scholarly journals Statistical studies of financial reports and stock markets

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 5-9 ◽  
Shyam Sunder

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to examine the usefulness of statistical studies of financial reports and stock market data for improving corporate financial reports. Design/methodology/approach Analytical writing. Findings It is often claimed that statistical studies of co-variation between financial and stock market data can help set better financial reporting policy. Such co-variation, even when it can be estimated, tells us little about which financial reports help to make better financial decisions. A case in support of such claims remains to be made. Practical implications The readers are advised to be extremely careful in drawing inferences from studies of co-variation between accounting and stock market data for financial reporting policy. Social implications Inference from accounting empirical studies to policy needs better rationale to avoid bad policy consequences. Originality/value This paper raises original questions about policy inferences from a large class of empirical research in accounting.

2017 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 81-102
Niklas Sandell ◽  
Peter Svensson

Purpose The aim of this paper is to study the rhetoric of goodwill impairment, more specifically rhetoric, as it is constructed in the form of accounts (i.e. statements that explain unanticipated or untoward behavior). The authors argue that goodwill impairment is not only a technical matter but also a rhetorical practice by means of which external scrutiny is responded to. Design/methodology/approach The data corpus consists of explanations provided by corporations regarding impairment of goodwill. Data were collected from annual reports from companies quoted on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm, Sweden. The impairment explanations were analyzed according to a taxonomy of account types. The explanations were subjected to close reading to discern the potential rhetorical functions of the different accounts. Findings Seven account types are identified and discussed, namely, excuse, justification, refocusing, concession, mystification, silence and wordification. Research limitations/implications There is a need for further research that explores the process of authorship (i.e. writing, editing, negotiating and revising) through which the texts of financial communication are produced. Practical implications The findings have implications for the future formulations of standards regarding qualitative explanations in financial reporting in general and explanations of goodwill impairment in particular. Originality/value The paper contributes to the knowledge about the use of natural language and rhetoric in financial communication.

2018 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-10 ◽  
Maninder Singh ◽  
P.S. James ◽  
Shirshendu Ganguli

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to identify future directions for human resource managers to provide work accommodations to chronically ill employees. Design/methodology/approach The authors researched empirical studies in management, occupational health journals, and reports on chronically ill employees. Findings The paper provides research-based practical insights for human resource practitioners to deal with the growing number of chronically ill employees. Practical implications The paper highlights solutions for human resource managers to create an inclusive workplace for employees with chronic illness. Originality/value The authors identified effective human resource and health practices for chronically ill employees, which would help to increase their productivity.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Astrid Rudyanto ◽  
Sidharta Utama ◽  
Dwi Martani ◽  
Desi Adhariani

Purpose This paper aims to investigate the roles of corruption and tax allocation inefficiency in moderating the effect of tax aggressiveness on sustainable welfare. Design/methodology/approach This research uses a fixed-effect multiple regression analysis for 55,438 firm-year observations covering 22 countries from 2007 to 2017. Findings For less (more) tax-aggressive observations, corruption and tax allocation inefficiency strengthen the negative (positive) effect of tax aggressiveness on sustainable welfare. The results are in line with public choice and functionalism theories that suggest that private investments can increase welfare when governments are dysfunctional. Practical implications This paper shows that the effect of tax aggressiveness on sustainable welfare depends on tax aggressiveness, corruption and tax allocation inefficiency. Social implications This paper implies that governments should reduce their corruption levels and increase tax allocation efficiency because private investments are ineffective in the long run. Originality/value Because of increasing awareness of sustainability issue, sustainable welfare is considered more relevant than traditional welfare. Hence, empirical studies on the effect of tax aggressiveness on sustainable welfare are crucial. This paper adds the literature by combining public choice and functionalism theories to investigate the moderating roles of corruption and tax allocation inefficiency in this issue.

2020 ◽  
Vol 32 (3) ◽  
pp. 315-319 ◽  
Gwenda Jensen

PurposeThe purpose of this article is to contribute to an ongoing dialogue between practitioners and academics. This article describes the International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board (IPSASB) recent strategies and highlights the IPSASB's increasing outreach to academics.Design/methodology/approachThis is a practitioner's viewpoint which reflects the IPSASB's publicly available documents, and the opinions of a practitioner directly involved in the IPSASB's work and International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) development.FindingsThe findings are that the IPSASB has increased its outreach to academics and now academics have more opportunities to engage with the IPSASB and IPSAS developments. The IPSASB's strategy has remained relatively constant over time, focusing on IPSAS to address public sector-specific issues, alignment with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and reduction of differences between IPSAS and Government Finance Statistics (GFS) reporting guidelines.Research limitations/implicationsThe limitations of this article (which are also its strength in terms of fitness for purpose) are that as a practitioner's viewpoint it provides a brief overview and personal judgments, rather than an empirical analysis of developments applying a theoretical framework.Practical implicationsThe practical implications were IPSASB's increased outreach to the research community providing opportunities for academics to have increased input into IPSAS development, with likely benefits to researchers and the IPSASB.Social implicationsPractitioners’ engagement with academics supports increased understanding of the respective views leading to better outcomes for practitioners and academics working in the area of public sector financial reporting and its regulation.Originality/valueThis article is the first to (a) describe the IPSASB's increasing outreach to academics during 2019–2020 and (b) compare the IPSASB's strategies for the period of 2019–2023, with its strategies since the beginning of IPSAS developments in 1996–1997.

2020 ◽  
Vol 32 (2) ◽  
pp. 247-265
Pierre Donatella

PurposeThe purpose of this article is to examine whether, and if so, to what extent, noncoercive isomorphism determines mandatory disclosure compliance at a later stage of an accounting reform.Design/methodology/approachThe analysis of compliance is based on data from 289 Swedish municipalities for 2016, which is nearly two decades after the initial legal reform in which mandatory requirements were imposed by the Swedish government in an effort to harmonize financial reporting practice. Following the standard approach in the literature, an unweighted compliance index was used as dependent variable. Proxies for municipal accounting networks and involvement in professional government accounting associations were used to explain individual municipalities' levels of compliance.FindingsDifferences in individual municipalities' levels of compliance were strongly related to the financial reporting practice of other municipalities in their accounting network. These results suggest that normative and mimetic isomorphic pressure stemming from these local networks, where accounting departments continually meet and share experiences, is a very potent force. In contrast, isomorphic pressure stemming from involvement in activities offered by professional government accounting associations is generally not a potent force at this stage.Practical implicationsIn settings where municipal accounting networks exist, it may be effective to stimulate de facto harmonization by directing information, education and other efforts toward the professional environment in which these networks operate.Originality/valueUnlike prior literature, the data in this study are from a later stage of a public sector accounting reform.

2019 ◽  
Vol 29 (2) ◽  
pp. 180-187 ◽  
Kelly Weidner ◽  
Frederik Beuk ◽  
Anjali Bal

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to present a theory of how corporations and brands can address the prevalence of fake news. A matrix is proposed to examine how the transparency of the motivation of the communicator disseminating fake news interacts with how well the content of the fake news coincides with a consumer’s previously held bias. Design/methodology/approach A dichotomy is presented examining the role of “Schemer’s Schema” transparency by confirmatory bias. Findings Consumers will react differently to fake news depending on their “schemer schema” and the source of the information, as well as the believability of the story based on already existing beliefs. Research implications/limitations This paper provides readers with a strategy to address the prevalence and reality of fake news. The purpose of this paper is theoretical in nature. While this manuscript lays the foundation for future empirical studies, said studies have not been conducted. Further, given the ever-changing nature of fake news dissemination this manuscript provides a picture at a specific time and place. Practical implications This manuscript provides insights for brand managers who are forced to address fake news. Originality/value This manuscript provides marketers with a strategy to better address fake news for organizations and brand.

2016 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 30-48 ◽  
Wasim K. AlShattarat ◽  
Muhannad A. Atmeh

Purpose Islamic banks use Mudarabah contract to replace the interest-bearing deposits with profit-sharing investment accounts. The purpose of this paper is to explore the challenges and problems associated with the employment of Mudarabah contract by Islamic banks. Design/methodology/approach The study critically analyzes the Mudarabah contract used by Islamic banks. It reviews the evolution of the contract from its traditional type to more complicated types such as compound, unrestricted, commingled and continuous Mudarabah. The paper investigates the problems that have emerged from implementing such types in current business settings. Findings The paper proves that implementing the Mudarabah contract by banks imposes several problems among which are the following: difficulty in the determination of total profit resulting from Mudarabah and in allocating this profit to the multiple parties involved in Mudarabah; usage of reserves to cater against future losses may undermine the concept of Mudarabah profit-loss sharing and lead to earnings management; corporate governance is also a major problem in Mudarabah contract, as the depositors are exposed to risks but have no governance rights; and Mudarabah may also lessen the fair presentation of financial reporting. Research limitations/implications The paper examines the evolving Mudarabah contract and its implementation challenges, based on available literature (no empirical analysis was conducted). Practical implications The implications are significant for the future development of Islamic contracts and Islamic accounting treatments. Originality/value Many studies explored the Mudarabah contract from a Shariah or law perspective. However, this paper investigates the Mudarabah contract with a focus on the implication on accounting and financial reporting because of the lack of studies in this area. Furthermore, it demonstrates the persistent flaws in the Mudarabah contract, and it proposes a new model for mobilizing funds, i.e. mutual fund.

2014 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-29 ◽  
Jarle Aarstad

Purpose – Many networks take a small-world structure, with a high degree of clustering and shortcut ties that reduce the path-length between the clusters. It can be argued that small-world networks have benefits that are simultaneously related to network closures and the spanning of structural holes, but research on the network members’ performance is nonetheless inconclusive. The purpose of this paper is to argue that the concept of resource idiosyncrasy can explain the mixed findings. Firm idiosyncratic resources are not easily generalizable across enterprises. Design/methodology/approach – Industries may vary in terms of resource idiosyncrasy, and the paper elaborates how this can moderate shortcut ties’ effect on performance in an inter-firm network. Findings – If resource idiosyncrasy predominates in an industry, the paper proposes that inter-firm shortcut ties may increase performance, whereas shortcut ties may decrease performance if non-idiosyncratic resources predominate. Originality/value – Applying the concept of resource idiosyncrasy as a moderating variable, the paper aims to explain shortcut ties’ effect on performance in an inter-firm network. The theory advanced here can have practical implications and also motivate future empirical studies to gain further knowledge about small-world networks’ effect on performance.

2014 ◽  
Vol 29 (3) ◽  
pp. 268-283 ◽  
Andrew D. Chambers

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to identify and interpret expectations of regulators about the interface between regulators and internal audit. Design/methodology/approach – Contemporary pronouncements are subjected to a content analysis about the relationship demands that regulators place upon internal audit. Comparison is made with internal auditing standards. The paper identifies the significant challenges and considers the future. Findings – Regulators are increasingly prescriptive about what they expect from internal audit. The scope of internal audit work must cover all matters of interest to the regulator. Internal audit is now regarded as part of the supervisory process. Unlike financial reporting and external auditing, there is no attempt to regulate the setting of internal audit standards, but regulators themselves are enunciating internal audit requirements that go beyond the standards. Research limitations/implications – The paper draws mainly upon developments in the financial sector, which is leading the way in prescribing the interface between regulator and internal audit. Practical implications – The enhanced requirements of regulators impact upon internal audit's other relationships on the internal audit universe and scope, and on staffing internal audit. Originality/value – This is the first attempt to synthesise what regulators currently require from their relationship with internal audit, which needs to be reflected in internal audit charters and in future releases of global internal auditing standards.

2015 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 78-96 ◽  
Darren Duxbury

Purpose – The purpose of this paper, and a companion paper (Duxbury, 2015), is to review the insights provided by experimental studies examining financial decisions and market behavior. Design/methodology/approach – Focus is directed on those studies examining explicitly, or with direct implications for, the most robustly identified phenomena or stylized facts observed in behavioral finance. The themes for this first paper are theory and financial markets. Findings – Experiments complement the findings from empirical studies in behavioral finance by avoiding some of the limitations or assumptions implicit in such studies. Originality/value – The authors synthesize the valuable contribution made by experimental studies in extending the knowledge of the functioning of financial markets and the financial behavior of individuals.

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