The Creative Industries and International Business Development in Africa

2022 ◽  
Nnamdi O. Madichie ◽  
Robert Ebo Hinson
2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (6) ◽  
pp. 134-138

The East Asian Region is one of the most dynamically developing regions in the global economy and international business. Any East Asian company strives to become international and gain new development opportunities, maximize profits. Asian entrepreneurs are increasingly competing with European and American companies every year. Despite these outstanding results, there are a number of social and economic factors holding back business development in East Asia. This article assesses the main problems of international business development in the countries of the East Asian region, developed an algorithm for successful func-tioning within the framework of international business for East Asian entrepreneurs.

2017 ◽  
Vol 26 (3) ◽  
pp. 44-53
Kai Alexander Saldsieder ◽  
Nina Saldsieder

2014 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 93-102
Rita Zybartaitė ◽  
Ignas Dzemyda

This article analyzes Lithuanian furniture manufacturing business perceptions towards creativity, and creativityenhancement behavior according to its international development. Firstly article focuses on international business development,substantiate need of creativity for international business development, outline creativity influencing factors which operateat individual, team and organizational levels and recommendations how to enhance creativity in methodical way. Secondly,article describes a problem of empirical research, methodology of used methods and instruments, and presents results of surveyresearch. Analizuojama, kaip Lietuvos baldų gamybos įmonių tarptautinioverslo plėtotė lemia suvokimą apie specialistų kūrybiškumo skatinimoporeikį ir šio pobūdžio veiklą organizacijoje. Analizuojamatarptautinio verslo vystymasis, pagrindžiamas kūrybiškumobūtinumas tarptautiniam verslui plėtoti. Apibendrinami kūrybiškumąlemiantys veiksniai, veikiantys individualiu, komandiniuir organizaciniu lygiu, pateikiama rekomendacijų, kaip metodologiškaiskatinti kūrybiškumą. Be to, darbe aprašoma empiriniotyrimo problema, pasirinkto empirinio tyrimo metodologija,rezultatai, jais remiantis nustatyta vyraujanti pažiūra į specialistųkūrybiškumo skatinimo poreikį ir veiklą Lietuvos baldų gamybosįmonėse, atsižvelgiant į jų tarptautinę verslo plėtrą.

2021 ◽  
Victoria Kokorina ◽  

The article grounds the objective conditions for the formation of the process of internationalization in the system of international economic relations as a process of social production beyond national borders due to the international division of labor. The author identifies and explaines characteristics as diversification, diversity, extensiveness, contradiction, unity, synergy, integrity and intensity, of current trends in international economic relations, namely internationalization, transnationalization, economic integration, differentiation, globalization, global integration in the formation of global economic environment. The difference between internationalization and globalization as processes conserning the evolution of economic relations between countries is explained. The main distinguishing feature between the two processes can be considered the level of preservation of national sovereignty. The levels (stages) of the internationalization process at the micro level of international business operations are determined, as well as the development of business internationalization at each stage. They are the initial stage, the stage of local market expansion, the transnational stage and the global stage. While developing internationalization, the forms of international business are changing (becoming more complicated) – from the international trade to the global company. The article highlights the main objects of economic internationalization of international business development: the sphere of exchange of production results; the sphere of exchange of factors of production; the scope of the actual production process. There are three stages of international business development in accordance with the objects of economic internationalization of international business development. At the first stage the main sphere of international business is the export-import activity of a private company in the foreign market, at the second stage the main sphere becomes the system of international movement of financial resources, at the third one there is the development of entrepreneurial activity in global competition.

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