A novel algorithm to solve the minimal hitting sets in MBD

Jianfang Xu ◽  
Zhigang Liu ◽  
Chenxi Dai
2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (15) ◽  
pp. 350-1-350-10
Yin Wang ◽  
Baekdu Choi ◽  
Davi He ◽  
Zillion Lin ◽  
George Chiu ◽  

In this paper, we will introduce a novel low-cost, small size, portable nail printer. The usage of this system is to print any desired pattern on a finger nail in just a few minutes. The detailed pre-processing procedures will be described in this paper. These include image processing to find the correct printing zone, and color management to match the patterns’ color. In each phase, a novel algorithm will be introduced to refine the result. The paper will state the mathematical principles behind each phase, and show the experimental results, which illustrate the algorithms’ capabilities to handle the task.

2019 ◽  
Vol 71 (3) ◽  
Renata Grgic-Mustafic ◽  
Nariae Baik-Schneditz ◽  
Bernhard Schwaberger ◽  
Lukas Mileder ◽  
Corinna Binder-Heschl ◽  

Himanshu Rehani ◽  
Anuradha Saini

The issue of picture denoising is one of the most established in the field, is as yet getting extensive focus from the exploration zone due to consistently expanding interest for sensibly valued great media and in additament its part as a pre-preparing venture for picture division, pressure, and so on, because of high spatial being without a vocation of mundane pictures, nearby averaging of the pixels impressively abate the commotion while bulwark the first structure of the picture. To enhance the execution of the essential channels, more compelling sifting calculations including the exchanging vector channels and the amalgamation vector. In spite of the fact that there are different sifting calculations to cull, the more preponderant part of them is not outfit predicated. Multifarious Median Filter (AMF) performs well at low commotion densities. Be that as it may, at high filter densities the window measure must be expanded which may prompt obscuring the picture. In exchanging middle channel the cull depends on Re-characterized limit esteem. The paramount downside of this technique is that characterizing a vigorous cull is onerous. Supplementally these channels won't consider the nearby highlights because of which points of interest and edges may not be recouped severely, concretely when the filter level is high. To vanquish the above downside, Decision Predicated Algorithm (DBA) is proposed. In this, the picture is denoised by utilizing a 3x3 window. On the off chance that the preparing pixel esteem is 0 or 255 it is handled or else it is left unaltered. At high commotion thickness the middle esteem will be 0 or 255 which is boisterous. The goal of disuniting is to expel the driving forces so the commotion free picture is planarity recouped with least flag bending. Filter (Clamor) expulsion can be accomplished by utilizing sundry subsisting direct dissevering procedures which are main stream as a result of their numerical straightforwardness and the presence of the assembling direct framework hypothesis. In spite of the fact that middle channels expel motivation clamor without harming the edges, the prodigious majority of them work consistently over the picture and in this way have a propensity to alter both commotion and clamor free pixels. Preferably, the disuniting ought to be connected just to debased pixels while leaving uncorrupted pixels in place. We propose a novel calculation for clamor diminishment in light of UBTMF for Colour pictures.

Maryam Alibeigi ◽  
Shahriar S. Moghaddam

Background & Objective: This paper considers a multi-pair wireless network, which communicates peer-to-peer using some multi-antenna amplify-and-forward relays. Maximizing the throughput supposing that the total relay nodes’ power consumption is constrained, is the main objective of this investigation. We prove that finding the beamforming matrix is not a convex problem. Methods: Therefore, by using a semidefinite relaxation technique we find a semidefinite programming problem. Moreover, we propose a novel algorithm for maximizing the total signal to the total leakage ratio. Numerical analyses show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm which offers higher throughput compared to the existing total leakage minimization algorithm, with much less complexity. Results and Conclusion: Furthermore, the effect of different parameters such as, the number of relays, the number of antennas in each relay, the number of transmitter/receiver pairs and uplink and downlink channel gains are investigated.

2020 ◽  
Uzair Bhatti

BACKGROUND In the era of health informatics, exponential growth of information generated by health information systems and healthcare organizations demands expert and intelligent recommendation systems. It has become one of the most valuable tools as it reduces problems such as information overload while selecting and suggesting doctors, hospitals, medicine, diagnosis etc according to patients’ interests. OBJECTIVE Recommendation uses Hybrid Filtering as one of the most popular approaches, but the major limitations of this approach are selectivity and data integrity issues.Mostly existing recommendation systems & risk prediction algorithms focus on a single domain, on the other end cross-domain hybrid filtering is able to alleviate the degree of selectivity and data integrity problems to a better extent. METHODS We propose a novel algorithm for recommendation & predictive model using KNN algorithm with machine learning algorithms and artificial intelligence (AI). We find the factors that directly impact on diseases and propose an approach for predicting the correct diagnosis of different diseases. We have constructed a series of models with good reliability for predicting different surgery complications and identified several novel clinical associations. We proposed a novel algorithm pr-KNN to use KNN for prediction and recommendation of diseases RESULTS Beside that we compared the performance of our algorithm with other machine algorithms and found better performance of our algorithm, with predictive accuracy improving by +3.61%. CONCLUSIONS The potential to directly integrate these predictive tools into EHRs may enable personalized medicine and decision-making at the point of care for patient counseling and as a teaching tool. CLINICALTRIAL dataset for the trials of patient attached

Bernardo Breve ◽  
Stefano Cirillo ◽  
Mariano Cuofano ◽  
Domenico Desiato

AbstractGestural expressiveness plays a fundamental role in the interaction with people, environments, animals, things, and so on. Thus, several emerging application domains would exploit the interpretation of movements to support their critical designing processes. To this end, new forms to express the people’s perceptions could help their interpretation, like in the case of music. In this paper, we investigate the user’s perception associated with the interpretation of sounds by highlighting how sounds can be exploited for helping users in adapting to a specific environment. We present a novel algorithm for mapping human movements into MIDI music. The algorithm has been implemented in a system that integrates a module for real-time tracking of movements through a sample based synthesizer using different types of filters to modulate frequencies. The system has been evaluated through a user study, in which several users have participated in a room experience, yielding significant results about their perceptions with respect to the environment they were immersed.

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