Infringement of intellectual property rights of industrial design: multinationals' strategy, practice, and concerns in China

Zhao Chen ◽  
Huang Liang
Smith Marcus ◽  
Leslie Nico

This chapter examines intellectual property. The governing principles relating to intellectual property are very different from the principles that underlie other choses, like rights under contracts or debts. Like shares, intellectual property rights are characterized by specific statutory rules relating to their creation, as well as to their transfer. Intellectual property rights can be divided under six heads: patents; copyright; moral rights; industrial design rights; trademarks; and confidential information. In each case, the holder of the right is able—by virtue of ownership—to prevent others from doing what they otherwise could do. Each of these intellectual property rights has four different aspects: the intellectual property right itself; rights of action for infringement; validity challenges; and licensing.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Valerie Selvie Sinaga

Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) is a set of rights granted to exploit an object that is the result of human thought. IPR consists of various rights including copyright, trademark, patent, industrial design, and trade secrets. These rights are needed in developing a business, both large and small businesses. Legal counselling on the importance of IPR was given to the "Bia Berek" group consisting of mothers of traditional weaving craftsmen from the Kemak tribe in Kuneru village, Manumutin Urban Village, Atambua District, Belu Regency (East Nusa Tenggara (NTT)) in August 2018. As small businesses in traditional industries, an introduction to the importance of IPR for this group is given so that they can protect the object of intellectual property rights owned and utilize the IPR to advance their small businesses. After legal counselling is carried out, group members understand that their creativity in making woven fabrics is one of the assets protected by copyright and plagiarism of fabric motifs from other regions or groups is not permitted in the copyright regime. In addition, group members understand that a brand is needed to be able to market their woven fabrics more broadly. However, they are still unable to register their weaving work to obtain brand protection, industrial design, and IG, due to their limited funds, knowledge and access. There needs to be further assistance from the Regency Government regarding this IPR issueABSTRAK:Hak Kekayaan Intelektual (HKI) adalah serangkaian hak yang diberikan untuk mengeksploitasi suatu obyek yang merupakan hasil dari pemikiran manusia. HKI terdiri dari berbagai hak di antaranya hak cipta, merek, paten, desain industri, dan rahasia dagang.  Hak-hak ini sangat dibutuhkan dalam mengembangkan suatu usaha, baik usaha besar atau pun kecil. Penyuluhan hukum akan pentingnya HKI ini diberikan kepada kelompok “Bia Berek” yang beranggotakan ibu-ibu pengrajin tenun tradisional dari  suku Kemak di desa Kuneru, Kelurahan Manumutin, Kecamatan Kota Atambua, Kabupaten Belu (Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT)) pada bulan Agustus 2018. Sebagai pelaku usaha kecil di industri tradisional, pengenalan akan arti pentingnya HKI bagi kelompok ini diberikan agar mereka dapat melindungi obyek hak kekayaan intelektual yang dimiliki dan memanfaatkan HKI tersebut untuk memajukan usaha kecil mereka. Setelah penyuluhan hukum dilakukan, anggota kelompok memahami bahwa kreatifitas mereka dalam membuat kain tenunan merupakan salah satu asset yang dilindungi oleh hak cipta dan penjiplakan motif kain tenun dari daerah atau kelompok lain merupakan hal yang tidak diperkenankan dalam rezim hak cipta. Selain itu, anggota kelompok memahami bahwa diperlukan merek untuk dapat memasarkan lebih luas lagi kain hasil tenunan mereka. Namun, mereka masih belum mampu mendaftarkan karya tenun mereka untuk mendapatkan perlindungan merek, desain industri, dan IG, karena keterbatasan dana, pengetahuan dan akses mereka. Perlu ada pendampingan lebih lanjut dari pihak Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten terkait masalah HKI ini

2021 ◽  
Vol 38 (2) ◽  
pp. 129-142
Nikola Milosavljević

A large variety of market relations are regulated by intellectual property rights, which represent legitimate monopolies correcting certain inefficiencies of a profit distribution on the market. In the following paper, the author examines the relations between design right and copyright using the comparative method. Firstly the author will analyze both resemblances and differences between these two intellectual property rights. The resemblance in protection object in particular makes available the cumulation of protected rights, in other words, the possibility of protecting industrial design by copyright, which will also be analyzed in the paper. Such work aims to comprehend the hybrid nature of design right as a right usually bypassed in a legal theory, and which is, in the author's opinion, especially interesting.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 106
Budi Santoso

In the franchise business, there are several aspects of IPR involved in it, such as trademark, copyright, patent either ordinary or simple, industrial design, and trade secrets. Each field of IPR has its own character and forms of legal protection that differ from one another, while the most basic aspects of IPR in the world of the franchise business, name brands and trade secrets. This study aims to analyze the correlation between aspects of Intellectual Property Rights and the franchise business format and which aspects of the IPR correlate with the format of the franchise business. The results show that the franchise agreement can be categorized as a principal agreement, involving the government, and the parties, while additional agreements, which are purely an agreement between the franchisor and the franchise, can be in the form of an agreement to maintain company secrets.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-37
Ida Ayu Sadnyini ◽  
I Gede Putu Agus Wistama Putra ◽  
A.A.A.Ngurah Sri Rahayu Gorda ◽  
A.A.A. Ngurah Tini Rusmini Gorda

Intellectual property is creativity that results from human thought in order to meet the needs and welfare of human life. Currently, IPR issues are widely discussed in the context of international issues. IPR includes two parts, namely Copyrights and Industrial Property Rights. Industrial property rights include patents, industrial designs, integrated circuits layout designs, trade secrets, geographic indications, trademarks and plant variety protection (PVP). Interior design is part of industrial design. Interior design has experienced significant developments in recent years, including in Indonesia. Problems that arises is plagiarisms done by imitating or using the "similarity" of an interior design that already has an industrial design certificate without any permission from the design owner. This study aims to find out the legal protection of interior design in the intellectual property rights of industrial design and the legal basis used by judges in deciding industrial design rights disputes. The result of this study showed that the legal protection of interior design in the intellectual property rights of industrial design involved two legal protections; they are preventive legal protections and repressive legal protections. Furthermore, Gustav Radbruch's theory of legal ideals is used as a legal basis in deciding cases of disputes over industrial design rights based on justice, benefits, and legal certainty in the case of industrial design disputes Ecosfera Room.  

2019 ◽  
alan peter

AbstractAs a developing country, Indonesia needs to strive for strong competition among the business community. This is in line with global conditions in the field of trade and investment. Such competitiveness has long been known in the Intellectual Property Rights (HAKI) system.The era of globalization, this is arguably one of the causes of intellectual property rights violations (IPR). Like a time bomb that can explode at any time and the explosion effect can be on everything around it. Progress in all sectors, especially in the fields of industry and trade, is one of the victims of globalization. The higher industrialization flows and trade flows demanded the accuracy and speed of transactions are in part. And of course there are many problems that arise in it, because in every positive case there is a negative side. For example, in the case of "Music Industry" (Music Industry), especially in the cassette / DVD / VCD trade, sometimes people who are positioned as consumers prefer prices that are relatively cheap rather than expensive. Although of course the expensive ones have higher quality.Some time ago, precisely in July 2012 as quoted in the The Government through the Directorate of Investigation of the Directorate General of Intellectual Property Rights of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (HAM) handled 44 cases of intellectual property rights violations (HKI) per May 2012. The 44 cases are related to the IPR domain, namely cases of copyright, patent, brand, industrial design, and Trade Secrets violations. And according to the Investigation Director of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Mohammad Adri, said, of the 44 cases of violations of IPR, the most cases were cases of brand violations which reached 27 cases. The second most, cases of industrial design violations (7 cases) and copyright cases (4 cases). The remaining patent cases and trade secrets. Illegal or pirated computer software problems are found in copyright cases.

2018 ◽  
Riki Andus Manulang

As a developing country, Indonesia needs to strive for strong competition among the business community. This is in line with global conditions in the field of trade and investment. Such competitiveness has long been known in the Intellectual Property Rights (HAKI) system.The era of globalization, this is arguably one of the causes of intellectual property rights violations (IPR). Like a time bomb that can explode at any time and the explosion effect can be on everything around it. Progress in all sectors, especially in the fields of industry and trade, is one of the victims of globalization. The higher industrialization flows and trade flows demanded the accuracy and speed of transactions are in part. And of course there are many problems that arise in it, because in every positive case there is a negative side. For example, in the case of "Music Industry" (Music Industry), especially in the cassette / DVD / VCD trade, sometimes people who are positioned as consumers prefer prices that are relatively cheap rather than expensive. Although of course the expensive ones have higher quality.Some time ago, precisely in July 2012 as quoted in the The Government through the Directorate of Investigation of the Directorate General of Intellectual Property Rights of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (HAM) handled 44 cases of intellectual property rights violations (HKI) per May 2012. The 44 cases are related to the IPR domain, namely cases of copyright, patent, brand, industrial design, and Trade Secrets violations. And according to the Investigation Director of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Mohammad Adri, said, of the 44 cases of violations of IPR, the most cases were cases of brand violations which reached 27 cases. The second most, cases of industrial design violations (7 cases) and copyright cases (4 cases). The remaining patent cases and trade secrets. Illegal or pirated computer software problems are found in copyright cases.Keywords: HakI, Trade.

Тамила Магомедовна Нинциева

В статье говорится о защите прав интеллектуальной собственности. Рассмотрены подходы к пониманию сущности интеллектуальной собственности, ее правовой охране и защите, разбираются вопросы административно-правовой защиты прав интеллектуальной собственности. Особое внимание уделяется проблемам, которые усложняют правовое регулирование в данной сфере общественных отношений. The article deals with the protection of intellectual property rights. Approaches to understanding the essence of intellectual property, its legal protection and protection are considered, issues of administrative and legal protection of intellectual property rights are discussed. Particular attention is paid to the problems that complicate the legal regulation in this area of public relations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (I) ◽  
pp. 27-32
Dr. Ganesh Dubey ◽  
Jaya Dixit

Industrial plan is a course of configuration applied to actual items that are to be made by large scale manufacturing. It is the inventive demonstration of deciding and characterizing an item's structure and provisions, which happens ahead of the assembling or creation of the item. Conversely, fabricate comprises simply of rehashed, frequently mechanized, replication, while make based plan is a cycle or approach where the type of the item is controlled by the item's maker to a great extent simultaneous with the demonstration of its creation. Industrial Design (ID) is the skilled act of planning items, Gadgets, Articles and Administrations utilized by a great many individuals all throughout the Planet Consistently. Industrial planners ordinarily center around the actual appearance, usefulness and manufacturability of an item, however they are frequently engaged with undeniably really during an Improvement Cycle. All of this eventually stretches out to the generally enduring worth and experience an item or administration accommodates end-clients. Each item that you communicate with consistently in your home, office, everyday life setting is the aftereffect of a plan cycle. During this interaction, horde choices are made by an industrial planner (and their group) that are pointed toward working on your life through the first-rate plan.

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