Language-Agnostic and Language-Aware Multilingual Natural Language Understanding for Large-Scale Intelligent Voice Assistant Application

Daniel Yue Zhang ◽  
Jonathan Hueser ◽  
Yao Li ◽  
Sarah Campbell
Ping Chen ◽  
Wei Ding ◽  
Chengmin Ding

Knowledge representation is essential for semantics modeling and intelligent information processing. For decades researchers have proposed many knowledge representation techniques. However, it is a daunting problem how to capture deep semantic information effectively and support the construction of a large-scale knowledge base efficiently. This article describes a new knowledge representation model, SenseNet, which provides semantic support for commonsense reasoning and natural language processing. SenseNet is formalized with a Hidden Markov Model. An inference algorithm is proposed to simulate human-like natural language understanding procedure. A new measurement, confidence, is introduced to facilitate the natural language understanding. The authors present a detailed case study of applying SenseNet to retrieving compensation information from company proxy filings.

Ping Chen ◽  
Wei Ding ◽  
Chengmin Ding

Knowledge representation is essential for semantics modeling and intelligent information processing. For decades researchers have proposed many knowledge representation techniques. However, it is a daunting problem how to capture deep semantic information effectively and support the construction of a large-scale knowledge base efficiently. This paper describes a new knowledge representation model, SenseNet, which provides semantic support for commonsense reasoning and natural language processing. SenseNet is formalized with a Hidden Markov Model. An inference algorithm is proposed to simulate human-like natural language understanding procedure. A new measurement, confidence, is introduced to facilitate the natural language understanding. The authors present a detailed case study of applying SenseNet to retrieving compensation information from company proxy filings.

Rakesh Chada ◽  
Pradeep Natarajan ◽  
Darshan Fofadiya ◽  
Prathap Ramachandra

1998 ◽  
Vol 37 (04/05) ◽  
pp. 327-333 ◽  
F. Buekens ◽  
G. De Moor ◽  
A. Waagmeester ◽  
W. Ceusters

AbstractNatural language understanding systems have to exploit various kinds of knowledge in order to represent the meaning behind texts. Getting this knowledge in place is often such a huge enterprise that it is tempting to look for systems that can discover such knowledge automatically. We describe how the distinction between conceptual and linguistic semantics may assist in reaching this objective, provided that distinguishing between them is not done too rigorously. We present several examples to support this view and argue that in a multilingual environment, linguistic ontologies should be designed as interfaces between domain conceptualizations and linguistic knowledge bases.

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