scholarly journals An archaeal order with multiple minichromosome maintenance genes

Microbiology ◽  
2010 ◽  
Vol 156 (5) ◽  
pp. 1405-1414 ◽  
Alison D. Walters ◽  
James P. J. Chong

In eukaryotes, a complex of six highly related minichromosome maintenance (MCM) proteins is believed to function as the replicative helicase. Until recently, systems for exploring the molecular mechanisms underlying eukaryotic MCM function have been biochemically intractable. To overcome this, molecular studies of MCM function have been carried out using MCM homologues from the archaea. Archaeal MCM systems studied to date possess a single functional MCM, which forms a homohexameric complex that displays DNA binding, ATPase and helicase activities. We have identified an archaeal order that possesses multiple MCM homologues. blast searches of available Methanococcales genomes reveal that members of this order possess between two and eight MCM homologues. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that an ancient duplication in the Methanococcales gave rise to two major groups of MCMs. One group contains Methanococcus maripaludis S2 McmD and possesses a conserved C-terminal insert similar to one observed in eukaryotic MCM3, while the other group contains McmA, -B and -C. Analysis of the genome context of MCMs in the latter group indicates that these genes could have arisen from phage-mediated events. When co-expressed in Escherichia coli, the four MCMs from M. maripaludis co-purify, indicating the formation of heteromeric complexes in vitro. The presence of homologues from both groups in all Methanococcales indicates that there could be functionally important differences between these proteins and that Methanococcales MCMs may therefore provide an interesting additional model for eukaryotic MCM function.

2004 ◽  
Vol 279 (44) ◽  
pp. 45586-45593 ◽  
David Shechter ◽  
Carol Y. Ying ◽  
Jean Gautier

Minichromosome maintenance proteins (Mcm) are essential in all eukaryotes and are absolutely required for initiation of DNA replication. The eukaryotic and archaeal Mcm proteins have conserved helicase motifs and exhibit DNA helicase and ATP hydrolysis activitiesin vitro. Although the Mcm proteins have been proposed to be the replicative helicase, the enzyme that melts the DNA helix at the replication fork, their function during cellular DNA replication elongation is still unclear. Using nucleoplasmic extract (NPE) fromXenopus laeviseggs and six purified polyclonal antibodies generated against each of theXenopusMcm proteins, we have demonstrated that Mcm proteins are required during DNA replication and DNA unwinding after initiation of replication. Quantitative depletion of Mcms from the NPE results in normal replication and unwinding, confirming that Mcms are required before pre-replicative complex assembly and dispensable thereafter. Replication and unwinding are inhibited when pooled neutralizing antibodies against the six different Mcm2–7 proteins are added during NPE incubation. Furthermore, replication is blocked by the addition of the Mcm antibodies after an initial period of replication in the NPE, visualized by a pulse of radiolabeled nucleotide at the same time as antibody addition. Addition of the cyclin-dependent kinase 2 inhibitor p21cip1specifically blocks origin firing but does not prevent helicase action. When p21cip1is added, followed by the non-hydrolyzable analog ATPγS to block helicase function, unwinding is inhibited, demonstrating that plasmid unwinding is specifically attributable to an ATP hydrolysis-dependent function. These data support the hypothesis that the Mcm protein complex functions as the replicative helicase.

Pathogens ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 75 ◽  
Wadha Alfouzan ◽  
Rita Dhar ◽  
David Nicolau

Limited data are available on susceptibilities of these organisms to some of the recently made accessible antimicrobial agents. The in vitro activities of newer antibiotics, such as, ceftolozane/tazobactam (C/T) and ceftazidime/avibactam (CZA) along with some “older” antibiotics, for example fosfomycin (FOS) and colistin (CL) were determined against selected strains (resistant to ≥ 3 antimicrobial agents) of Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) were determined by Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute microbroth dilution. 133 isolates: 46 E. coli, 39 K. pneumoniae, and 48 P. aeruginosa were tested. Results showed that E. coli isolates with MIC50/90, 0.5/1 μ g / mL for CL; 4/32 μ g / mL for FOS; 0.25/32 μ g / mL for C/T; 0.25/8 μ g / mL for CZA, exhibited susceptibility rates of 95.7%, 97.8%, 76.1%, and 89.1%, respectively. On the other hand, K. pneumoniae strains with MIC50/90, 0.5/1 μ g / mL for CL; 256/512 μ g / mL for FOS; 2/128 μ g / mL for C/T; 0.5/128 μ g / mL for CZA showed susceptibility rates of 92.3%, 7.7%, 51.3%, and 64.1%, respectively. P. aeruginosa isolates with MIC50/90, 1/1 μ g / mL for CL; 128/128 μ g / mL for C/T; 32/64 μ g / mL for CZA presented susceptibility rates of 97.9%, 33.3%, and 39.6%, respectively. Higher MICs were demonstrated against most of the antibiotics. However, CL retained efficacy at low MICs against most of the isolates tested.

2016 ◽  
Vol 60 (3) ◽  
pp. 1702-1707 ◽  
Parham Sendi ◽  
Martina Furitsch ◽  
Stefanie Mauerer ◽  
Carlos Florindo ◽  
Barbara C. Kahl ◽  

Streptococcus agalactiae(group BStreptococcus[GBS]) is a leading cause of sepsis in neonates. The rate of invasive GBS disease in nonpregnant adults also continues to climb. Aminoglycosides alone have little or no effect on GBS, but synergistic killing with penicillin has been shownin vitro. High-level gentamicin resistance (HLGR) in GBS isolates, however, leads to the loss of a synergistic effect. We therefore performed a multicenter study to determine the frequency of HLGR GBS isolates and to elucidate the molecular mechanisms leading to gentamicin resistance. From eight centers in four countries, 1,128 invasive and colonizing GBS isolates were pooled and investigated for the presence of HLGR. We identified two strains that displayed HLGR (BSU1203 and BSU452), both of which carried theaacA-aphDgene, typically conferring HLGR. However, only one strain (BSU1203) also carried the previously described chromosomal gentamicin resistance transposon designated Tn3706. For the other strain (BSU452), plasmid purification and subsequent DNA sequencing resulted in the detection of plasmid pIP501 carrying a remnant of a Tn3family transposon. Its ability to confer HLGR was proven by transfer into anEnterococcus faecalisisolate. Conversely, loss of HLGR was documented after curing both GBS BSU452 and the transformedE. faecalisstrain from the plasmid. This is the first report showing plasmid-mediated HLGR in GBS. Thus, in our clinical GBS isolates, HLGR is mediated both chromosomally and extrachromosomally.

2014 ◽  
Vol 82 (5) ◽  
pp. 1801-1812 ◽  
Sylvia Kleta ◽  
Marcel Nordhoff ◽  
Karsten Tedin ◽  
Lothar H. Wieler ◽  
Rafal Kolenda ◽  

ABSTRACTEnteropathogenicEscherichia coli(EPEC) is recognized as an important intestinal pathogen that frequently causes acute and persistent diarrhea in humans and animals. The use of probiotic bacteria to prevent diarrhea is gaining increasing interest. The probioticE. colistrain Nissle 1917 (EcN) is known to be effective in the treatment of several gastrointestinal disorders. While bothin vitroandin vivostudies have described strong inhibitory effects of EcN on enteropathogenic bacteria, including pathogenicE. coli, the underlying molecular mechanisms remain largely unknown. In this study, we examined the inhibitory effect of EcN on infections of porcine intestinal epithelial cells with atypical enteropathogenicE. coli(aEPEC) with respect to single infection steps, including adhesion, microcolony formation, and the attaching and effacing phenotype. We show that EcN drastically reduced the infection efficiencies of aEPEC by inhibiting bacterial adhesion and growth of microcolonies, but not the attaching and effacing of adherent bacteria. The inhibitory effect correlated with EcN adhesion capacities and was predominantly mediated by F1C fimbriae, but also by H1 flagella, which served as bridges between EcN cells. Furthermore, EcN seemed to interfere with the initial adhesion of aEPEC to host cells by secretion of inhibitory components. These components do not appear to be specific to EcN, but we propose that the strong adhesion capacities enable EcN to secrete sufficient local concentrations of the inhibitory factors. The results of this study are consistent with a mode of action whereby EcN inhibits secretion of virulence-associated proteins of EPEC, but not their expression.

2008 ◽  
Vol 190 (24) ◽  
pp. 7932-7938 ◽  
Sang Jun Lee ◽  
Dale E. A. Lewis ◽  
Sankar Adhya

ABSTRACT The two optical forms of aldohexose galactose differing at the C-1 position, α-d-galactose and β-d-galactose, are widespread in nature. The two anomers also occur in di- and polysaccharides, as well as in glycoconjugates. The anomeric form of d-galactose, when present in complex carbohydrates, e.g., cell wall, glycoproteins, and glycolipids, is specific. Their interconversion occurs as monomers and is effected by the enzyme mutarotase (aldose-1-epimerase). Mutarotase and other d-galactose-metabolizing enzymes are coded by genes that constitute an operon in Escherichia coli. The operon is repressed by the repressor GalR and induced by d-galactose. Since, depending on the carbon source during growth, the cell can make only one of the two anomers of d-galactose, the cell must also convert one anomer to the other for use in specific biosynthetic pathways. Thus, it is imperative that induction of the gal operon, specifically the mutarotase, be achievable by either anomer of d-galactose. Here we report in vivo and in vitro experiments showing that both α-d-galactose and β-d-galactose are capable of inducing transcription of the gal operon with equal efficiency and kinetics. Whereas all substitutions at the C-1 position in the α configuration inactivate the induction capacity of the sugar, the effect of substitutions in the β configuration varies depending upon the nature of the substitution; methyl and phenyl derivatives induce weakly, but the glucosyl derivative does not.

2018 ◽  
Vol 200 (6) ◽  
Amanda K. Rudat ◽  
Arya Pokhrel ◽  
Todd J. Green ◽  
Michael J. Gray

ABSTRACTBacteria synthesize inorganic polyphosphate (polyP) in response to a wide variety of stresses, and production of polyP is essential for stress response and survival in many important pathogens and bacteria used in biotechnological processes. However, surprisingly little is known about the molecular mechanisms that control polyP synthesis. We have therefore developed a novel genetic screen that specifically links growth ofEscherichia colito polyP synthesis, allowing us to isolate mutations leading to enhanced polyP production. Using this system, we have identified mutations in the polyP-synthesizing enzyme polyP kinase (PPK) that lead to dramatic increases inin vivopolyP synthesis but do not substantially affect the rate of polyP synthesis by PPKin vitro. These mutations are distant from the PPK active site and found in interfaces between monomers of the PPK tetramer. We have also shown that high levels of polyP lead to intracellular magnesium starvation. Our results provide new insights into the control of bacterial polyP accumulation and suggest a simple, novel strategy for engineering bacteria with increased polyP contents.IMPORTANCEPolyP is an ancient, universally conserved biomolecule and is important for stress response, energy metabolism, and virulence in a remarkably broad range of microorganisms. PolyP accumulation by bacteria is also important in biotechnology applications. For example, it is critical to enhanced biological phosphate removal (EBPR) from wastewater. Understanding how bacteria control polyP synthesis is therefore of broad importance in both the fields of bacterial pathogenesis and biological engineering. UsingEscherichia colias a model organism, we have identified the first known mutations in polyP kinase that lead to increases in cellular polyP content.

2021 ◽  
Kat Pick ◽  
Tingting Ju ◽  
Benjamin P. Willing ◽  
Tracy Lyn Raivio

In this study, we describe the isolation and characterization of novel bacteriophage vB_EcoP_Kapi1 (Kapi1) isolated from a strain of commensal Escherichia coli inhabiting the gastrointestinal tract of healthy mice. We show that Kapi1 is a temperate phage integrated into tRNA argW of strain MP1 and describe its genome annotation and structure. Kapi1 shows limited homology to other characterized prophages but is most similar to the seroconverting phages of Shigella flexneri, and clusters taxonomically with P22-like phages. The receptor for Kapi1 is the lipopolysaccharide O-antigen, and we further show that Kapi1 alters the structure of its hosts O-antigen in multiple ways.  Kapi1 displays unstable lysogeny, and we find that lysogeny is favored during growth in simulated intestinal fluid. Furthermore, Kapi1 lysogens have a competitive advantage over their non-lysogenic counterparts both in vitro and in vivo, suggesting a role for Kapi1 during colonization. We thus report the use of MP1 and Kapi1 as a model system to explore the molecular mechanisms of mammalian colonization by E. coli to ask what the role(s) of prophages in this context might be.

Viruses ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (8) ◽  
pp. 807
Evgeny Klimuk ◽  
Vladimir Mekler ◽  
Darya Lavysh ◽  
Marina Serebryakova ◽  
Natalia Akulenko ◽  

The Escherichia coli bacteriophage T5 has three temporal classes of genes (pre-early, early, and late). All three classes are transcribed by host RNA polymerase (RNAP) containing the σ70 promoter specificity subunit. Molecular mechanisms responsible for the switching of viral transcription from one class to another remain unknown. Here, we find the product of T5 gene 026 (gpT5.026) in RNAP preparations purified from T5-infected cells and demonstrate in vitro its tight binding to E. coli RNAP. While proteins homologous to gpT5.026 are encoded by all T5-related phages, no similarities to proteins with known functions can be detected. GpT5.026 binds to two regions of the RNAP β subunit and moderately inhibits RNAP interaction with the discriminator region of σ70-dependent promoters. A T5 mutant with disrupted gene 026 is viable, but the host cell lysis phase is prolongated and fewer virus particles are produced. During the mutant phage infection, the number of early transcripts increases, whereas the number of late transcripts decreases. We propose that gpT5.026 is part of the regulatory cascade that orchestrates a switch from early to late bacteriophage T5 transcription.

2012 ◽  
Vol 30 (15_suppl) ◽  
pp. e15011-e15011
Nadira Narine ◽  
Bensita M.V Thottakam ◽  
Alessia Donnini ◽  
Sushant Dhanvijay ◽  
Kasra Saeb-Parsy ◽  

e15011 Background: Urine cytology, a cheap non invasive first line test (PAP) has traditionally been used for the diagnosis of urothelial carcinoma (UC) as it has excellent sensitivity for the detection of high grade and in situ lesions. However, sensitivity for low grade carcinoma is rather varied as this is a problematic area with various mimics leading to both over and under diagnoses. To overcome this dilemma, a number of biomarkers and molecular tests have been employed with mixed results and varied financial implications. We report on a relatively cheap and easily adopted in vitro diagnostic test, Minichromosome maintenance (MCM) proteins, as an adjuvant to cytology in the diagnosis of both low and high grade bladder cancer (BC). MCM proteins play an important regulatory role in eukaryotic DNA replication and is expressed only as normal cells progress from G0 into G1/S phase of the cell cycle. However, over expression has been demonstrated in neoplasia in a range of sites including urothelium. Methods: 106 patients from gross haematuria (GH, 39) and cystoscopic surveillance (CS, 67) clinics were investigated for newly diagnosed and recurrent BC respectively by MCM and cytology with histological outcome being used as the gold standard. Results: Using biopsy positive outcome, MCM and cytology had a sensitivity of 91.7%, specificity of 86.6%, PPV of 66.7% and NPV of 97.3%. There was noticeably improved correlation of MCM and cytology with increasing grade of BC (Table). Conclusions: We showed the combination of MCM and cytology to be highly sensitive and specific for the determination of CIS, G2, and G3 BC with improved detection of G1 bladder cancer. The combination of MCM and cytology suggests that this offers promise as a novel diagnostic biomarker in GH and CS patients. [Table: see text]

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