Guest editorial

2020 ◽  
Vol 39 (5) ◽  
pp. 581-598 ◽  
James A. Cunningham ◽  
Matthias Menter

PurposeThis paper examines and discusses the need for micro-level analyses of academic entrepreneurship and outlines a micro-level research agenda for the study of academic entrepreneurship.Design/methodology/approachBased on a review of academic literature on academic entrepreneurship, this study focuses on individual actors and suggests some future research agendas.FindingsThe authors highlight that more studies dealing with academic entrepreneurship need to take a micro-level perspective, thereby outline several fruitful avenues of research: (1) star scientists and principal investigators, (2) TTO professionals, (3) graduate entrepreneurs, (4) university administrators, (5) policy makers and funders as well as (6) micro-level organisational routines.Practical implicationsThis paper derives three main implications for management practice and policy. First, there is a real need to develop the managerial skills, competencies and capabilities of scientists and individuals. Second, policy makers need to ensure the necessary resources to pursue a paradigm shift towards more entrepreneurial thinking and action and create adequate incentives. Third, firms need to offer support and guidance on how to best commercialise and transfer scientific knowledge and ideally complement support structures of universities and research institutes.Originality/valueThis paper provides an organising framework for the study of micro-level academic entrepreneurship and emphasises the need to focus further on individual actors and how their actions, behaviours and approaches contribute to academic entrepreneurship in different institutional, environmental and cultural contexts.

2016 ◽  
Vol 35 (1) ◽  
pp. 48-64 ◽  
Lotte Holck ◽  
Sara Louise Muhr ◽  
Florence Villesèche

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between the identity and diversity literatures and discuss how a better understanding of the theoretical connections between the two informs both diversity research and diversity management practices. Design/methodology/approach – Literature review followed by a discussion of the theoretical and practical consequences of connecting the identity and diversity literatures. Findings – The authors inform future research in three ways. First, by showing how definitions of identity influence diversity theorizing in specific ways. Second, the authors explore how such definitions entail distinct foci regarding how diversity should be analyzed and interventions actioned. Third, the authors discuss how theoretical coherence between definitions of identity and diversity perspectives – as well as knowledge about a perspective’s advantages and limitations – is crucial for successful diversity management research and practice. Research limitations/implications – The authors argue for a better understanding of differences, overlaps and limits of different identity perspectives, and for a stronger engagement with practice. Practical implications – The work can encourage policy makers, diversity and HR managers to question their own practices and assumptions leading to more theoretical informed diversity management practices. Originality/value – The theoretical connections between identity and diversity literature have so far not been reviewed systematically. The work foregrounds how important it is for diversity scholars to consider identity underpinnings of diversity research to help further develop the field within and beyond the three streams the authors discuss.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 565-577 ◽  
Harvey Maylor ◽  
Virpi Turkulainen

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to reflect on the past 25 years of the research on projectification, focusing especially on organisational aspects of projectification, as well as to discuss recent developments and potential future research directions. Design/methodology/approach This is a discussion paper, which draws on previously published research and data. Findings The first section identifies contexts in which projectification has taken place (projectification of) and the organisational process by which this has taken place (projectification through). Using an illustrative example based on publicly available data, the second section shows an extension of the organisational phenomenon, referred to as advanced organisational projectification. The paper concludes with a synthesised framework of organisational projectification. Research limitations/implications The paper provides a personal reflection and commentary and is focused on the conceptualisation of the term rather than an all-encompassing study of projectification. Based on the discussion, the paper presents a synthesised view of organisational projectification as well as directions for future research to advance the understanding of projectification. Practical implications The study has implications for policy-makers in the design of the process of ongoing projectification and provides illustrations and a warning concerning the assumptions that are made as an organisation advances in its projectification. Originality/value This paper provides an elaboration of one of the focal concepts of project studies, extending some of the key elements of project management research.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 277-292 ◽  
Ying Liu ◽  
Chenggang Wang ◽  
Zeng Tang ◽  
Zhibiao Nan

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to examine the impacts of farmland renting-in on planted grain acreage. Design/methodology/approach A survey data of five counties were analyzed with the two-stage ordinary least squares model. Findings Households renting-in land trended to plant more maize, and the more land was rented by a household the more maize was planted, while wheat acreage showed non-response to farmland renting-in. Practical implications Overall, the analysis suggests that policy makers should be prepared for different changing trends of grain crop acreage across the nation as farmland transfer continues. Future research should pay attention to the effect of farmland transfer on agricultural productivity and rural household income growth. Originality/value As the Chinese Government is promoting larger-scale and more mechanized farms as a way of protecting grain security, it is important to understand whether farmland renting-in will reduce planted grain acreage. This study provides empirical evidence showing the answer to that question may differ across different regions and depend on the particular grain crop in question.

Stephen A. Woods ◽  
Nick Diprose ◽  
Mary Murphy-Diprose ◽  
Geoff Thomas

PurposeThis paper reviews literature on interim leadership and management through the lens of effective interim performance. The purpose of this review is to advance understanding of interim assignment performance and the antecedent individual psychological characteristics of effective interim leaders and managers, to improve the practice of managing interim leaders from a human resources (HR) perspective.Design/methodology/approachThe paper reports a targeted review of the literature on interim leadership and management.FindingsThe main proposition from this review is that the influence of individual factors on interim performance operates within the stages and contexts of assignments. Accordingly, the authors propose a framework of the demands on interim assignments (the interim assignment cycle), comprising stages of preparation, entry, delivery and exit. The paper subsequently reviews evidence of the potential individual characteristics (focussing on individual differences in personality, leadership approach, motivation and competencies) of effective preparation and entry to an assignment, actions and performance during an assignment and exit/disengagement.Practical implicationsThe findings of the review have implications for the selection and placement of interims into organizations and their management once appointed.Originality/valueThe main original contribution of the paper is to provide a framework around which interim assignments can be modelled and better understood. The paper discusses implications for future research, theory and human resource management practice and calls for a renewed research effort in this critical area of management and leadership.

2006 ◽  
Vol 20 (5) ◽  
pp. 417-433 ◽  
N.A.D. Connell ◽  
R. Mannion

PurposeThis paper evaluates the non‐healthcare organisational literature on conceptualisations of trust. The aim of the paper is to review this diverse literature, and to reflect on the potential insights it might offer healthcare researchers, policy makers and managers.Design/methodology/approachA number of the key concepts that contribute to contrasting definitions of trust in the organisational literature are identified.FindingsThe paper highlights the heterogeneity of trust as an organisational concept. Aspects of trust that relate more specifically to non‐healthcare settings are shown to have some potential relevance for healthcare. Five aspects of trust, considered to have particular significance to the changing face of the NHS, appear to offer scope for further exploration in healthcare settings.Practical implicationsThe NHS continues to face changes to its organisational structures, both planned and unplanned. Healthcare providers will need to be alert to intra‐ and inter‐organisational relationships, of which trust issues will form an inevitable part. Whilst it might be argued that the lessons offered by conceptualisations of trust within wider organisational settings have limitations, the paper demonstrates sufficient areas of overlap to encourage cross‐fertilisation of ideas.Originality/valueThe paper draws together previous research on a topic of increasing relevance to healthcare researchers, which has exercised management researchers for at least three decades. The paper acts as a guide to future research and practice.

2015 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 143-158 ◽  
Jeremy Galbreath

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to empirically explore the extent to which women are advancing in the wine industry, and whether there are conditions which help facilitate their advancement. There is a perception that women are making great strides in the wine industry. However, this perception is largely anecdotal. Design/methodology/approach – All wineries in Australia are examined in each year for the years 2007 to 2013. By relying on a leading wine industry database, women in CEO, winemaker, viticulturist and marketing roles are examined. Findings – With the exception of the marketing role, women are under-represented relative to predicted representation rates. Regarding regional differences, there is no consistent pattern with respect to where women representation in the roles is higher. The findings also suggest that where there is a woman CEO, women are more likely to be represented in winemaker, viticulturist and marketing roles. Research limitations/implications – The study represents Australian wine regions and should not be taken as a general population sample. The representation rates of women in top roles in other wine firms around the world may vary, which could lead to results different than those found in this study. Practical implications – For firms and policy makers interested in increasing the representation rates of women in the wine industry, the results of this study offer some insight into where current rates stand, and what might be underlying these representation rates. This is expected to facilitate debate around the means and mechanisms through which to increase the representation of women in the wine industry. Originality/value – This is the first known large-scale study to examine the representation rates of women in top roles in the wine industry; therefore, it offers both new insights and avenues for future research.

2014 ◽  
Vol 31 (1) ◽  
pp. 79-97 ◽  
Niki Hynes ◽  
Barbara Caemmerer ◽  
Emeline Martin ◽  
Eliot Masters

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the use of a positive country image (CI) by companies. First, it examines how organisations embed dimensions of a positive country image into their external marketing communications. Second, it examines the alignment between the countries’ image dimensions and those of the company and how company values and actions could act to either use, abuse and detract from an established CI. Design/methodology/approach – A two-part methodology was adopted. Two countries with strong positive CIs were chosen for comparison purposes. Content analysis of web sites, together with interviews with company representatives, were undertaken. Findings – The use of the CI/country-of-origin framework is extended from an extrinsic “made in” cue for consumers, to being part of the value offering of a particular product or service from an organisational perspective is extended. Evidence is structured into a framework of companies which use and/or contribute to the CI. Research limitations/implications – The two chosen countries both have positive CIs: future research should examine this relationship in countries with different images. The sample size is relatively small and future research should determine the generalisability of the proposed typology. Practical implications – Generating, communicating and maintaining a CI requires co-ordinated efforts from policy makers but needs to be built on solid foundations of reality: companies using CIs should be cognisant of the alignment between their actions, messages and the CI. Originality/value – This study extends prior work by examining the relationship between CI, company strategy, products and services offered and the manner in which companies action's can affect CI.

2019 ◽  
Vol 46 (2) ◽  
pp. 254-266
Harjeet S. Bhabra ◽  
Ashrafee Tanvir Hossain ◽  
Vidyoot Roy Karmakar

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to examine existing literature, including both academic and practitioner publications, related to Canadian SOX (or C-SOX as it is popularly known). The study discusses the origins of the Act, the underlying motivations for enacting this legislation in Canada and its impact on corporate decisions since its inception in 2003. Design/methodology/approach The principal focus of this literature review is on C-SOX, its inception, reception, compliance and impact in Canada, both from business’ and investors’ critical perspectives. The authors have followed a two-step process to gather all the articles. First, the authors used a keyword search at Google Scholar and ProQuest (e.g. C-SOX, Canadian SOX, Bill 198, etc.) to gather all the articles. Second, the authors retained articles and abstracts that primarily dealt with the background framework and impact of the legislation. It is to be noted that C-SOX was mainly a reactionary legislation following the adoption of US-SOX in 2002. Any discussion of C-SOX is, therefore, incomplete without referencing the literature related to US-SOX. Findings In this review paper the evolution of C-SOX over time in Canada, as well as studies on its impacts and criticisms have been summarized. Based on the extensive research that followed the enactment of US-SOX, the authors also provide suggested research directions related to C-SOX in the future. Research limitations/implications C-SOX has been relatively underexplored and therefore, not much academic work is available presently. This study highlights this gap in the literature with the hope that researchers will devote their energy to understanding the broader ramifications of major legislations such as C-SOX which will potentially also inform future public policy choices. Practical implications This research will help both businesses and investors to understand each other’s perspectives and concerns regarding C-SOX. This paper will also be helpful to policy makers to identify potential areas of improvement in this and future legislative decisions in the future. Originality/value Using a qualitative approach this study combines the development of C-SOX as a legislation in Canada, its overall effectivity/drawbacks and explores the areas it impacts, both positively and negatively, along with criticisms and appreciations.

2017 ◽  
Vol 18 (4) ◽  
pp. 378-392 ◽  
Wonsun Shin

Purpose The purposes of this study are to examine how parents implement discussion-based parental mediation (i.e. active mediation) to influence the way children understand advertising on television, computers and smartphones and to investigate factors associated with parental mediation practices. Design/methodology/approach A survey was conducted with parents in Singapore whose children were watching television, using computers with internet access and using smartphones. Findings The degree to which parents engage in active mediation of advertising is similar across different media. Active mediation of advertising is more a function of parents’ attitudes toward advertising directed to children, parents’ concerns about media influence on their children and parental self-efficacy rather than the age of their children. Research limitations/implications The survey was conducted in a single country and did not examine the consequences of parental mediation of advertising. Future research should consider cross-cultural perspectives and investigate the outcomes of parental mediation. Practical implications For advertising practitioners, this study argues that it is important to understand how parents view different forms of advertising. For media educators and policy makers, this study suggests that various parental factors should be considered to develop effective guidelines for parents. Originality/value This study adds novel insights to the literature on consumer socialization by investigating how parents – the primary socialization agents in children’s development of consumption-related behaviors – help children understand advertising across different media.

2019 ◽  
Vol 25 (3) ◽  
pp. 378-396 ◽  
Arian Razmi-Farooji ◽  
Hanna Kropsu-Vehkaperä ◽  
Janne Härkönen ◽  
Harri Haapasalo

Purpose The purpose of this paper is twofold: first, to understand data management challenges in e-maintenance systems from a holistically viewpoint through summarizing the earlier scattered research in the field, and second, to present a conceptual approach for addressing these challenges in practice. Design/methodology/approach The study is realized as a combination of a literature review and by the means of analyzing the practices on an industry leader in manufacturing and maintenance services. Findings This research provides a general understanding over data management challenges in e-maintenance and summarizes their associated proposed solutions. In addition, this paper lists and exemplifies different types and sources of data which can be collected in e-maintenance, across different organizational levels. Analyzing the data management practices of an e-maintenance industry leader provides a conceptual approach to address identified challenges in practice. Research limitations/implications Since this paper is based on studying the practices of a single company, it might be limited to generalize the results. Future research topics can focus on each of mentioned data management challenges and also validate the applicability of presented model in other companies and industries. Practical implications Understanding the e-maintenance-related challenges helps maintenance managers and other involved stakeholders in e-maintenance systems to better solve the challenges. Originality/value The so-far literature on e-maintenance has been studied with narrow focus to data and data management in e-maintenance appears as one of the less studied topics in the literature. This research paper contributes to e-maintenance by highlighting the deficiencies of the discussion surrounding the perspectives of data management in e-maintenance by studying all common data management challenges and listing different types of data which need to be acquired in e-maintenance systems.

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