Transmission Electron Microscopy of Thin Sections of Drosophila: High-Pressure Freezing and Freeze-Substitution

2012 ◽  
Vol 2012 (4) ◽  
pp. pdb.prot068403-pdb.prot068403 ◽  
K. L. McDonald ◽  
D. J. Sharp ◽  
W. Rickoll
2001 ◽  
Vol 79 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-57 ◽  
C W Mims ◽  
C Rodriguez-Lother ◽  
E A Richardson

A combination of scanning and transmission electron microscopy was used to examine the host-pathogen relationship in leaves of Duchesnea indica (Andrz) Focke infected by the rust fungus Frommeëla mexicana var. indicae McCain & Hennen. Samples for transmission electron microscopy were prepared using high pressure freezing followed by freeze substitution. This protocol provided excellent preservation of both host cells and fungal haustoria. Each haustorium of F. mexicana var. indicae possessed a long slender neck with a neck band and an expanded body that contained two nuclei positioned close together. The haustorial body was lobed and sometimes even branched but lacked septa. Details of the extrahaustorial membrane that separated each haustorium from the cytoplasm of its host cell were particularly well preserved. Extensive labyrinth cell wall ingrowths developed around haustorial necks, as well as elsewhere, in infected cells. These ingrowths appeared to be identical to those present in plant transfer cells. Transfer cells are thought to be involved in intensive solute transfer over short distances. This appears to be the first report of the development of transfer cells in response to infection by a plant pathogenic fungus.Key words: haustoria, transfer cells, freeze substitution, electron microscopy.

2000 ◽  
Vol 6 (S2) ◽  
pp. 690-691
G. J. Celio ◽  
E. A. Richardson ◽  
C. W. Mims

Cryofixation is becoming more widely used to study host-pathogen relationships in fungal diseases of plants. This presentation describes results we have obtained using high pressure freezing and freeze substitution to study powdery mildew disease of poinsettia ﹛Euphorbia pulcherrima) caused by Oidium sp.Approximately 0.5 mm leaf disks bearing sporulating colonies of Oidium sp. were excised and placed in a 15% dextran solution contained in brass planchets. Samples were frozen using a Balzer's HPM 010 High Pressure Freezing Machine and substituted according to the procedures of Hoch.6 Thin sections of embedded leaves were cut using a diamond knife, collected on gold slot grids, and placed on formvar-coated racks. Sections were poststained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate and examined using a Zeiss EM 902A transmission electron microscope.Outstanding preservation of haustoria, the specialized nutrient-absorbing structures produced in host epidermal cells by Oidium, was obtained. Both young, unlobed (Fig. 1) as well as mature, highly lobed (Fig. 2) haustoria were observed.

Elizabeth A. Richardson ◽  
Charles W. Mims

Members of the small fungal genus Exobasidium are all plant pathogens. Most species are noted for their ability to produce large fleshy galls on leaves and flower parts. They produce their hyphae and specialized absorbing structures known as haustoria inside these galls and their sexual reproductive structures (basidia) on gall surfaces. The objective of this study was to examine the feasibility of using high pressure freezing (HPF) followed by freeze-substitution (FS) fixation to prepare Exobasidium induced galls on Rhododendron sp. for study with transmission electron microscopy (TEM). HPF fixation followed by FS fixation is considered to be the best method for preserving large samples of plant tissue for TEM. This approach has shown promise for the examination of host-pathogen relationships in fungal diseases of plants.

1995 ◽  
Vol 41 (12) ◽  
pp. 1095-1110 ◽  
G. B. Ouellette ◽  
C. Côté ◽  
N. Méthot ◽  
H. Chamberland ◽  
J. -G. Lafontaine

When Ophiostoma ulmi or Ophiostoma novo-ulmi are grown on either 0.22- or 0.45-μm millipore filter membranes placed on impoverished agar medium, the fungus grows through these membranes and takes on various irregular pleomorphic growth forms (P-forms). Links of continuity between these forms and the more regular ones have been shown using light, confocal, and transmission electron microscopy. Tests with labelled probes, such as gold-complexed wheat germ agglutinin for chitin and β-exoglucanase for cellulosic β-1,4-glucans, have indicated that in P-forms deposition of chitin is much altered but is less so in the case of cellulosic glucan. The cytology of these forms compared with the regular fungal ones is also very different, particularly with reference to mitochondria and nuclei. Also, numerous vesiculate structures were noted in the rarely septate P-forms. Similar irregular forms with opaque contents were produced by these fungi when they were grown on sterilized elm wood sections. When these latter samples were fixed by high-pressure freezing, the following main features were noted: fungal cells with a very thin wall, slightly labelled for chitin but more intensely for cellulosic glucans; well-preserved structures, such as plasmalemma and endoplasmic reticulum; and a slightly opaque, fibril-containing extracellular sheath. Differences in labelling for galactose, whether of wall layers or cell contents, were also observed in regular and P-forms. Electron opaque bodies that labelled strongly for galactose were also numerous in P-forms in some samples.Key words: transmission electron microscopy, high-pressure freezing, gold labelling, extracellular sheaths, wall constituents.

Nakazo Watari ◽  
Yasuaki Hotta ◽  
Yoshio Mabuchi

It is very useful if we can observe the identical cell elements within the same sections by light microscopy (LM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and/or scanning electron microscopy (SEM) sequentially, because, the cell fine structure can not be indicated by LM, while the color is; on the other hand, the cell fine structure can be very easily observed by EM, although its color properties may not. However, there is one problem in that LM requires thick sections of over 1 μm, while EM needs very thin sections of under 100 nm. Recently, we have developed a new method to observe the same cell elements within the same plastic sections using both light and transmission (conventional or high-voltage) electron microscopes.In this paper, we have developed two new observation methods for the identical cell elements within the same sections, both plastic-embedded and paraffin-embedded, using light microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and/or scanning electron microscopy (Fig. 1).

Marek Malecki ◽  
James Pawley ◽  
Hans Ris

The ultrastructure of cells suspended in physiological fluids or cell culture media can only be studied if the living processes are stopped while the cells remain in suspension. Attachment of living cells to carrier surfaces to facilitate further processing for electron microscopy produces a rapid reorganization of cell structure eradicating most traces of the structures present when the cells were in suspension. The structure of cells in suspension can be immobilized by either chemical fixation or, much faster, by rapid freezing (cryo-immobilization). The fixation speed is particularly important in studies of cell surface reorganization over time. High pressure freezing provides conditions where specimens up to 500μm thick can be frozen in milliseconds without ice crystal damage. This volume is sufficient for cells to remain in suspension until frozen. However, special procedures are needed to assure that the unattached cells are not lost during subsequent processing for LVSEM or HVEM using freeze-substitution or freeze drying. We recently developed such a procedure.

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