scholarly journals Drivers of Ar-Rahnu (pawn) acceptance: Malaysian evidence

2020 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Hassanudin Mohd Thas Thaker ◽  
Ahmad Khaliq ◽  
Mohamed Asmy Bin Mohd Thas Thaker ◽  
Anwar Bin Allah Pitchay ◽  
K. Chandra Sakaran

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to examine the factor persuading the acceptance of Islamic pawn broking (Ar-Rahnu) among Islamic bank customers. Design/methodology/approach The authors collected the data using a self-administered questionnaire design and analysed using SPSS Statistics and smart partial least square. The study is restricted to only respondents who are based in the area of Klang Valley (Selangor and Kuala Lumpur), as these two areas have a larger number of Islamic banks and a decent number of Islamic banks’ clients. A total of 381 respondents’ responses are used for this study, and the constructs involved for analysis purpose are affect, social factor, facilitating conditions, perceived financial benefits and perceived risk constructs. Findings The finding suggests a significant positive association for social factor and perceived risk, while negative association learnt for affect on acceptance of Ar-Rahnu financing. On the same note, the facilitating condition and perceived financial benefit are found insignificantly related. Practical implications The findings generated from this study are expected to enrich the literature on the body of knowledge, as it has served to broaden the understanding of the Ar-Rahnu acceptance level in Malaysia. As mentioned, there is limited literature available using this type of financing. Existing studies focus too much on conventional financing products such as personal financing, credit card, short-term loan and many others. Less attention is given to Ar-Rahnu financing. Thus, this study expected to add value to the literature available in the context of Islamic pawn broking business. Moreover, the findings of this study will be very helpful for the Islamic financial institutions to find the best way to retain Ar-Rahnu clients and encourage more client to choose Ar-Rahnu as a mode of financing. Originality/value This study owns greater potential to assist Islamic financial institutions to discover the best techniques to retain and encourage the grander number of clients for Ar-Rahnu as a mode of financing.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 91-103 ◽  
Alam Asadov ◽  
Zulkarnain Bin Muhamad Sori ◽  
Shamsher Mohamad Ramadilli ◽  
Zaheer Anwer ◽  
Shinaj Valangattil Shamsudheen

Purpose This paper aims to examine the practical issues in the Musharakah Mutanaqisah (MM) financing and subsequently, recommends possible solutions to mitigate these issues and improve the current practice. Design/methodology/approach This paper analyses the theory and current practices of MM offered by Islamic banks. Findings It is suggested that Islamic financial institutions consider revaluation of property’s value to its fair value, especially during termination of MM contract and annual or agreed periodic review of the market value of the assets to determine the “rental” payments by the customer. It is also recommended that Islamic financial institutions should share all associated costs in performing the contract. Research limitations/implications Research findings reported in this paper contribute to the body of knowledge on MM in general and to the Islamic finance practices in Malaysia and abroad. Indeed, the Malaysia Central Bank (i.e. Bank Negara Malaysia) should form a special committee to look into the issues highlighted in this paper and recommend strict guidelines for Islamic financial institutions to improve their practices. Practical implications Islamic banks should extend the use of MM contract in automobile and trade financing where rent or profit could be easily identified and value of the asset is more certain. The regulators and Islamic financial standard setting authorities need to oversee the Shari’ah board decisions on MM contracts and keep the gates in the interest of ensuring a more viable and authentic Islamic finance industry. Originality/value This paper briefly views the current mode of MM contracts, specifically for home financing, and highlights the incompliance to Shari’ah requirements in exercising these contracts in practice.

2018 ◽  
Vol 47 (7) ◽  
pp. 1286-1308 ◽  
Jihad Mohammad ◽  
Farzana Quoquab ◽  
Fazli Idris ◽  
Mohammed Al-Jabari ◽  
Nazimah Hussin ◽  

PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between Islamic work ethic (IWE) and employees’ attitude and behaviour in term of perceived organisational justice, psychological ownership (PSY), and employees’ performance in the Islamic financial institutions in Malaysia.Design/methodology/approachThis study used a sample of 301 employees of Islamic financial institutions and employed structural equation modelling-partial least square technique in order to analyse the data.FindingsThe findings demonstrated that IWE has both direct and indirect effects on attitudinal as well as behavioural outcomes.Practical implicationsManagers who want to enhance their employees’ attitude and behaviour are strongly advised to give proper attention to the concept work ethic. Moreover, they need to conduct training programs to instil these values and to emphasise its crucial role in enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of the organisation.Originality/valueThis study contributes to the body of knowledge on IWE by: testing its ability to predict employees’ performance, their perception of organisational justice, and their feeling of PSY, and examining the mediating effect of perceived organisational justice and PSY between IWE and employees’ performance.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Christine Falkenreck ◽  
Ralf Wagner

Purpose Until today, scholars claim that the phenomenon of “co-creation” of value in an “interacted” economy and in the context of positive actor-to-actor relationships has not been adequately explored. This study aims to first to identify and separate the accessible values of internet of things (IoT)-based business models for business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-government (B2G) customer groups. It quantifies the drivers to successfully implement disruptive business models. Design/methodology/approach Data were gathered from 292 customers in Western Europe. The conceptual framework was tested using partial least square structural equation modeling. Findings Managing disruptions in the digital age is closely related to the fact that the existing trust in buyer-seller relationships is not enough to accept IoT projects. A company’s digitalization capabilities, satisfaction with the existing relationship and trust in the IoT credibility of the manufacturer drives the perceived value of IoT-based business models in B2B settings. Contrastingly, in B2G settings, money is less important. Research limitations/implications Research refers to one business field, the data set is of European origin only. Findings indicate that the drivers to engage in IoT-related projects differ significantly between the customer groups and therefore require different marketing management strategies. Saving time today is more important to B2G buyers than saving money. Practical implications The disparate nature of B2B and B2G buyers indicates that market segmentation and targeted marketing must be considered before joint-venturing in IoT business models. To joint venture supply chain partners co-creating value in the context of IoT-related business models, relationship management should be focused with buyers on the same footing, as active players and co-developers of a personalized experience in digital service projects. Originality/value Diverging from established studies focusing on the relationship within a network of actors, this study defines disruptive business models and identifies its drivers in B2B and B2G relationships. This study proposes joint venturing with B2B and B2G customers to overcome the perceived risk of these IoT-related business models. Including customers in platforms and networks may lead to the co-creation of value in joint IoT projects.

2020 ◽  
pp. 429-442
Devi Megawati

This study aims to understand the role of Sharia Supervisors in the private Zakat Institution (LAZ) as well as other aspects of sharia compliance, such as Zakat fatwa on the perspective of Zakat officers. According to Decree of the Minister of Religion Number 333 / 2015 that LAZ as register must have a sharia supervisor. Sharia compliance of an institution could rely on the role of the sharia supervisory board (SSB). Some literature discussing this topic is still dominated study on Islamic financial institutions (IFIs), especially in Islamic Banks. Therefore this article will contribute to the body of knowledge, especially in the zakat literature. Data were gathered from five presiding officers of private zakat institutions in one province in Indonesia which consists of three presiding officers from provincial LAZ representative and two presiding officers from LAZ district. The study found that Sharia compliance in LAZ had many weaknesses such as lack of sharia control by sharia supervisors, a member of the sharia supervisory board who does not follow the latest issues about Zakat or the absence of competency requirements to be a sharia supervisor at LAZ and also did not make Zakat fatwa issued by MUI as the primary reference by zakat officer. This information will be useful for stakeholders, including supervisory authorities and regulators.

Yosra Mnif ◽  
Marwa Tahari

Purpose This study aims to examine the effect of the main corporate governance characteristics on compliance with accounting and auditing organisation for Islamic financial institutions’ (AAOIFI) governance standards’ (GSs) disclosure requirements by Islamic banks (IB) that adopt AAOIFIs’ standards in Bahrain, Qatar, Jordan, Oman, Syria, Sudan, Palestine and Yemen. Design/methodology/approach The sample consists of 486 bank-year observations from 2009 to 2017. Findings The findings reveal that compliance with AAOIFIs’ GSs’ disclosure requirements is positively influenced by the audit committee (AC) independence, AC’s accounting and financial expertise and industry expertise, auditor industry specialisation, IB’s size and IB’s listing status. On the other hand, it is negatively influenced by the ownership concentration. Research limitations/implications This study has only examined compliance with AAOIFI’s GSs’ disclosure requirements and has focussed on one major sector of the Islamic financial institutions (which is IB). Practical implications The findings are useful for various groups of preparers and users of IBs’ annual reports such as academics and researchers, accountants, management of IBs and some organisations. Originality/value While the study of the AAOIFIs’ standards has grown contemporary with considerable contributions from scholars, however, the majority of these studies are descriptive in nature. Indeed, the existing literature that has explored the determinants of compliance with AAOIFI’s standards is in the early research stage. To the best of the knowledge, there is a paucity of empirical research testing this issue.

2014 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 331
Siti Maria Wardayati ◽  
Nining Ika Wahyuni ◽  
Nur Hisamuddin

The development of Islamic financial institutions in Indonesia is very fast eventhough it is a new institution that all products are new in this Muslim-majoritycountry. This study will test the competence variables account syariah officer andrisk of financing in relation to the financing is affecting performance, and will alsotest the variable business ethics and information asymmetry in relation to risk andfinancial performance. Sample of this research is Islamic Microfinance Institutionsin Jember and Bondowoso with respondent managers and leaders Sharia Microfinance Institutions using primary data obtained through questionnaires. This studyused a quantitative approach and the data processing using Partial Least Square(PLS). Final output of this research is the development of arisk reduction model offinancing is an attempte scalation of financing performance.

2013 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 99
Misnen Ardiansyah ◽  
Ibnu Qizam ◽  
Joko Setyono

This study aims to analyze the perception of either students of higher education institutions of Islamic economics, or that of Islamic financial institutions, or that of institutions of sharia industry concerned with the competence of Islamic economics scholars. Data were obtained through the distribution of questionnaires in universities and branch offices of Islamic financial institutions in Yogyakarta selected by purposive sampling method. The analytical techniques used to address the hypothesis in this study was path analysis using the Partial Least Square (PLS) version 1.01. The results showed there is a positive influence of higher education institutions’ perceptions on students’ perceptions in the development of competence. However, both higher education institutions’ perceptions and students’ perceptions had no effect on the perception of the industry. This shows that there is still a gap between the competencies developed by higher education institutions and industrial needs.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Dwi Suhartanto ◽  
Moch Edman Syarief ◽  
Ade Chandra Nugraha ◽  
Tintin Suhaeni ◽  
Ambia Masthura ◽  

Purpose This study aims to examine factors driving millennial loyalty towards artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled mobile banking services in Islamic banks. Design/methodology/approach This research collected the data from 204 millennial customers of Islamic banks in Aceh, Indonesia. Partial least square (PLS) was used to evaluate the effect of service factors (the need for service and service quality), technology-based factors (attitudes towards AI, relative advantage, security and trust) and religiosity on millennial loyalty towards AI-enabled mobile banking. Findings This inquiry reveals that service quality, attitude towards AI and trust are determinants important for millennial loyalty towards AI-enabled mobile banking. Further, this research notes the significant role of religiosity on millennial loyalty towards mobile banking services. Practical implications This study suggests Islamic banks focus on developing millennial trust and attitude towards AI to increase their loyalty towards AI-enabled mobile banking services. Further, Islamic banks operation that complies with Islamic law is strongly suggested to develop millennial loyalty. Originality/value To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first study that tries to scrutinize loyalty towards AI-enabled mobile banking.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 1091-1103 ◽  
Dwi Suhartanto

PurposeThis study aims to examine behavioural intention towards Islamic bank including three determinants: religiosity, trust and image across customers and non-customers.Design/methodology/approachThis study uses 400 samples, consisting of customers and non-customers of Islamic banks collected from Bandung, Indonesia. Partial least square was applied to evaluate the association between religiosity, trust, image and behavioural intention.FindingsThis study reveals a direct effect of religiosity on behavioural intention and indirect effect through trust and image for both customers and non-customers of Islamic banks. Although the impact of religiosity on trust, image and behavioural intention is significant in both the customer and non-customer sample, the effect of religiosity on the customer is higher compared to that of non-customer.Practical implicationsThis study provides an opportunity for Islamic bank managers to increase the behavioural intention among the customer, as well as non-customer. To increase behavioural intention amongst customers and non-customers, Islamic bank managers need to keep the bank operation compliant with theSharialaw, maintain a good image and gain trust from both customers and non-customers.Originality/valueThis study is the first attempt to evaluate the behavioural intention towards Islamic bank across customers and non-customers.

2020 ◽  
Vol 28 (4) ◽  
pp. 607-638
Mohd Shukor Harun ◽  
Khaled Hussainey ◽  
Khairul Ayuni Mohd Kharuddin ◽  
Omar Al Farooque

Purpose This study aims to explore the corporate social responsibility disclosure (CSRD) practices of the Islamic banks in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries during the period 2010-2014 and examines the determinants of CSRD and its effects on firm value. Design/methodology/approach Based on the Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions Governance Standard No. 7 guidelines and using content analysis, the paper develops a comprehensive CSRD index for GCC Islamic banks. The study applies ordinary least squares regression analysis for hypothesis testing and for finding determinants of respective dependent variables. Findings The results show a very low level of CSRD among the sample Islamic banks in GCC countries. When using corporate governance characteristics to examine the determinants of CSRD, this study provides evidence of a significant positive association between board size and CSRD practice in Islamic banks and a significant negative relationship of chief executive officer (CEO) duality with CSRD, as per expectation. For the economic consequences of CSRD, the study documents an inverse performance effect of CSRD while board size, board composition and CEO duality indicate significant positive effects on firm value. Research limitations/implications The relatively small sample size of GCC Islamic banks may limit the application of the findings to other Islamic financial institutions such as Takaful and the Islamic unit trust company. Practical implications The findings of this study initiate the global debate on the need for corporate governance reform in Islamic banks by providing insights on the role played by corporate governance mechanisms in encouraging and enhancing CSRD practices among Islamic banks. The findings also have important implications for investors, managers, regulatory bodies, policymakers and Islamic banks in the GCC countries. Social implications The results of the study do not support the idea that Islamic banks operating on Islamic principles can meet their social responsibilities through promoting corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities and by differentiating themselves from non-Islamic banks. Originality/value This is the first study to examine the determinants of CSRD in GCC Islamic banks using comprehensive CSRD and corporate governance variables and, therefore, adds value to the existing CSR literature in banking.

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