A Novel Approach for Edge Detection of Images

D. Ganguly ◽  
S. Mukherjee ◽  
K. Mitra ◽  
P. Mukherjee
Mohamed Asharudeen ◽  
Hema P Menon

Detection of edges under noisy environments has been gaining lot of prominence in the recent past in most of the image and video processing applications. In this work a novel approach based on the distribution of intensity values and their corresponding positions has been proposed for distinguishing the edge pixels from the grey scale images. Separate histogram has been maintained for X and Y coordinates. The first order derivative is applied over these histograms to distinguish the edge pixels. The pixel with gradient distribution below a specific threshold value is selected as an edge pixel. This method is found to work well in case of both noiseless and noisy images. Hence this method is able to perceive the underlying information in case of noisy images also. The proposed algorithm can be used for both low and high resolution images. However, the performance of the algorithm is more evident in high resolution image. A general analysis of the proposed method has been conducted for arbitrary images. The major application of the proposed work can be used for the applications that doesn’t need any preprocessing or to avoid any loss of information like in medical image analysis as it contemplate towards every intensity bin to trace the edges present in the histogram of the image rather than the overall image concerning for direct edge tracing. The results have been compared with canny algorithm which is most commonly used for edge detection.

2012 ◽  
Vol 30 ◽  
pp. 283-288 ◽  
Debabrata Samanta ◽  
Goutam Sanyal

2014 ◽  
Vol 511-512 ◽  
pp. 545-549
Qiang Chen

Edge detection of color image is a difficult problem in image processing. Although a lot of corresponding to methods have been proposed, however, none of them can effectively detect image edges while suppressing noises. In this paper, a novel edge detection algorithm of color images based on mathematical morphology is proposed. Through designing a new anti-noise morphological gradient operators, we can obtain better edge detection results. The proposed gradient operators are applied to detect edge for three components of a color image. An then, the final edge can be obtained by fusing the three edge results. Experimental results show that the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. Moreover, the proposed algorithm has better effect of preserving the edge details and better robustness to noises than traditional methods.

Farhad Soleimanian Gharehchopogh ◽  
Samira Ebrahimi

Cellular Learning Automata (CLA) has been used in many fields of image processing such as noise elimination, smoothing, retrieval, fractionated and extraction of the content Characteristics of the images. The edge detection in images and methods if edge detection, have a great role in machine vision and cognizance systems. This method uses operands for analyzing images and digital image processing. Many studios here been conducted till now in edge detection algorithms of various conditions. In this study a new method for edge detection in images with the use of CLA is recommended. The proposed method of edge detection in images was tested with different sizes and the results were compared with Sobel edge detector classic method. The result show that the method based on CLA has a desirable performance in edge detection and compares the images with a more uniformity during a minimum period of time.

2008 ◽  
Vamsi Krishna Madasu ◽  
Madasu Hanmandlu ◽  
Shantaram Vasikarla

2007 ◽  
Vol 40 (10) ◽  
pp. 2766-2775 ◽  
Genyun Sun ◽  
Qinhuo Liu ◽  
Qiang Liu ◽  
Changyuan Ji ◽  
Xiaowen Li

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