conclusions As in earlier studies using normal subjects, pronounced suppression in rCBF in the brain stem reticular formation, the thalamus, and the parietal association cortex occurred even in severely depressed patients. However, previously reported decreases in rCBF in the basal frontal lobe were absent in depressed patients.

2000 ◽  
Vol 92 (6) ◽  
pp. 1009-1015 ◽  
Seiji Yamamoto ◽  
Weiyu Teng ◽  
Shigeru Nishizawa ◽  
Takeharu Kakiuchi ◽  
Hideo Tsukada

Object. The hydroxyl radical scavenger (±)-N,N′-propylenedinicotinamide (AVS) has been shown to ameliorate the occurrence of vasospasm following experimental subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) and to reduce the incidence of delayed ischemic neurological deficits (DINDs) in patients with SAH. The authors investigated whether prophylactic administration of AVS could improve cerebral blood flow (CBF) and cerebral glucose utilization (CGU) following SAH in rats.Methods. Anesthetized rats were subjected to intracisternal injection of blood (SAH group) or saline (control group). Either AVS (1 mg/kg/min) or saline (vehicle group) was continuously injected into the rat femoral vein. Forty-eight hours later, positron emission tomography scanning was used with the tracers 15O-H2O and 18F-2-fluoro-d-glucose to analyze quantitatively CBF and CGU, respectively, in the frontoparietal and occipital regions (12 regions of interest/group).In SAH rats receiving only vehicle, CBF decreased significantly (p < 0.05, Tukey's test) and CGU tended to decrease, compared with values obtained in control (non-SAH) rats receiving vehicle. In rats that were subjected to SAH, administration of AVS significantly (p < 0.05, Tukey's test) improved CBF and CGU in both the frontoparietal and occipital regions compared with administration of vehicle alone.Conclusions. Prophylactic administration of AVS improves CBF and CGU in the rat brain subjected to SAH, and can be a good pharmacological treatment for the prevention of DINDs following SAH.

2012 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 264-274 ◽  
N. Kawai ◽  
M. Kawanishi ◽  
A. Shindou ◽  
N. Kudomi ◽  
Y. Yamamoto ◽  

Balloon test occlusion (BTO) of the internal carotid artery (ICA) combined with cerebral blood flow (CBF) study is a sensitive test for predicting the outcome of permanent ICA occlusion. However, false negative results sometimes occur using single photon emission tomography (SPECT). We have recently developed a rapid positron emission tomography (PET) protocol that measures not only the CBF but also the cerebral oxygen metabolism before and during BTO in succession. We measured acute changes in regional CBF and OEF/CMRO2 before and during BTO in three cases with large or giant cerebral aneurysms using the rapid PET protocol. Although no patients showed ischemic symptoms during BTO, PET studies exhibited mildly to moderately decreased CBF (9∼34%) compared to the values obtained before BTO in all cases. The average OEF during BTO was significantly increased (21% and 43%) than that of before BTO in two cases. The two cases were considered to be non-tolerant for permanent ICA occlusion and treated without ICA sacrifice. Measurement of the CBF and OEF/CMRO2 using a rapid PET protocol before and during BTO is feasible and can be used for accurate assessment of tolerance prediction in ICA occlusion.

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