scholarly journals Fluttering wing feathers produce the flight sounds of male streamertail hummingbirds

2008 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 341-344 ◽  
Christopher James Clark

Sounds produced continuously during flight potentially play important roles in avian communication, but the mechanisms underlying these sounds have received little attention. Adult male Red-billed Streamertail hummingbirds ( Trochilus polytmus ) bear elongated tail streamers and produce a distinctive ‘whirring’ flight sound, whereas subadult males and females do not. The production of this sound, which is a pulsed tone with a mean frequency of 858 Hz, has been attributed to these distinctive tail streamers. However, tail-less streamertails can still produce the flight sound. Three lines of evidence implicate the wings instead. First, it is pulsed in synchrony with the 29 Hz wingbeat frequency. Second, a high-speed video showed that primary feather eight (P8) bends during each downstroke, creating a gap between P8 and primary feather nine (P9). Manipulating either P8 or P9 reduced the production of the flight sound. Third, laboratory experiments indicated that both P8 and P9 can produce tones over a range of 700–900 Hz. The wings therefore produce the distinctive flight sound, enabled via subtle morphological changes to the structure of P8 and P9.

2008 ◽  
Vol 275 (1637) ◽  
pp. 955-962 ◽  
Christopher James Clark ◽  
Teresa J Feo

A diverse array of birds apparently make mechanical sounds (called sonations) with their feathers. Few studies have established that these sounds are non-vocal, and the mechanics of how these sounds are produced remains poorly studied. The loud, high-frequency chirp emitted by a male Anna's hummingbird ( Calypte anna ) during his display dive is a debated example. Production of the sound was originally attributed to the tail, but a more recent study argued that the sound is vocal. Here, we use high-speed video of diving birds, experimental manipulations on wild birds and laboratory experiments on individual feathers to show that the dive sound is made by tail feathers. High-speed video shows that fluttering of the trailing vane of the outermost tail feathers produces the sound. The mechanism is not a whistle, and we propose a flag model to explain the feather's fluttering and accompanying sound. The flag hypothesis predicts that subtle changes in feather shape will tune the frequency of sound produced by feathers. Many kinds of birds are reported to create aerodynamic sounds with their wings or tail, and this model may explain a wide diversity of non-vocal sounds produced by birds.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2127 (1) ◽  
pp. 012015
A A Kandaurov ◽  
D A Sergeev ◽  
Yu I Troitskaya

Abstract Present paper devoted to the investigations with optical methods processes of artificially induced bag-breakup type of spray formation phenomenon within wind-wave interaction. Experiments were carried out on the Thermostratified Wind-Wave Tank of the IAP RAS. High-speed video filming with the shadow imaging method demonstrated that it was possible to artificially reproduce all the main stages of this phenomenon, which are also observed for the sporadically occurred ones: inflation of a thin membrane surrounded by a thicker rim, rupture of the membrane leading to the formation of small droplets, fragmentation of the rim with the formation of large droplets. Special processing of the images allowed us to estimate typical lifetimes and sizes of membrane for artificial bag-breakup events which turned out to be close to the same parameters for sporadically occurred ones.

2019 ◽  
Vol 85 (6) ◽  
pp. 53-63 ◽  
I. E. Vasil’ev ◽  
Yu. G. Matvienko ◽  
A. V. Pankov ◽  
A. G. Kalinin

The results of using early damage diagnostics technique (developed in the Mechanical Engineering Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IMASH RAN) for detecting the latent damage of an aviation panel made of composite material upon bench tensile tests are presented. We have assessed the capabilities of the developed technique and software regarding damage detection at the early stage of panel loading in conditions of elastic strain of the material using brittle strain-sensitive coating and simultaneous crack detection in the coating with a high-speed video camera “Video-print” and acoustic emission system “A-Line 32D.” When revealing a subsurface defect (a notch of the middle stringer) of the aviation panel, the general concept of damage detection at the early stage of loading in conditions of elastic behavior of the material was also tested in the course of the experiment, as well as the software specially developed for cluster analysis and classification of detected location pulses along with the equipment and software for simultaneous recording of video data flows and arrays of acoustic emission (AE) data. Synchronous recording of video images and AE pulses ensured precise control of the cracking process in the brittle strain-sensitive coating (tensocoating)at all stages of the experiment, whereas the use of structural-phenomenological approach kept track of the main trends in damage accumulation at different structural levels and identify the sources of their origin when classifying recorded AE data arrays. The combined use of oxide tensocoatings and high-speed video recording synchronized with the AE control system, provide the possibility of definite determination of the subsurface defect, reveal the maximum principal strains in the area of crack formation, quantify them and identify the main sources of AE signals upon monitoring the state of the aviation panel under loading P = 90 kN, which is about 12% of the critical load.

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 593
Ryota Yanagisawa ◽  
Shunsuke Shigaki ◽  
Kotaro Yasui ◽  
Dai Owaki ◽  
Yasuhiro Sugimoto ◽  

In this study, we fabricated a novel wearable vibration sensor for insects and measured their wing flapping. An analysis of insect wing deformation in relation to changes in the environment plays an important role in understanding the underlying mechanism enabling insects to dynamically interact with their surrounding environment. It is common to use a high-speed camera to measure the wing flapping; however, it is difficult to analyze the feedback mechanism caused by the environmental changes caused by the flapping because this method applies an indirect measurement. Therefore, we propose the fabrication of a novel film sensor that is capable of measuring the changes in the wingbeat frequency of an insect. This novel sensor is composed of flat silver particles admixed with a silicone polymer, which changes the value of the resistor when a bending deformation occurs. As a result of attaching this sensor to the wings of a moth and a dragonfly and measuring the flapping of the wings, we were able to measure the frequency of the flapping with high accuracy. In addition, as a result of simultaneously measuring the relationship between the behavior of a moth during its search for an odor source and its wing flapping, it became clear that the frequency of the flapping changed depending on the frequency of the odor reception. From this result, a wearable film sensor for an insect that can measure the displacement of the body during a particular behavior was fabricated.

Franziska Winkelmann ◽  
Marcus Frank ◽  
Anne Rabes ◽  
Nicole Koslowski ◽  
Cindy Schulz ◽  

AbstractSchistosomiasis is one of the most devastating parasitic disease in the world. Schistosoma spp. survive for decades within the vasculature of their human hosts. They have evolved a vast array of mechanisms to avoid the immune reaction of the host. Due to their sexual dimorphism, with the female worm lying within the gynecophoric canal of the male worm, it is the male that is exposed to the immediate environment and the soluble parts of the host’s immune response. To understand how the worms are so successful in fending off the immune attacks of the host, comparative analyses of both worm sexes in human serum (with or without Praziquantel) were performed using scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and immunohistochemistry. Further, gene expression analyses of tegument-specific genes were performed. Following the incubation in human serum, males and females out of pairs show morphological changes such as an altered structure of the pits below the surface and an increased number of pits per area. In addition, female schistosomes presented a marked tuft-like repulsion of their opsonized surface. The observed resistance of females to Praziquantel seemed to depend on active proteins in the human serum. Moreover, different expression profiles of tegument-specific genes indicate different functions of female_single and male_single teguments in response to human serum. Our results indicate that female schistosomes developed different evasion strategies toward the host’s immune system in comparison to males that might lead to more robustness and has to be taken into account for the development of new anti-schistosomal drugs.

Hirokazu Takahashi ◽  
Takahiro Murooka ◽  
Kan Toyoshima ◽  
Hitoshi Uematsu ◽  
Tetsuro Fujii

2000 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 229-233
M.J. Hepher ◽  
D. Duckett ◽  
A. Loening

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