Influence of fast-food restaurant service quality and its dimensions on customer perceived value, satisfaction and behavioural intentions

2020 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Neale J. Slack ◽  
Gurmeet Singh ◽  
Jazbeen Ali ◽  
Reshma Lata ◽  
Karishma Mudaliar ◽  

PurposeThe purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of fast-food restaurant service quality (compound effect of food quality, physical environment quality and employee service quality) and its dimensions (when acting independently) on customer perceived value, satisfaction and behavioural intentions.Design/methodology/approachData was collected from 400 fast-food restaurant customers in Fiji using a public-intercept survey. The study used descriptive and inferential analysis. This research also used backward elimination multiple regressions to test the hypotheses of this study.FindingsThe compound effect of fast-food restaurant service quality dimensions on customer perceived value revealed food quality and physical environment quality are significant determinants of customer perceived value, however employee service quality is not. In contrast, the effect of the fast-food service quality dimensions acting independently on customer perceived value revealed the three dimensions are significant determinants of customer perceived value. Results also confirmed that customer perceived value is a significant determinant of customer satisfaction and customer satisfaction is a significant determinant of behavioural intentions.Research limitations/implicationsThis study highlights to fast-food restaurateurs and marketers the importance of determining the compound effect of fast-food restaurant service quality dimensions, delivering the right combination of fast-food restaurant service quality dimensions to customers and not singling out dimensions in an attempt to enhance restaurant service quality.Originality/valueThis study makes important contributions towards understanding the compound effect of fast-food restaurant service quality dimensions and the independent effect of these dimensions on the formation of customer perceived value, customer satisfaction and behavioural intentions.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Gurmeet Singh ◽  
Neale J. Slack ◽  
Shavneet Sharma ◽  
Asheefa Shaheen Aiyub ◽  
Alberto Ferraris

PurposeThis study examines the influence of service quality dimensions (food quality, physical environment quality and employee service quality) and brand image of fast-food restaurants on price fairness and its consequence on customer retention.Design/methodology/approachThis survey collected 331 responses using the public intercept method. Data analysis involved performing confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) on the measurement model, followed by structural equation modeling. Moderation analysis was performed using SPSS (model1 in process macro), while mediation was performed using model 4 in process macro.FindingsEmpirical results of this study revealed the positive effect of restaurant service quality dimensions on price fairness and price fairness on customer retention. It also revealed that brand image strengthened the restaurant service-quality/price fairness interrelationship, and that customer satisfaction partially mediated the price fairness/customer retention interrelationship.Research limitations/implicationsFindings of this study are useful to marketers and fast-food restaurateurs in establishing the right combination of service quality dimensions and brand image that increase perceptions of price fairness and increase customer satisfaction and retention.Originality/valueThis study contributes to advancing the theoretical foundations of customers' perceived price fairness and retention research, specifically in the understudied fast-food sector of emerging economies. It extends the application of the equity theory to expose the direct and indirect influences on customer perceived price fairness and customer retention. The findings provide a better understanding of price fairness perceptions.

2014 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 114-146 ◽  
Michael Daniel Clemes ◽  
Xin Shu ◽  
Christopher Gan

Purpose – Global mobile communication is one of the most dynamic and important service markets. Several researchers suggest using a theoretical approach to develop a much deeper insight into key marketing constructs such as service quality, customer perceived value, customer satisfaction, perceived switching costs, corporate image, and customer loyalty is of vital importance to the mobile communications market. This study aims to develop and test a comprehensive hierarchical model of these six important constructs. The model also incorporates the retailing function of a major mobile communication provider. Design/methodology/approach – The research sample of 516 was drawn from customers of one of the largest mobile communications service providers in China. The data were analysed using exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modelling. Findings – The results of the study support using a hierarchical and multidimensional approach for conceptualising and measuring customers' perceptions of service quality in the mobile communications market. In addition, the findings illustrate that service quality is an important determinant of customer perceived value, customer satisfaction, corporate image, and perceived switching costs. Customer perceived value is also an antecedent of customer satisfaction. Corporate image, customer satisfaction, and perceived switching costs are three key drivers of customer loyalty. However, the findings also indicate that corporate image is not an important determinant of customer satisfaction and that customer perceived value is not a key driver of customer loyalty. Originality/value – This is the first paper that has developed and tested a comprehensive hierarchical model of the mobile communications market.

2015 ◽  
Vol 7 (2/3) ◽  
pp. 152-169 ◽  
Gerson Tontini ◽  
Júlio Cesar da Silva ◽  
Eliane Fátima Strapazzon Beduschi ◽  
Elis Regina Mulinari Zanin ◽  
Margarete de Fátima Marcon

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to consider the nonlinear impact of online retail stores’ quality dimensions on general customer satisfaction and loyalty. Design/methodology/approach – Using a quantitative approach, 429 online users answered a closed questionnaire regarding their present satisfaction with 26 service attributes, their general satisfaction and loyalty. Using factorial analysis with Varimax rotation, five service-quality dimensions are studied: service accessibility/speed, fault recovery, buying reliability, service and site flexibility and site interaction/feedback. Penalty and reward contrast analysis identifies the Kano model classification of the service-quality dimensions, and the nonlinear impact of these dimensions, and customer satisfaction, on customer loyalty. Findings – The results show that there is a nonlinearity between quality dimensions, customer satisfaction and loyalty. The dimension “service accessibility/speed” has a one-dimensional impact on customer satisfaction, but with higher reward impact than penalty impact. “Fault recovery” is a “must-be”, “buying reliability” and “service flexibility” are “attractive” and “site interaction/feedback” is one-dimensional. Besides, the dimension “service accessibility/speed” has also a direct impact on loyalty if achieving above-average performance, thus reinforcing general customer satisfaction. Originality/value – Few previous papers explore this nonlinearity in online retail services. So, future studies should lead to a theoretical and practical understanding of managing these services. Understanding this nonlinearity may help companies to better identify what improve or offer to customers.

2017 ◽  
Vol 35 (3) ◽  
pp. 411-430 ◽  
Rishi Kant ◽  
Deepak Jaiswal

Purpose In the present competitive scenario in the Indian banking industry, service quality has become one of the most important facets of interest to academic researchers. The purpose of this paper is to determine the dimensions of perceived service quality and investigate their impact on customer satisfaction in the Indian banking context, with special reference to selected public sector banks in India. Design/methodology/approach On the basis of the empirical study, the authors validate a measurement model using structural equation modeling for investigating the impact of perceived service quality dimensions on customer satisfaction. The study sample consists of 480 respondents in the National Capital Region (NCR) of India; the data were collected through a structured questionnaire utilizing a seven-point Likert scale while implementing a purposive sampling technique. Findings The perceived service quality dimensions identified were tangibility, reliability, assurance, responsiveness, empathy, and image. The empirical findings revealed that “responsiveness” was found to be the most significant predictor of customer satisfaction. On the other hand, “image” (corporate image) has a positive but the least significant relationship with customer satisfaction followed by all other constructs. The exception is “reliability,” which is insignificantly related to customer satisfaction in Indian public sector banks. Research limitations/implications The study cannot be generalized in the context of Indian banking sectors, as it only focused on the public sector. The findings of this study suggest that the six dimensions of perceived service quality model are a suitable instrument for evaluating bank service quality for public banks in India. Therefore, bank managers can use this model to assess the bank service quality in the context of Indian public sector banks. Originality/value There is dearth of research focusing on corporate image as a dimension of perceived service quality and its effect on customer satisfaction in the Indian banking context. Furthermore, similar studies were rarely found in the Indian context, especially within the public banking sector. Hence, this paper attempts to accomplish the research gap by empirically testing the satisfaction level of a large sample of the population in NCR toward six dimensions of perceived service quality rendered by selected public sector banks in India.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Marie Schill ◽  
Delphine Godefroit-Winkel

Purpose Drawing on the stimulus–organism–response (S-O-R) framework, this study presents an original model examining the influence of environmental corporate social responsibility (CSR), luxury and service quality dimensions on consumer emotions that in turn influence consumer attitudes towards the shopping mall. Design/methodology/approach Structural equation modeling is applied to data from a sample of 706 French consumers to test the hypotheses. Findings The results highlight the importance of environmental CSR, luxury and service quality dimensions as stimuli influencing positively consumer emotions, which in turn positively influence consumer attitudes. Research limitations/implications This study extends prior work in the field of services marketing and the S-O-R framework while considering environmental CSR, luxury and service quality dimensions as relevant stimuli. It further contributes to the literature of the shopping mall while examining relevant and unexplored antecedents to consumer emotions. Practical implications This paper provides tailored recommendations for shopping mall managers. It details how managers can use environmental CSR and luxury dimensions besides service quality as relevant stimuli in their positioning strategies to enhance consumer emotions and attitudes. Originality/value This study provides novel insights into shopping mall dimensions, i.e. environmental CSR, luxury and service quality, influencing consumer responses.

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-20 ◽  
Savdeep Vasudeva ◽  
Gurdip Singh

This study addresses a research gap in mobile banking (M-banking) related to post service usage consumer behavior and aims to discover the impact of electronic core (e-core) service quality dimensions on the perceived value of service in relation to three socio-economic variables i.e. gender, age and income. The study attempts to identify whether the impact of these dimensions vary as per the difference in socio-economic demographics? Further, E-S-QUAL scale representing dimensions of e-core service quality is utilized and data collection is conducted from a survey of 600 mobile banking users of the Punjab State in India. The collected data is then put to test using Multiple Regression Analysis and Cronbach's alpha. Findings of the study reveal that different customers perceive these dimensions differently depending upon their demographics. This study has important implications for academic research related to e-service quality or to any one doing research in the field of M-banking.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 1
Soomro Dr. Raheem Bux ◽  
Brohi Noor Ahmed ◽  
Memon Khair Muhammad ◽  
Gilal Rehman Gul

The culinary business is being increased rapidly in Pakistan. Usually, Pakistani consumers prefer to eat meals at homes cooked by female members owing to cultural, social and religious reason. In order to bridge up the gap in existing hospitality literature, the objective of this research manuscript is to find out the relation among dimensions of quality (food quality, service quality and quality of physical environment), customer satisfaction, restaurant image, behavioral intentions and customer perceived value in casual restaurants in Sukkur city. Data for this research study have been collected from customers of restaurants located in Sukkur city through convenience sampling. SPSS (24) and Smart PLS (3.0) versions were used for data analysis. Service quality dimensions of causal restaurant were found important determinants of the restaurant image and customer perceived value followed by physical environment and service quality; whereas, the physical environment quality was not found to be a significant factor of perceived value of customer. Additionally, food quality is measured as an important restaurant’s product. Another outcome of the present study exhibited that quality of physical environment holds a substantial positive effect on restaurant image. The findings indicate quality in food and service is highly important to satisfy customers and make their behavior positive about casual restaurant. Further, as an average temperature remains above 400 in Sukkur city, internal environment of the restaurant is significant as it will affect the mood and perception of customers when they dine in the casual restaurant.

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