Gaston Acurio: innovación de modelo de negocio y creación de una marca gastronómica peruana

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-16
Elizabeth Ontaneda ◽  
Guillermo Quiroga

Learning outcomes Identificar el tipo de innovación que ha generado la propuesta de Gastón Acurio. Ya que si bien desarrolla productos nuevos su principal innovación es en el modelo de negocio. Comprender las principales estrategias desarrolladas para el crecimiento y consolidación de la comida peruana como categoría a nivel mundial y del grupo Acurio. Identificar los elementos de un modelo de negocio usando un Business Model Canvas. Explicar cómo los elementos de un modelo de negocio se relacionan y refuerzan entre sí y cómo son driver de buen desempeño. Evaluar las fortalezas, oportunidades, debilidades y amenazas a un modelo de negocio. Analizar los cambios al modelo que podrían capitalizar o mitigar estos factores, sustentado con evidencia. Case overview/synopsis Gastón Acurio es un exitoso chef y empresario Peruano que ha sido clave en la formación de la industria gastronómica nacional. Se distingue de otros empresarios del rubro por su innovador modelo de negocio que le ha permitido crecer y aprovechar nuevas oportunidades a nivel local como internacional. Su éxito y crecimiento atrajeron US $52 millones en capital de dos fondos de inversión. Sin embargo, los desafíos del modelo quedan en evidencia durante una difícil apertura de un local en el extranjero exacerbado por una dura crítica del New York Times. Los estudiantes deben identificar y analizar los elementos clave del modelo de negocio desarrollado por Acurio para evaluar y proponer cambios que podrían mejor aprovechar sus fortalezas y oportunidades, así como mitigar sus debilidades y amenazas. Complexity academic level Maestría o MBA Supplementary materials Teaching Notes are available for educators only. Subject code CSS 12: Tourism and Hospitality.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-14
Elizabeth Ontaneda ◽  
Guillermo Quiroga

Learning outcomes Identify the types of innovation that Gastón Acurio’s proposal has created. Understand the key strategies developed to grown and consolidate Peruvian food as a category internationally and as part of Acurio’s business. Identify elements of the business model using the business model canvas. Explain how elements of a business model are related, reinforce each other and drive results. Evaluate strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and threats to a business model. Analyze changes to the model that can capitalize upon or mitigate these factors based on evidence. Case overview/synopsis Gastón Acurio is a successful Peruvian chef and restauranteur who was key in shaping the country’s gastronomic industry. His innovative business model distinguished him from other Peruvian restauranteurs and allowed him to grow and take advantage of opportunities in Peru and internationally. His success and growth attracted US$52m in investment funding. However, his model’s challenges surfaced during a difficult restaurant launch exacerbated by a harsh review in the New York Times. Students must identify and analyze the key elements of Acurio’s business model to evaluate and propose changes to better take advantage of its strengths and opportunities, as well as to mitigate weaknesses and threats. Complexity academic level Master’s or MBA. Supplementary materials Teaching Notes are available for educators only. Subject code CSS 12: Tourism and hospitality.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-19
Surajit Ghosh Dastidar

Learning outcomes The learning outcomes are as follows: to understand the different options available for funding; to illustrate the growth of the food services industry in India; and to understand a business model canvas. Case overview/synopsis Baromeeter (BOM), was a Delhi-based startup founded in the year 2016 by Rishabh Vyas, a 26-year-old MBA graduate. Currently, BOM has operations in Delhi-NCR with 50,000 monthly website visitors and 200-plus partner restaurants and cafes in Delhi-NCR with brands such as Imperfecto, Junkyard Café, Garam Dharam, Out of the Box, Boombox, Jungle Jamboree and many more. BOM also receives over 1,000 deal bookings and 200 plus party bookings monthly. Going forward, Rishabh has plans to expand to other cities such as Mumbai, Hyderabad, Pune and Bangalore. However, there are certain challenges. So far, the startup has raised funds from friends and families. He was confident that he had a compelling product. However, he knew he had to look for fresh investments to scale up. The existing funds may sustain the operations of the company for another six months. Rishabh was considering a number of options. However, whom to approach? Would banks be interested in lending money? How about participating in angel investor’s meet? Complexity academic level The case is suitable for a course in graduate and an undergraduate course in entrepreneurship. The case can be used to understand the business model canvas and to understand the funding options available for startups. Supplementary materials Teaching notes are available for educators only. Subject code CSS 3: Entrepreneurship.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-32
Rodrigo Villalobos Araya

Learning outcomes The learning outcomes are designing an empresarial strategy and considering different business strategies and environment variables. Case overview/synopsis On November of 2015, Eduardo Castillo, General Manager of Late! (B Corporation) programed a directory reunion in which he had to pose a proposal of strategic expansion and growth for the company for future years. A fine of October 2015 publicly revealed the collusion of the two large conglomerates of tissue paper in the Chilean market, with this situation Eduardo took advantage of the discomfort of the consumers and looked alternative brands, he evaluates the launching of a new product: toilet paper Late!. Eduardo had to present at the board meeting the backgrounds to decide the expansion and the strategic growth of the company, taking advantage of the collusion case of the toilet paper or continue their successful project of bottled water. Complexity academic level This case focuses primarily on the processes of social enterprise for undergraduate or graduate courses in social entrepreneurship, business model innovation, sustainability, strategic management, emerging markets and business in Chile. Also, this case is also ideal to teach the “business model canvas” and “B Corp.” Supplementary materials Teaching Notes are available for educators only. Subject code CSS 11: Entrepreneurship.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 1-18
Aasha Jayant Sharma ◽  
Shashank Bhat

Learning outcomes It enables students to understand and design a business model canvas, design standard operating procedure (SOP) for very unorganized business operations and also devise base pricing for vendor negotiation. Case overview/synopsis Mr Gaurav Chaudhary, chief executive officer and Founder of, established a first-ever Livestock online marketplace in India, leveraging the penetration of internet users in 2019. evolved as an all-inclusive ecosystem that offered an innovative business model by bundling financial aid, logistics, veterinary and insurance solutions to its buyers and sellers. While every other aspect seemed to have had fallen in place, Gaurav was not convinced with the everyday handling of the cattle especially during transportation. Transporting cattle was the most challenging task tempered with issues such as changing weather conditions, stock density, lack of training on handling cattle while loading and unloading, long journey hours, feeding and watering procedures and many more for which Gaurav had to depend on the logistics partners. Gaurav was in a dilemma whether to have his own fleet armed with trained personnel for transporting the cattle or to streamline the existing operating procedures into SOP to be followed by logistics partners. If he continued with logistics partners he also had to work on standard costs i.e. fixed and variable costs incurred during the transportation of livestock. The case deals with business concepts such as supply chain risk management in the livestock sector, SOPs for a very unstructured and unpredictable ecosystem, pricing strategies and business model canvas. Complexity academic level Masters in business administration (MBA) and Executive MBA level. Supplementary materials Teaching Notes are available for educators only. Please contact your library to gain login details or email [email protected] to request teaching notes. Subject code CSS 9: Operations and Logistics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 1-63
Richard Thomson ◽  
Katherine Hofmeyr ◽  
Amanda Bowen

Case overview At midnight on Thursday, 26 March 2020, the South African government ordered a three-week lockdown in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequently extended this lockdown for a further two weeks until the end of April 2020. Among other measures, businesses not classed as “essential” had to cease operation. This meant that Jonathan Robinson, founder of the Bean There Coffee Company had to close his trendy Cape Town and Milpark coffee shops, as well as the company’s hospitality and corporate business. At the same time, Bean There’s costs increased by 25%, as the rand: dollar exchange rate worsened substantially. A glimmer of hope was that the company was able to continue roasting coffee and supplying its retail clients. Unlike most captains of industry, Robinson was not driven by the bottom line and clamouring shareholders. His corporate strategy was driven by a single, simple purpose: to achieve ethical sustainability aspirations while still running a profitable business. The question for him now, however, was how to ensure that his company could survive in the short term, so that it could achieve these goals in the longer term, and whether he could take this opportunity to think about whether his business was best positioned to achieve these goals when things returned to normal. Expected learning outcomes The learning outcomes are as follows: conduct a thorough analysis of a specific company and its industry, including its markets, competitors, and other aspects of the internal and external business environment, using a range of tools, including a Business Model Canvas (BMC), SWOT analysis and PESTLE analysis; analyse and explain the market outlook of a company; identify and analyse a company’s competitors; discuss and explain a detailed implementation plan showing the way forward for a company, considering its current challenges, including integrating a range of conceptual and analytical fields of knowledge to assess a management dilemma, and arrive at a creative and innovative management solution; and be able to present information and defend substantial insights and solutions to a management dilemma in oral and written modes, appropriate in standard for both the academic and business communities to analyse and appreciate. Complexity academic level Postgraduate Diploma in Management, MBA, Masters in Management, Executive Education. Supplementary materials Teaching notes are available for educators only. Subject code CSS 11: Strategy.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-18
Riaz Ahmed Mohammed ◽  
Mamon Horoub ◽  
Husam Walwil

Subject Area Entrepreneurship. Learning outcomes The learning outcomes are to explain the importance of passion in entrepreneurship, develop an understanding of the business model canvas and its elements, identify typical challenges faced by a startup (during early days and while growing), explain the role of seed fund and customer feedback for small business success and identify the appropriate hiring strategy for startups. Case overview/synopsis The case traces the journey of two Saudi under-graduate software engineering students, namely, Loai Labani and Riyadh Al-Tayib, who had a vision to establish the best information technology (IT) services company in Saudi Arabia. With no previous experience of establishing a company or working for a startup, coupled with the fact that the culture of entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia is still in its ascendancy, they knew it would be challenging. Nevertheless, at the same time, they were convinced it would be totally up to them to do the hard work needed to propel their vision into reality. The case, after introducing the founders, talks about their respective backgrounds and how it complemented their goal/vision of establishing an IT services company. The case, with references from the literature, also throws light on the entrepreneurship culture in Saudi Arabia but the focus is the various challenges faced by the team in setting up their business and the strategies they used in dealing with the challenges. Some of the challenges discussed are securing early customers, initial financing to support startup, business model development, managing daily operations and hiring and marketing strategy. The case ends with another challenge faced by the founders, for the readers to think about the possible ways of dealing with the challenge at hand. Complexity academic level The case will be used for under-graduate level students. Supplementary materials Teaching Notes are available for educators only. Please contact your library to gain login details or email [email protected] to request teaching notes. Subject code CSS 3: Entrepreneurship.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-43
Peter Moran ◽  
Daniel Han Ming Chng ◽  
Liman Zhao

Learning outcomes Following are the learning outcomes: to understand how the tools and frameworks of strategic analysis can be applied to understand the evolution of value creation and capture in the FMCG industry; to analyze the core competencies of a company and understand their relevance in this fast-changing industry; to understand how to evaluate the pros and cons of a certain strategy and business model; and to develop strategic recommendations. Case overview/synopsis The case series traces the developments in China’s FMCG industry from the early 2010s to 2017, in general, and the efforts of Beijing WinChannel Software Technology Co., Ltd. (WinChannel) and its affiliated company, Huixiadan, in their attempt to apply new digital technologies to transform the traditional trade channel, in particular. The decision point of Case A, in early 2015, is how WinChannel can help improve the reach and efficiency of the traditional trade channel and wonders if the emerging online/mobile B2B FMCG platforms are the right solution for the increasingly digitized FMCG retail industry in China. The decision point of Case B, at the end of 2017, is how could Huixiadan’s business model be sustainable and what it should do to withstand the competitive threats even as it tries to exploit opportunities in the traditional FMCG industry in China. Complexity academic level It can be used with MBAs, EMBAs and senior executives. Supplementary materials Teaching Notes are available for educators only. Please contact your library to gain login details or email [email protected] to request teaching notes. Subject code CSS: 11: Strategy.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-20
Fernando Leiva ◽  
Katherina Kuschel

Learning outcomes The learning outcomes are as follows: business model pivot, minimum viable product, strategic alliances, return on equity and burn-rate. Case overview/synopsis HMSolution’s (HM’s) mission is removing arsenic from drinking water. The case tells how HMS pivoted its business model between 2014 and 2015 and its challenge when faced with several growth opportunities. The first possible partner company proposed adopting HMS’s technology through either an alliance or outsourcing. The second company wanted to acquire HMS. However, Margaret – the founder and CEO – managed to find a third option in the form of an important sanitation sewage treatment company in Chile with international presence, with which she could reach a wider territory in her country of origin, as well as in other countries where that company had a presence. This case study presents Margaret’s dilemma of deciding the best course to follow and finding the best fit for her product and the needs of the market. Complexity academic level The instructor can adapt the requirements and depth of the topics addressed, ranging from an undergraduate audience to an executive training audience. Undergraduate courses, namely, entrepreneurship, business creation, administration and strategy. For students of business careers, administration, commercial engineering, industrial civil engineering and industrial engineering. Continuous training, namely, entrepreneurship, business creation, administration and strategy. Supplementary materials Teaching Notes are available for educators only. Subject code CSS 3: Entrepreneurship.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-17
Ya-Hsueh Chuang ◽  
Tsan-Ching Kang ◽  
Wen-Ching Chang ◽  
Po-Ju Chen

Learning outcomes By the end of this session, students should be able to: explain what a business model is; summarize the case firm’s business strategy using the elements of business model canvas proposed by Alexander Osterwalder and practice how to apply the business model canvas to analyze the business model of a firm; understand how a firm can seize an opportunity for innovation; and discuss how the case firm navigated through problems that came up as it grew. Case overview/synopsis Creative Design was a start-up company in Taiwan. To fulfill a course requirement while she was still in school, the founder had formed a team and entered an entrepreneurship competition. They won the second runner up award in that competition and impressed some firms who enquired if they would be interested in doing corporate identity system (CIS) design. They discovered that without establishing a corporate structure their prospective clients would be unable to pay an invoice. As a consequence, the founder and one of the team members established Creative Design Ltd. This case discusses the challenge Creative Design faced at the end of 2012. Wonderland farmers’ association (WFA) wanted to market locally grown jasmine but did not know how to go about it. They reached out to the founder and her company for assistance. The case of WFA was uncharted territory. Creative Design already had extensive experience in CIS design, but it did not have any experience in handling agriculture products. In this case, they had to deal with the full supply chain from production to exhibition. The risk for this project was high but Creative Design accepted the case and became the first design firm offering a “total solution.” Currently, Creative Design works with all kinds of cases, from simple CIS designs to more complicated total solutions of various scales. The founder now has to contemplate if the design house should develop more total solution cases. Doing so would require recruiting more staff and the dilemma of balancing revenue and costs. Complexity academic level The case study is designed for the undergraduate and graduate students of the College of Management; the case can be adopted for the courses of management, innovation and entrepreneurship, etc. Supplementary materials Teaching Notes are available for educators only. Subject code CSS: 3 Entrepreneurship.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-9
Geoff Bick

Learning outcomes Learning outcomes are as follows: to understand the repercussions of a disruptive technology, in addition to its perceived benefits; to incorporate the human element into the technology benefits; to appreciate alternate sides of an argument regarding an issue; and to analyse the cross-functional implications of an innovation that changes the “rules of the game” for doing business. Case overview/synopsis Uber, a US-based multinational, provides a real-time technology platform to enable users to utilise ride-sharing with Uber drivers. This is an example of a “shared economy” or “collaborative consumption” business model, which has disrupted the status quo of the taxi industry around the world. Uber was launched in South Africa in 2013, creating many job opportunities but causing much reaction from the taxi industry and the authorities. Complexity academic level This is a short case which can be used across a number of programmes, as most students will have had some experience or exposure to the Uber model, and is very useful as an “ice-breaker” case to introduce students to the case study method of analysis and teaching. This case can be used for undergraduate and postgraduate students in business schools or other institutions or on executive education programmes as part of a strategy, marketing, business model innovation or entrepreneurship module. Supplementary materials Teaching Notes are available for educators only. Please contact your library to gain login details or email [email protected] to request teaching notes. Subject code CSS 11: Strategy

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