A channel allocation algorithm with low admission delay for mobile base station networks

Mingjie He ◽  
Ying Yang ◽  
Weidong Wang
2014 ◽  
Vol 02 (04) ◽  
pp. 44-53
Piyaporn Krachodnok ◽  
Rangsan Wongsan ◽  
Nuchanart Fhafhiem

Walder de Jesús Canova García

Resumen El creciente número de estaciones base de telefonía móvil celular alrededor de sectores residenciales o tránsito de personas, causa preocupación en la comunidad sobre si la radiación de campos electromagnéticos puedan causar riesgos en la salud. Internacionalmente existen estándares que establecen límites a las diversas fuentes de campos electromagnéticos para garantizar que se minimizan los riesgos en la salud. Cada país adopta dentro de su legislación algún estándar o recomendación y exige su cumplimiento a los operadores de estaciones de telecomunicaciones, por ejemplo en Colombia rige el decreto 195 de 2005. El artículo presenta una evaluación, basados en mediciones técnicas en el 2010, para obtener los niveles de exposición a campos electromagnéticos generados por las antenas instaladas en las estaciones base de telefonía móvil. Luego aparece el procedimiento general de mediciones, donde incluye el plan ejecutorial de mediciones, la configuración de la instrumentación y la caracterización de los lugares y puntos de medición. Por último, los resultados medidos en algunos lugares, donde las antenas de transmisión cumplían con la normativa adoptada en Colombia. Palabras Clave: Exposición a campos Electromagnéticos, Estaciones base de Telefonía móvil celular, Mediciones de banda angosta.   Abstract The growth of installations of transmitting antennas on base stations surrounding residential spaces or person traffic causes concerns in the community, about whether the radiation of electromagnetic fields of transmitting antennas in mobile base station can generate health risk. Over the world, there are standards that establish maximum levels permitted to different electromagnetic field sources to accomplish security ranges for health risks. Each country adopts in their legislation some international standard and requires to telecommunication operators stations for its compliance. In Colombian, the decree 195 of 2005 is still valid. This article shows an assessment, based on technical measurements developed in 2010, to acquire the electromagnetic field exposure levels generated by transmitting antennas installed on Mobile Base Station. This assessment includes the measurement system procedure: plan of measurement, instrumental configuration, and characterization of measurement places. Finally, here presents the measured results in some places, which exposure levels satisfied the adopted legislation in Colombia. Keywords: Electromagnetic Field Exposure, Mobile Base Stations, Narrowband Measurement.

Yusnita Rahayu ◽  
Indah Permata Sari ◽  
Dara Incam Ramadhan ◽  
Razali Ngah

This article presented a millimeter wave antenna which operated at 38 GHz for 5G mobile base station. The MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) antenna consisted of 1x10 linear array configurations. The proposed antenna’s size was 88 x 98 mm^2  and printed on 1.575 mm-thick Rogers Duroid 5880 subsrate with dielectric constant of ε_r= 2.2 and loss tangent (tanδ) of 0.0009. The antenna array covered along the azimuth plane to provide the coverage to the users in omnidirection. The simulated results showed that the single element antenna had the reflection coefficient (S11) of -59 dB, less than -10 dB in the frequency range of 35.5 - 39.6 GHz. More than 4.1 GHz of impedance bandwidth was obtained. The gain of the antenna linear array was 17.8 dBi while the suppression of the side lobes was -2.7 dB.  It showed a high array gain throughout the impedance bandwidth with overall of VSWR were below 1.0646. It designed using CST microwave studio.

Algorithms ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (5) ◽  
pp. 93 ◽  
Na Su ◽  
Qi Zhu

This paper assumes that multiple device-to-device (D2D) users can reuse the same uplink channel and base station (BS) supplies power to D2D transmitters by means of wireless energy transmission; the optimization problem aims at maximizing the total capacity of D2D users, and proposes a power control and channel allocation algorithm for the energy harvesting D2D communications underlaying the cellular network. This algorithm firstly uses a heuristic dynamic clustering method to cluster D2D users and those in the same cluster can share the same channel. Then, D2D users in the same cluster are modeled as a non-cooperative game, the expressions of D2D users’ transmission power and energy harvesting time are derived by using the Karush–Kuhn–Tucker (KKT) condition, and the optimal transmission power and energy harvesting time are allocated to D2D users by the joint iteration optimization method. Finally, we use the Kuhn–Munkres (KM) algorithm to achieve the optimal matching between D2D clusters and cellular channel to maximize the total capacity of D2D users. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can effectively improve the system performance.

2015 ◽  
Vol 2015 ◽  
pp. 1-11 ◽  
Young-Bae Jung ◽  
Soon-Young Eom

This paper introduces a multiband base-station antenna to provide multiple communications services. There is growing need for multiband base-station antennas for mobile communications to serve existing 2nd and 3rd generation systems and to provide emerging 4th generation communication service as well as WiFi. For example, cellular, PCS, and especially WCDMA service are currently widely used in Korea, and 4th generation service (WiBro and LTE), introduced in 2011, will have to operate in parallel with existing services. The proposed multiband base-station antenna can provide a single/dual/triple or more multiple services using dual-polarization (±45° linear polarizations) according to the requirements of the service provider. This antenna has a shared aperture, having several array antenna sets for multiple services (Band 1: cellular service in 0.824~0.894 GHz, Band 2: PCS, WCDMA, and WiFi in 1.920~2.170 GHz, Band 3: WiBro and WiMAX in 2.300~2.400 GHz, and Band 4: WiMAX in 5.150~5.850 GHz). This antenna can be helpful for reducing base-station operating expenses and to create a clean urban landscape by minimizing the number of base-station antennas, which are increasing rapidly.

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