A 1.25pJ/bit 0.048mm2 AES core with DPA resistance for IoT devices

Shengshuo Lu ◽  
Zhengya Zhang ◽  
Marios Papaefthymiou
Guruh Fajar Shidik ◽  
Edi Jaya Kusuma ◽  
Safira Nuraisha ◽  
Pulung Nurtantio Andono

2017 ◽  

The increasing need for security in microcontrollers Security has long been a significant challenge in microcontroller applications(MCUs). Traditionally, many microcontroller systems did not have strong security measures against remote attacks as most of them are not connected to the Internet, and many microcontrollers are deemed to be cheap and simple. With the growth of IoT (Internet of Things), security in low cost microcontrollers moved toward the spotlight and the security requirements of these IoT devices are now just as critical as high-end systems due to:

Nowadays, Thailand is stepping into an aging society. This research purposes developing the intelligence walking stick for the elderly in terms of the health care system by applied the IoT devices and biometric sensors in a real-time system. The heart rate, blood pressure, oxygen saturation, and temperature were measured at the finger of the elderly that holding the intelligence walking stick. All data can monitor and display on mobile devices. The intelligence walking stick system was evaluated by twenty users who are five experts and fifteen elderly in Ratchaburi province. As a result of the mean value at 4.88 and 4.85 by experts and elderly, respectively. It could be said that the development of intelligence walking stick by using IoT can help and improve the daily living of the elderly at the highest level.

2020 ◽  
Vol 24 (5) ◽  
pp. 1683-1689
Umamaheswari K.M.

Mais Sami Ali ◽  
Abdulkareem Abdulrahman Kadhim

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 ◽  
M. Sivaram ◽  
V. Porkodi ◽  
Amin Salih Mohammed ◽  
S. Anbu Karuppusamy

Background: With the advent of IoT, the deployment of batteries with a limited lifetime in remote areas is a major concern. In certain conditions, the network lifetime gets restricted due to limited battery constraints. Subsequently, the collaborative approaches for key facilities help to reduce the constraint demands of the current security protocols. Aim: This work covers and combines a wide range of concepts linked by IoT based on security and energy efficiency. Specifically, this study examines the WSN energy efficiency problem in IoT and security for the management of threats in IoT through collaborative approaches and finally outlines the future. The concept of energy-efficient key protocols which clearly cover heterogeneous IoT communications among peers with different resources has been developed. Because of the low capacity of sensor nodes, energy efficiency in WSNs has been an important concern. Methods: Hence, in this paper, we present an algorithm for Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) which reviews security and energy consumption to discuss their constraints in the IoT scenarios. Results: The results of a detailed experimental assessment are analyzed in terms of communication cost, energy consumption and security, which prove the relevance of a proposed ABC approach and a key establishment. Conclusion: The validation of DTLS-ABC consists of designing an inter-node cooperation trust model for the creation of a trusted community of elements that are mutually supportive. Initial attempts to design the key methods for management are appropriate individual IoT devices. This gives the system designers, an option that considers the question of scalability.

Impact ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 2019 (10) ◽  
pp. 61-63 ◽  
Akihiro Fujii

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a term that describes a system of computing devices, digital machines, objects, animals or people that are interrelated. Each of the interrelated 'things' are given a unique identifier and the ability to transfer data over a network that does not require human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction. Examples of IoT in practice include a human with a heart monitor implant, an animal with a biochip transponder (an electronic device inserted under the skin that gives the animal a unique identification number) and a car that has built-in sensors which can alert the driver about any problems, such as when the type pressure is low. The concept of a network of devices was established as early as 1982, although the term 'Internet of Things' was almost certainly first coined by Kevin Ashton in 1999. Since then, IoT devices have become ubiquitous, certainly in some parts of the world. Although there have been significant developments in the technology associated with IoT, the concept is far from being fully realised. Indeed, the potential for the reach of IoT extends to areas which some would find surprising. Researchers at the Faculty of Science and Engineering, Hosei University in Japan, are exploring using IoT in the agricultural sector, with some specific work on the production of melons. For the advancement of IoT in agriculture, difficult and important issues are implementation of subtle activities into computers procedure. The researchers challenges are going on.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Scott Monteith ◽  
Tasha Glenn ◽  
John Geddes ◽  
Emanuel Severus ◽  
Peter C. Whybrow ◽  

Abstract Background Internet of Things (IoT) devices for remote monitoring, diagnosis, and treatment are widely viewed as an important future direction for medicine, including for bipolar disorder and other mental illness. The number of smart, connected devices is expanding rapidly. IoT devices are being introduced in all aspects of everyday life, including devices in the home and wearables on the body. IoT devices are increasingly used in psychiatric research, and in the future may help to detect emotional reactions, mood states, stress, and cognitive abilities. This narrative review discusses some of the important fundamental issues related to the rapid growth of IoT devices. Main body Articles were searched between December 2019 and February 2020. Topics discussed include background on the growth of IoT, the security, safety and privacy issues related to IoT devices, and the new roles in the IoT economy for manufacturers, patients, and healthcare organizations. Conclusions The use of IoT devices will increase throughout psychiatry. The scale, complexity and passive nature of data collection with IoT devices presents unique challenges related to security, privacy and personal safety. While the IoT offers many potential benefits, there are risks associated with IoT devices, and from the connectivity between patients, healthcare providers, and device makers. Security, privacy and personal safety issues related to IoT devices are changing the roles of manufacturers, patients, physicians and healthcare IT organizations. Effective and safe use of IoT devices in psychiatry requires an understanding of these changes.

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