Ferroelasticity of SrCo0.8Fe0.2O3–δperovskite-related oxide with mixed ion–electron conductivity

2015 ◽  
Vol 48 (1) ◽  
pp. 179-188 ◽  
I. Belenkaya ◽  
A. Matvienko ◽  
A. Nemudry

A group-theoretical analysis was carried out to determine the possible orientation states of domains formed as a result of the `perovskite–brownmillerite' phase transition in SrCo0.8Fe0.2O2.5oxide with mixed ion–electron conductivity (MIEC). The results of the theoretical analysis agree with the experimental data obtained in the study of the SrCo0.8Fe0.2O2.5microstructure by means of transmission electron microscopy. Brownmillerite SrCo0.8Fe0.2O2.5(BM) has a lamellar texture composed of 90° twins 60–260 nm in size; the 〈010〉BMand 〈101〉BMdirections are linked through twinning in accordance with the predictions of the group-theoretical analysis. The presence of twins and their switching under mechanical load provide evidence that the perovskite–brownmillerite phase transition in SrCo0.8Fe0.2O2.5is ferroelastic. Comparative analysis of the phenomena observed for ferroelectrics and MIEC oxides indicates their similarity based on the common nature of ferroelectricity and ferroelasticity, and allows us to suppose that nonstoichiometric SrCo0.8Fe0.2O3−δwith compositional disorder may be considered (in terms of its microstructural features) a `relaxor ferroelastic'.

2009 ◽  
Vol 1184 ◽  
Felipe Rivera ◽  
Robert C. Davis ◽  
Richard Vanfleet

AbstractVanadium dioxide (VO2) single crystals undergo a structural first-order metal to insulator phase transition at approximately 68°C. This phase transition exhibits a resistivity change of up to 5 orders of magnitude in bulk specimens. We observe a 2-3 order of magnitude change in thin films of VO2. Individual particles with sizes ranging from 50 to 250 nm were studied by means of Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). The structural transition for individual particles was observed as a function of temperature. Furthermore, the interface between grains was also studied. We present our current progress in understanding this phase transition for polycrystalline thin films of VO2 from the view of individual particles.

Physica B+C ◽  
1985 ◽  
Vol 128 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-60 ◽  
K. Parlinski ◽  
P. Zieliński

1983 ◽  
Vol 61 (9) ◽  
pp. 1271-1277 ◽  
J. E. Eldridge ◽  
Normand Fortier ◽  
Frances E. Bates ◽  
J. S. Miller

We present the powder absorption spectrum of (TMA)(I)(TCNQ) in the far-infrared as a function of temperature. Below 160 K new absorption features appear and others increase in intensity. This behaviour supports the electron- and neutron-diffraction evidence of a distortion on the TCNQ chains below the first phase-transition temperature. Effects due to the second phase transition at 89 K are also observed. The results of a group-theoretical analysis are presented. These show that totally-symmetric internal modes ag are to be expected in the infrared spectra of this compound even in the undistorted phase.

P.J. Dailey

The structure of insect salivary glands has been extensively investigated during the past decade; however, none have attempted scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in ultrastructural examinations of these secretory organs. This study correlates fine structure by means of SEM cryofractography with that of thin-sectioned epoxy embedded material observed by means of transmission electron microscopy (TEM).Salivary glands of Gromphadorhina portentosa were excised and immediately submerged in cold (4°C) paraformaldehyde-glutaraldehyde fixative1 for 2 hr, washed and post-fixed in 1 per cent 0s04 in phosphosphate buffer (4°C for 2 hr). After ethanolic dehydration half of the samples were embedded in Epon 812 for TEM and half cryofractured and subsequently critical point dried for SEM. Dried specimens were mounted on aluminum stubs and coated with approximately 150 Å of gold in a cold sputtering apparatus.Figure 1 shows a cryofractured plane through a salivary acinus revealing topographical relief of secretory vesicles.

D. L. Callahan ◽  
Z. Ball ◽  
H. M. Phillips ◽  
R. Sauerbrey

Ultraviolet laser-irradiation can be used to induce an insulator-to-conductor phase transition on the surface of Kapton polyimide. Such structures have potential applications as resistors or conductors for VLSI applications as well as general utility electrodes. Although the percolative nature of the phase transformation has been well-established, there has been little definitive work on the mechanism or extent of transformation. In particular, there has been considerable debate about whether or not the transition is primarily photothermal in nature, as we propose, or photochemical. In this study, cross-sectional optical microscopy and transmission electron microscopy are utilized to characterize the nature of microstructural changes associated with the laser-induced pyrolysis of polyimide.Laser-modified polyimide samples initially 12 μm thick were prepared in cross-section by standard ultramicrotomy. Resulting contraction in parallel to the film surface has led to distortions in apparent magnification. The scale bars shown are calibrated for the direction normal to the film surface only.

Shirley Siew ◽  
W. C. deMendonca

The deleterious effect of post mortem degeneration results in a progressive loss of ultrastructural detail. This had led to reluctance (if not refusal) to examine autopsy material by means of transmission electron microscopy. Nevertheless, Johannesen has drawn attention to the fact that a sufficient amount of significant features may be preserved in order to enable the establishment of a definitive diagnosis, even on “graveyard” tissue.Routine histopathology of the autopsy organs of a woman of 78 showed the presence of a well circumscribed adenoma in the anterior lobe of the pituitary. The lesion came into close apposition to the pars intermedia. Its architecture was more compact and less vascular than that of the anterior lobe. However, there was some grouping of the cells in relation to blood vessels. The cells tended to be smaller, with a higher nucleocytoplasmic ratio. The cytoplasm showed a paucity of granules. In some of the cells, it was eosinophilic.

M. K. Lamvik

When observing small objects such as cellular organelles by scanning electron microscopy, it is often valuable to use the techniques of transmission electron microscopy. The common practice of mounting and coating for SEM may not always be necessary. These possibilities are illustrated using vertebrate skeletal muscle myofibrils.Micrographs for this study were made using a Hitachi HFS-2 scanning electron microscope, with photographic recording usually done at 60 seconds per frame. The instrument was operated at 25 kV, with a specimen chamber vacuum usually better than 10-7 torr. Myofibrils were obtained from rabbit back muscle using the method of Zak et al. To show the component filaments of this contractile organelle, the myofibrils were partially disrupted by agitation in a relaxing medium. A brief centrifugation was done to clear the solution of most of the undisrupted myofibrils before a drop was placed on the grid. Standard 3 mm transmission electron microscope grids covered with thin carbon films were used in this study.

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