The intermetallic compound phases of the system aluminium-manganese-zinc
The system aluminium-manganese-zinc has been examined in the range 0 to 95 % of zinc, and 0 to 3 % of manganese. Attention was directed only to the constitution of the alloys above the solidus. Using micrographic and X-ray methods, and the chemical analysis of crystals separated from slowly cooled alloys, it has been shown that, according to composition, the phases MnAl 6 , T 1 , MnAl 4 , T 2 , T 3 and MnAl 3 may crystallize as primary constituents. Both MnAl 6 and MnAl 4 dissolve small quantities of zinc; the phases T 1 , T 2 and T 3 are ternary compounds. The phase T 1 is characterized by a ratio of four aluminium atoms to one of combined solutes, and an electron: atom ratio of 1.85, calculated on the basis of the Pauling theory of transitional metals. According to this theory, transitional metal atoms have vacancies for electrons in their atomi orbitals, and the present experiments in conjunction with earlier work suggest that these may be filled up as a consequence of alloy formation. The phases T 2 and T 3 may be represented respectively by the formulae Mn 2 ZnAl 9 and (Mn.Zn 5 Al 11 . MnAl 3 , which can dissolve small quantities of zinc, enters into equilibrium at a ternary eutectic (Zn 95 %, Mn 0.05 %; 378° C) with the primary solid solutions in zinc and aluminium respectively.