Meta-Feature Based Data Mining Service Selection and Recommendation Using Machine Learning Models

Bayan Alghofaily ◽  
Chen Ding
M Preethi ◽  
J Selvakumar

This paper describes various methods of data mining, big data and machine learning models for predicting the heart disease. Data mining and machine learning plays an important role in building an important model for medical system to predict heart disease or cardiovascular disease. Medical experts can help the patients by detecting the cardiovascular disease before occurring. Now-a-days heart disease is one of the most significant causes of fatality. The prediction of heart disease is a critical challenge in the clinical area. But time to time, several techniques are discovered to predict the heart disease in data mining. In this survey paper, many techniques were described for predicting the heart disease.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 91-95
Chen Qian ◽  
Jayesh P. Rai ◽  
Jianmin Pan ◽  
Aruni Bhatnagar ◽  
Craig J. McClain ◽  

Machine learning has been a trending topic for which almost every research area would like to incorporate some of the technique in their studies. In this paper, we demonstrate several machine learning models using two different data sets. One data set is the thermograms time series data on a cancer study that was conducted at the University of Louisville Hospital, and the other set is from the world-renowned Framingham Heart Study. Thermograms can be used to determine a patient’s health status, yet the difficulty of analyzing such a high-dimensional dataset makes it rarely applied, especially in cancer research. Previously, Rai et al.1 proposed an approach for data reduction along with comparison between parametric method, non-parametric method (KNN), and semiparametric method (DTW-KNN) for group classification. They concluded that the performance of two-group classification is better than the three-group classification. In addition, the classifications between types of cancer are somewhat challenging. The Framingham Heart Study is a famous longitudinal dataset which includes risk factors that could potentially lead to the heart disease. Previously, Weng et al.2 and Alaa et al.3 concluded that machine learning could significantly improve the accuracy of cardiovascular risk prediction. Since the original Framingham data have been thoroughly analyzed, it would be interesting to see how machine learning models could improve prediction. In this manuscript, we further analyze both the thermogram and the Framingham Heart Study datasets with several learning models such as gradient boosting, neural network, and random forest by using SAS Visual Data Mining and Machine Learning on SAS Viya. Each method is briefly discussed along with a model comparison. Based on the Youden’s index and misclassification rate, we select the best learning model. For big data inference, SAS Visual Data Mining and Machine Learning on SAS Viya, a cloud computing and structured statistical solution, may become a choice of computing.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (5) ◽  
pp. 1097-1109
Zohreh Sheikh Khozani ◽  
Khabat Khosravi ◽  
Mohammadamin Torabi ◽  
Amir Mosavi ◽  
Bahram Rezaei ◽  

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Yue Wang ◽  
Daniel Kifer ◽  
Jaewoo Lee

The process of data mining with differential privacy produces results that are affected by two types of noise: sampling noise due to data collection and privacy noise that is designed to prevent the reconstruction of sensitive information. In this paper, we consider the problem of designing confidence intervals for the parameters of a variety of differentially private machine learning models. The algorithms can provide confidence intervals that satisfy differential privacy (as well as the more recently proposed concentrated differential privacy) and can be used with existing differentially private mechanisms that train models using objective perturbation and output perturbation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 3-6
Eric Holloway

Imagination Sampling is the usage of a person as an oracle for generating or improving machine learning models. Previous work demonstrated a general system for using Imagination Sampling for obtaining multibox models. Here, the possibility of importing such models as the starting point for further automatic enhancement is explored.

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