scholarly journals The geometry of modified Riemannian extensions

E. Calviño-Louzao ◽  
E. García-Río ◽  
P. Gilkey ◽  
R. Vázquez-Lorenzo

We show that every paracomplex space form is locally isometric to a modified Riemannian extension and gives necessary and sufficient conditions for a modified Riemannian extension to be Einstein. We exhibit Riemannian extension Osserman manifolds of signature (3, 3), whose Jacobi operators have non-trivial Jordan normal form and which are not nilpotent. We present new four-dimensional results in Osserman geometry.

Symmetry ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (7) ◽  
pp. 1125
Carlos Marijuán ◽  
Ignacio Ojeda ◽  
Alberto Vigneron-Tenorio

We propose necessary and sufficient conditions for an integer matrix to be decomposable in terms of its Hermite normal form. Specifically, to each integer matrix, we associate a symmetric integer matrix whose reducibility can be efficiently determined by elementary linear algebra techniques, and which completely determines the decomposability of the first one.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 82-91
Andrey Osipov

Abstract We consider the situations, when two unbounded operators generated by infinite Jacobi matrices, are self-adjoint and commute. It is found that if two Jacobi matrices formally commute, then two corresponding operators are either self-adjoint and commute, or admit a commuting self-adjoint extensions. In the latter case such extensions are explicitly described. Also, some necessary and sufficient conditions for self-adjointness of Jacobi operators are studied.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2019 ◽  
pp. 1-7 ◽  
Rongsheng Ma ◽  
Donghe Pei

In this paper, we investigate the Lorentzian generalized Sasakian-space-form. We give the necessary and sufficient conditions for the Lorentzian generalized Sasakian-space-form to be projectively flat, conformally flat, conharmonically flat, and Ricci semisymmetric and their relationship between each other. As the application of our theorems, we study the Ricci almost soliton on conformally flat Lorentzian generalized Sasakian-space-form.

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (01) ◽  
pp. 2050005 ◽  
Fatma Karaca ◽  
Cihan Özgür ◽  
Uday Chand De

We consider interpolating sesqui-harmonic Legendre curves in Sasakian space forms. We find the necessary and sufficient conditions for Legendre curves in Sasakian space forms to be interpolating sesqui-harmonic. Finally, we obtain a proper example for an interpolating sesqui-harmonic Legendre curve in a Sasakian space form.

Filomat ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 29 (3) ◽  
pp. 401-410 ◽  
Cornelia-Livia Bejan ◽  
Simona-Luiza Druţă-Romaniuc

Our study is mainly devoted to a natural diagonal metric G on the total space TMof the tangent bundle of a Riemannian manifold (M, 1). We provide the necessary and sufficient conditions under which (TM,G) is a space form, or equivalently (TM,G) is projectively Euclidean. Moreover, we classify the natural diagonal metrics G for which (TM,G) is horizontally projectively flat (resp. vertically projectively flat).

1986 ◽  
Vol 23 (04) ◽  
pp. 851-858 ◽  
P. J. Brockwell

The Laplace transform of the extinction time is determined for a general birth and death process with arbitrary catastrophe rate and catastrophe size distribution. It is assumed only that the birth rates satisfyλ0= 0,λj> 0 for eachj> 0, and. Necessary and sufficient conditions for certain extinction of the population are derived. The results are applied to the linear birth and death process (λj=jλ, µj=jμ) with catastrophes of several different types.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
pp. 313-324
Sergii Chuiko ◽  
Ol'ga Nesmelova

The study of the differential-algebraic boundary value problems, traditional for the Kiev school of nonlinear oscillations, founded by academicians M.M. Krylov, M.M. Bogolyubov, Yu.A. Mitropolsky and A.M. Samoilenko. It was founded in the 19th century in the works of G. Kirchhoff and K. Weierstrass and developed in the 20th century by M.M. Luzin, F.R. Gantmacher, A.M. Tikhonov, A. Rutkas, Yu.D. Shlapac, S.L. Campbell, L.R. Petzold, Yu.E. Boyarintsev, V.F. Chistyakov, A.M. Samoilenko, O.A. Boichuk, V.P. Yacovets, C.W. Gear and others. In the works of S.L. Campbell, L.R. Petzold, Yu.E. Boyarintsev, V.F. Chistyakov, A.M. Samoilenko and V.P. Yakovets were obtained sufficient conditions for the reducibility of the linear differential-algebraic system to the central canonical form and the structure of the general solution of the degenerate linear system was obtained. Assuming that the conditions for the reducibility of the linear differential-algebraic system to the central canonical form were satisfied, O.A.~Boichuk obtained the necessary and sufficient conditions for the solvability of the linear Noetherian differential-algebraic boundary value problem and constructed a generalized Green operator of this problem. Based on this, later O.A. Boichuk and O.O. Pokutnyi obtained the necessary and sufficient conditions for the solvability of the weakly nonlinear differential algebraic boundary value problem, the linear part of which is a Noetherian differential algebraic boundary value problem. Thus, out of the scope of the research, the cases of dependence of the desired solution on an arbitrary continuous function were left, which are typical for the linear differential-algebraic system. Our article is devoted to the study of just such a case. The article uses the original necessary and sufficient conditions for the solvability of the linear Noetherian differential-algebraic boundary value problem and the construction of the generalized Green operator of this problem, constructed by S.M. Chuiko. Based on this, necessary and sufficient conditions for the solvability of the weakly nonlinear differential-algebraic boundary value problem were obtained. A typical feature of the obtained necessary and sufficient conditions for the solvability of the linear and weakly nonlinear differential-algebraic boundary-value problem is its dependence on the means of fixing of the arbitrary continuous function. An improved classification and a convergent iterative scheme for finding approximations to the solutions of weakly nonlinear differential algebraic boundary value problems was constructed in the article.

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