scholarly journals The impact of Temporal Artery Biopsy for the diagnosis of Giant Cell Arteritis in clinical practice in a tertiary University Hospital

2019 ◽  
E Kaltsonoudis ◽  
E Pelechas ◽  
A Papoudou-Bai ◽  
E.T. Markatseli ◽  
M Elisaf ◽  

ABSTRACTBackgroundTemporal artery biopsy (TAB) is useful in assisting with giant cell arteritis (GCA) diagnosis but lacks sensitivity. The aim of our study was to assess the diagnostic impact of TAB histology in patients with suspected GCA on hospital admission.MethodsA prospectively maintained database was queried for all TABs performed between 1-1-2000 until 31-12-2017 at the University Hospital of Ioannina. Thus, inclusion criteria were made on the grounds of every patient that underwent a TAB during the above-mentioned period, regardless of demographic, clinical and laboratory data.ResultsTwo hundred forty-five TABs were included (149 females and 96 males), with a mean age of 64.5 (±3.5) years. The mean symptoms duration until admission to the hospital was 8.6 (±1.3) weeks and all had elevated acute phase reactants on admission. The reasons of admission were fever of unknown origin (FUO) in 114 (46.5%) patients, symptoms of polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) in 84 (34.3%), new headache in 33 (13.5%), anemia of chronic disease (ACD) in 8 (3.32%) and eye disturbances in 6 (2.5%) patients. Positive results were found in 49 (20%) TABs. More specifically, in 14% of patients with FUO, 21% in those with PMR, while in patients with a new headache the percentage was 27%. Finally, 5 out of 6 (83.3%) of patients with ocular symptoms and only one (12.5%) of those suffering from ACD. Visual manifestations and FUO are correlated with a positive TAB.ConclusionIt seems that TAB is useful in assisting with GCA diagnosis, but lacks sensitivity.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. e0210845 ◽  
Evripidis Kaltsonoudis ◽  
Eleftherios Pelechas ◽  
Alexandra Papoudou-Bai ◽  
Theodora E. Markatseli ◽  
Moses Elisaf ◽  

E Kaltsonoudis ◽  
D Kirochristos ◽  
A Bai-Papoudou ◽  
P Voulgari ◽  
AA Drosos

2021 ◽  
Vol 108 (Supplement_1) ◽  
BJW Chew ◽  
A Khajuria ◽  
J Ibanez

Abstract Introduction Guidelines recommend temporal artery biopsy (TAB) for patients suspected of having giant cell arteritis (GCA). We evaluated the impact of TAB on the diagnosis and management of patients with suspected GCA at a tertiary plastic surgery unit. Method A retrospective review of all TAB procedures performed at our centre over 7 years was performed. One hundred and one patients were included in the study. Patients were classified into 3 diagnostic groups: confirmed (positive TAB), presumed (negative TAB with high clinical suspicion) and unlikely (negative TAB with low clinical suspicion). The clinical presentation and management for each group were compared. Result The average American College of Rheumatology (ACR) score was 3.07. The number of patients with an ACR score of ≥3 before TAB was 72 (71.3%) and remained the same after TAB. The number of patients who remained on steroid therapy was lower in the group with an unlikely diagnosis of GCA compared to the group with a confirmed diagnosis (p<0.05). Conversely, there was no significant difference in steroid therapy between those with a presumed and confirmed diagnosis (p>0.05). Conclusion This study found a significant difference in steroid treatment between those with confirmed GCA and those where the diagnosis was unlikely showing that TAB may support decisions regarding steroid therapy. However, TAB was inappropriately requested for patients whose pre-TAB ACR score was ≥3 as this score is sufficient for the diagnosis of GCA. Therefore, the use of TAB should be limited to cases of diagnostic uncertainty. Take-home message while temporal artery biopsy has a role to play in the diagnosis of GCA, its use should be limited to cases of diagnostic uncertainty and not requested for every patient with a suspicion of Giant Cell Arteritis.

1994 ◽  
Vol 39 (4) ◽  
pp. 114-115
A. Fife ◽  
L. Dorrell ◽  
M.H. Snow ◽  
E.L.C. Ong

Giant cell arteritis may present atypically with symptoms of malaise, anorexia, weight loss and fever that could lead to diagnostic difficulties. We describe two cases which the prominent initial feature was protracted pyrexia. Clinicians should seriously consider temporal artery biopsy in such cases.

Bonifacio Álvarez-Lario ◽  
José Andrés Lorenzo-Martín ◽  
María Colazo-Burlato ◽  
Jesús Luis Macarrón-Vicente ◽  
José Luis Alonso-Valdivielso

ABSTRACT The case is reported of a 75-year-old woman diagnosed with polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR), treated with low doses of prednisone, and with clinical and analytical remission. Two years later, she presented with a clinical picture of giant cell arteritis (GCA), including headache, diplopia, jaw pain, feeling of swelling in both temples, and elevation of acute phase reactants. Symptoms spontaneously subsided two weeks later, while analytical parameters improved without any treatment. A high-resolution color Doppler ultrasound showed thickening of the intima-media complex with “halo” sign in the right temporal artery. A biopsy of the right temporal artery was performed, although it was not successful, as no artery could be found, and the procedure became more complicated with an eyebrow ptosis due to a lesion of the frontal branch of the facial nerve. GCA diagnosis was based on the clinical, laboratory and ultrasound findings. The patient was treated with prednisone and methotrexate, without clinical or analytical relapse. Comments are presented on the described cases of GCA with spontaneous remission and the most appropriate treatment in these cases are discussed. Other peculiarities of the case are also mentioned, such as the progression to GCA more than two years after the onset of PMR, and the complications from the temporal artery biopsy.

2020 ◽  
Vol 79 (Suppl 1) ◽  
pp. 95.3-95
A. Sachdev ◽  
S. Dubey ◽  
C. Tiivas ◽  
M. George ◽  
P. Mehta

Background:A number of centres are now running fast track pathways for diagnosis and management of Giant cell arteritis with ultrasound as the first port of call for diagnosis1. Temporal artery biopsies (TABs) have become the second line of investigation, and it is unclear how useful TAB is in this setting.Objectives:This study looked at accuracy of Temporal artery biopsy (TAB) in patients with suspected Giant Cell arteritis (GCA) with negative/inconclusive ultrasound (U/S) and how duration of treatment on steroids prior to these investigations and arterial specimen size affected it.Methods:Prospective study of all patients with suspected GCA referred for TAB when U/S was negative or inconclusive, as part of the local fast-track pathway (Coventry). Database included clinical findings, serological work up, U/S and TAB results and treatment. Sensitivity and specificity of U/S and TAB was calculated and compared based on duration of treatment with steroids.Results:One hundred and nine patients were referred for TAB via Coventry fast-track-pathway. The sensitivity of U/S in this cohort of patients was 9.08% and specificity was 93.33%. After 3 days of steroid this was 0% and 100% respectively. For TAB when done within 10 days of starting steroids, this was 65% and 87.5% respectively. After 20 days of steroids this was 0 % and 100%. The sensitivity and specificity was 20% and 85% when arterial specimen size was 11-15mm and 47% and 100% when specimen size was 16 mm or more. Sensitivity and specificity of U/S of 644 suspected GCA patients was 48% and 98%.Conclusion:Our study demonstrates that TAB plays a relevant role in GCA fast-track-pathways, when U/S is negative/inconclusive. TAB was more sensitive than U/S in this cohort of patients, but overall sensitivity of U/S was higher when calculated for all patients suspected with GCA. Both remain useful tests if performed early. TAB specimen size should ideally be 16mm or more and done within 10 days of starting steroids.References:[1]Jonathan Pinnell, Carl Tiivas, Kaushik Chaudhuri, Purnima Mehta, Shirish Dubey, O38 The diagnostic performance of ultrasound Doppler in a fast-track pathway for giant cell arteritis,Rheumatology, Volume 58, Issue Supplement_3, April 2019, kez105.036, of Interests:None declared

2020 ◽  
Vol 79 (Suppl 1) ◽  
pp. 682.1-682
S. Chrysidis ◽  
U. Møller Døhn ◽  
L. Terslev ◽  
U. Fredberg ◽  
T. Lorenzen ◽  

Background:Giant Cell Arteritis (GCA) is one of the most common systemic vasculitis. Temporal artery biopsy (TAB) has been the standard test to confirm the diagnosis of GCA. However, TAB has a lower sensitivity than clinical diagnosis and up to 44% of biopsy-negative patients are clinically diagnosed as having GCA.In a recent meta-analysis of the diagnostic performance of ultrasound (US) in GCA the sensitivity was 77 % (1). The included studies were performed by expert groups in single centres. In the to date only multicentre study (TABUL) investigating the diagnostic accuracy of US compared to clinical diagnosis after 6 months the sensitivity was lower (54%) (2)Objectives:To evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of vascular US compared to TAB in a multicentre study.Methods:In three Danish centres patients suspected for GCA were included during a period of two years. At baseline, clinical and laboratory data were collected and vascular US of temporal, facial, common carotid and axillary artery were performed. The US examinations were performed with high frequency transducers (15-18 MHZ) and followed by a TAB. All ultrasongraphers had participated in the same standardized US educational program and were blinded to clinical and laboratory data. An external expert blinded to clinical and laboratory data evaluated all images and made the final US diagnosis.A positive sign for vasculitis in cranial arteries was defined as a hypoechoic intima media complex (IMC) thickening (halo sign) and a positive compression sign. A homogeneous IMC increased thickness in axillary artery of ≥1mm and in common carotid artery ≥1.5mm was defined as vasculitis.The consultant rheumatologist’s diagnosis at 6 months after initial presentation was considered as the reference standard for the diagnosis of GCA.Results:During the recruitment period, 112 patients were included, 59% females, mean (SD) age 72.4(7.9) years, among which 91(81.3%) fulfilled the ACR 1990 classification criteria for GCA. 92% of the patients reported a newly emerged localized headache, while 49 (43.8%) experienced polymyalgia rheumatic symptoms.TAB was positive in 46(41.1%) and inconclusive in 6 patients, who were excluded from the analysis. Mean (SD) duration of glucocorticoid therapy prior to US and TAB was 0.91(1.55) and 4.02(2.61) days, respectively. In 62 patients, the final diagnosis was GCA.In all patients with a positive TAB, the US of the temporal artery was also positive for GCA. Of 19 cases with positive US and negative TAB, 12 were clinically diagnosed with GCA of whom 6 had isolated large vessel involvement on US. Among 41 patients with both negative US and TAB, 4 were clinically diagnosed with GCA (Box 1)US had a sensitivity of 93% and specificity of 84% for the diagnosis of GCA, while the sensitivity for TAB was lower (74%) with a specificity of 100%. For the diagnosis of GCA, US had a PPV of 89.2 % and a NPV of 90.2%, while for TAB the PPV was 100% and the NPV 73.3%.Conclusion:US evaluation of the temporal, facial and selected supraaortic arteries performed by trained ultrasonographers can replace biopsy in the diagnosis of GCA.Box.1References:[1]Duftner C, Dejaco C, et al. Imaging in diagnosis, outcome prediction and monitoring of large vessel vasculitis: a systematic literature review and metaanalysis informing the EULAR recommendations. RMD Open 2018;4:e000612.[2]Luqmani R et al. The Role of Ultrasound Compared to Biopsy of Temporal Arteries in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Giant Cell Arteritis (TABUL): a diagnostic accuracy and cost-effectiveness study. Health Technol Assess 2016;20:1_238.Disclosure of Interests:stavros chrysidis: None declared, Uffe Møller Døhn: None declared, Lene Terslev Speakers bureau: LT declares speakers fees from Roche, MSD, BMS, Pfizer, AbbVie, Novartis, and Janssen., Ulrich Fredberg: None declared, Tove Lorenzen: None declared, Robin Christensen: None declared, Per Søndergaard: None declared, Jakob Matthisson: None declared, Knud Larsen: None declared, Andreas Diamandopoulos: None declared

2011 ◽  
Vol 121 (S5) ◽  
pp. S264-S264
Stephen V. Tornabene ◽  
Raymond Hilsinger ◽  
Raul M. Cruz

2021 ◽  
Vol 156 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. S28-S29
H J Hurley ◽  
P Q Deb

Abstract Introduction/Objective Giant cell arteritis (GCA) is the most common vasculitis of the elderly, and the most common primary systemic vasculitis overall, with an annual incidence of 200/million. The long term sequelae, namely vision loss and stroke, are permanent and devastating. While GCA is often treated empirically based on clinical presentation, panarteritis on temporal artery biopsy is required for diagnosis. However, these biopsies have the tendency to be falsely negative due to skip lesions, a common feature of GCA. Therefore, we set out to determine whether longer biopsy specimens were more sensitive in the detection of GCA. Methods/Case Report A census of temporal artery biopsies performed with the indication of clinical symptoms of GCA was taken at our institution. The patient age, sex, biopsy laterality, biopsy length, and pathological diagnosis were recorded for each cataloged sample. Statistical significance of difference in biopsy length was tested using an unpaired t-test in R 4.1.0. Results (if a Case Study enter NA) A total of 114 temporal artery specimens were biopsied from 94 different patients with the indication of GCA and assigned a definitive positive or negative diagnosis. Of the 94 patients, 54 were female and 40 were male. Of the total pathological specimens, 11 were positive and 103 were negative. The overall average length of biopsy specimens was 2.13 cm with a standard deviation of 0.65 cm. The average positive biopsy was 2.26 cm long, and the average negative was 2.12 cm, an insignificant difference (0.14 cm, t = 0.7, p = 0.43). In 25 patients, biopsies were taken from both the left and right temporal arteries. Of those patients, 2 were positive for GCA and the remaining 23 were negative. Interestingly, the biopsy result in every case was identical between the left and right samples; we found no instances of pathological evidence of GCA in only one of the two samples from the same patient. Conclusion According to data taken at our institution, there is no indication to lengthen the biopsy requirements from the existing 1.5 cm. However, we have demonstrated evidence that it may be unnecessary to biopsy both temporal arteries in a single patient. Larger studies would be required to confirm our findings.

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