Equation of motion for point vortices in multiply connected circular domains
The paper gives the equation of motion for N point vortices in a bounded planar multiply connected domain inside the unit circle that contains many circular obstacles, called the circular domain. The velocity field induced by the point vortices is described in terms of the Schottky–Klein prime function associated with the circular domain. The explicit representation of the equation enables us not only to solve the Euler equations through the point-vortex approximation numerically, but also to investigate the interactions between localized vortex structures in the circular domain. As an application of the equation, we consider the motion of two point vortices with unit strength and of opposite signs. When the multiply connected domain is symmetric with respect to the real axis, the motion of the two point vortices is reduced to that of a single point vortex in a multiply connected semicircle, which we investigate in detail.