Does the environmental management standard ISO 14001 stimulate sustainable development?

2008 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 204-212 ◽  
Bartosz Fortuński
2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 135-142
A.A. Rementsov ◽  

This article explores the implementation of ISO (ISO) 14001, an environmental management standard that offers organizations that have components of a productive environmental management system to achieve their environmental and economic goals. In particular, the theoretical aspects of emerging risks and the benefits of implementing the standard have been studied. The necessity of introducing an environmental management standard in large, small and medium-sized organizations is substantiated

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 131-142
Marek Bugdol ◽  
Daniel Puciato ◽  
Tadeusz Borys ◽  

The cognitive objective of this paper was to establish the roles played by standardized environmental management systems in the process of the sustainable development of an organization. At present this process is analysed mainly in the context of the UN Sustainable Development Goals formulated within the scope of the 2030 Agenda for Global Action. The main research method used by the authors was a systematic literature review. The result of the conducted review was the identification of motives and conditions for the implementation of environmental management systems as well as advantages and disadvantages resulting from such implementation. The authors also indicated the major causes of failures in the introduction and improvement of systems consistent with the ISO 14001 standard and presented conditions determining their successful implementation. In the final part of the paper, they included recommendations for further research directions in the examined problem area.

Teisė ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 87 ◽  
pp. 51-68
I. Žvaigždinienė ◽  
R. Rudauskienė

Šiame straipsnyje analizuojama aplinkosaugos vadybos sistemų (EMAS ir ISO 14001), kaip darnaus vys­tymosi tikslų padedančių siekti aplinkosaugos priemonių, reikšmė, atskleidžiamas su jų įgyvendinimu susijusių reikalavimų turinys, šių sistemų panašumai ir pagrindiniai skirtumai, nagrinėjama, kokia yra reikalavimo taikyti aplinkosaugos vadybos priemones viešuosiuose pirkimuose reikšmė ir kokia tiekėjo kvalifikacija gali būti laikoma lygiavertė minėtoms dviem aplinkosaugos vadybos sistemoms, kad vie­šuoju pirkimu būtų pasiekti aplinkosaugos tikslai ir tiekėjas būtų pajėgus vykdydamas sutartį užtikrinti aplinkos apsaugą. This article analyzes the significance of environmental management schemes (EMAS and ISO 14001) as of the measures, assisting in achieving the aims of sustainable development, discloses the substance of the requirements, related to the implementation of such measures, the similarities and differences between these environmental management schemes. Similarly, the article examines the meaning of the selection criterion, used in public procurement, requiring suppliers to apply environmental management schemes or measures, and reveals the complexity of evaluation of equivalence of non formal environ­mental management measures to EMAS and ISO 14001, with the purpose to ensure that a supplier has a technical ability to carry out a public contract in an environmentally sound manner.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 21 ◽  
Hammad Riaz ◽  
Abubakr Saeed ◽  
Muhammad Baloch ◽  
Nasrullah ◽  
Zeeshan Khan

ISO 14001 (Environmental Management Standard) helps corporations to build legitimacy and goodwill, and can be also viewed as an organizational response to institutional pressure to act proactively towards the environment. The purpose of this paper is to investigate how investors in the emerging country value voluntary environmental management standard ISO 14001 certification. The impact of voluntary environmental management standard ISO 14001 on market performance is still not clear. By using event study methodology, this study matched ISO-certified firms with non-certified ones based on three different matching principles that include return on assets, size, and industry. The findings indicated that investors negatively valued ISO 14001 in both the short and long run. The study recommended policy implications for managers, policy makers, and non-government organizations.

2011 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 103-132 ◽  
Magali A. Delmas ◽  
Maria J. Montes-Sancho

ABSTRACT:This paper analyzes how national institutional factors affect the adoption of the international environmental management standard ISO 14001, using a panel of 139 countries from 1996 to 2006. The analysis emphasizes that during the emerging phase of the standard, the potential lack of consensus within the constituents of the national institutional environment concerning the value of a new standard could send mixed signals to firms about the standard. The results show that in the early phase of adoption, regulative and normative forces within the institutional environment can work against each other. Results also show that regulative or coercive forces play a relatively more important role in the early phase of adoption of the standard than in the subsequent phases of diffusion. In the later phases of diffusion of ISO 14001, normative forces, such as the diffusion of other management standards, as well as factors related to trade, play a more important role. Because of the similarities between environmental management standards and corporate social responsibility standards, this study can help identify some of the challenges for diffusion of ISO management standards in the area of social responsibility.

2012 ◽  
Vol 17 (4) ◽  
pp. 595-610 ◽  
Tatjana Tambovceva ◽  
Ineta Geipele

At the present stage of development in Latvia, as well as around the world, essential influence on the enterprise work has the idea of sustainable development. The concept of sustainable development has become widespread amongst government agencies, politicians, corporations and other organizations throughout the world. By the end of 2007, around 129,031 organizations worldwide have implemented environmental management systems (EMS) and certified it according to ISO 14001. About 100 of them are located in Latvia and 40 of them are construction companies. There is a lack of national evaluations of ISO 14001 in many countries, but in many countries no complete lists of the national certified / registered sites exist at all. In Latvia a list of ISO 14001 sites has been complied and regularly updated by the Latvian association for Quality. In spite of the fact that in Latvia increase using of ideas of ecological manufacture and environmental management, nevertheless there has been no any serious scientific study of Latvian experience of ISO 14001. The purpose of this study is to describe experiences and effects of EMS in construction companies, based on study conducted for the construction industry in Latvia. The results show that ISO 14001 often leads to reduced environmental impact, especially in the area of waste. A strong driving force behind implementation is the expected improvement of the organizations’ images. Legal compliance tends to be difficult to implement, but on the other hand, it works well in daily practice. To develop EMS into Sustainability Management Systems, the two most important challenges are to improve the coordination between the EMS and the organizations’ strategies and to improve learning process and direct participation of all employees. Santrauka Šiuo Latvijos plėtros etapu, kaip ir visame pasaulyje, įmonių veiklą veikia tvarios plėtros idėjos. Tvarios plėtros koncepcija visame pasaulyje plačiai paplito tarp politikų, korporacijų, vyriausybinių ir kitų organizacijų. 2007 m. pabaigoje apie 129 tūkst. organizacijų visame pasaulyje įdiegė aplinkos apsaugos vadybos sistemą (AAVS) ir sertifikavo ją pagal ISO 14001 standartą. Iš to skaičiaus apie 100 įmonių yra įsikūrę Latvijoje, 40 iš jų yra statybos įmonės. Daugelyje šalių iš viso nėra įmonių, sertifikuotų pagal šį standartą. Latvijoje pagal ISO 14001 standartą sertifikuotų įmonių sąrašą sudaro ir nuolat atnaujina Latvijos kokybės asociacija. Nepaisant to, kad Latvijoje vis labiau plinta ekologinės gamybos ir aplinkosaugos valdymo idėjos, iki šiol nebuvo jokių rimtų mokslinių studijų apie Latvijos patirtį naudojant ISO 14001 standartą. Šio straipsnio tikslas – nustatyti aplinkos valdymo sistemos poveikį statybos įmonėms, remiantis tyrimais, atliktais Latvijos statybos pramonėje. Rezultatai parodė, kad ISO 14001 dažnai sumažina poveikį aplinkai, ypač taršą atliekomis. Stipri AVS įgyvendinimo varomoji jėga – noras pagerinti organizacijos įvaizdį. Sistemą įgyvendinti sudėtinga, tačiau tai pasiteisina kasdienėje veikloje. Norint AVS integruoti į tvarumo valdymo sistemą, AVS darbą reikia suderinti su organizacijos strategijomis, pagerinti mokymo procesą ir įtraukti visus darbuotojus.

Rosemary Horry ◽  
Colin A. Booth ◽  
Abdul–Majeed Mahamadu ◽  
Patrick Manu ◽  
Panos Georgakis

AbstractRealisation of the sustainable development goals (SDGs) will provide improvements to people's lives and longevity of the planet. The architectural, engineering and construction (AEC) sectors have a potentially huge role in aiding the delivery of many SDGs; however, there appears to be a lack of research into the engagement within this sector. The leading environmental management system (EMS), ISO 14001, can enable organisations in the AEC sectors to improve their business operations, whilst minimising their impacts on the environment and improving society. Therefore, the study sets out to use institutional theory to determine the usefulness of ISO 14001 as a tool within the AEC sector and to demonstrate how the organisational benefits could facilitate the delivery of the SDGs. A stepwise PRISMA review process facilitated the compiling of academic articles and professional reports (n = 44), which enabled the creation of an inventory of the perceived benefits (n = 85) and the recognised barriers (n = 63) to implementing ISO 14001 across the AEC sectors. These barriers and benefits were confirmed by environmental practitioners as being relevant to the incorporation of an EMS. The most widely reported benefits within the AEC sectors were improving environmental performance and compliance with legislation. Lack of government pressure and lack of expertise were the most widely reported barriers, followed by cost to AEC organisations utilising an EMS. Following on from this inventory of benefits, it was possible to develop of a conceptual roadmap, which illustrates where linkages exist with the SDGs. SDG 4, 8, 12 and 13 are shown as exhibiting the most associations with the benefits. This roadmap was reviewed by AEC sector professionals who confirmed its usefulness. Therefore, it is surmised that the roadmap could aid strategic organisational sustainable planning or for organisations to demonstrate the delivery of their corporate social responsibilities.

2004 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 501-516
Jacek W. Czartoszewski

The author discusses attributes, requirements, and effects which was ligated by application environmental management systems and presents putting in practice ISO 14001 in Poland. The author considers also philosophical bases of sustainable development idea and philosophy of Total Quality Management [TQM ] and British norms BS 7750.

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