Robust $H_{\infty}$ Cruise Control of High-Speed Train with Parameter Uncertainties, Time-varying Delays and Disturbance

Zikang Li ◽  
Chenjia Ni ◽  
Deqing Huang
2015 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 010503 ◽  
Shu-Kai Li ◽  
Li-Xing Yang ◽  
Ke-Ping Li

2019 ◽  
Vol 2019 ◽  
pp. 1-11 ◽  
Xiaokang Xu ◽  
Jun Peng ◽  
Rui Zhang ◽  
Bin Chen ◽  
Feng Zhou ◽  

The cruise control of high-speed trains is challenging due to the presence of time-varying air resistance coefficients and control constrains. Because the resistance coefficients for high-speed trains are not accurately known and will change with the actual operating environment, the precision of high speed train model is lower. In order to ensure the safe and effective operation of the train, the operating conditions of the train must meet the safety constraints. The most traditional cruise control methods are PID control, model predictive control, and so on, in which the high-speed train model is identified offline. However, the traditional methods typically suffer from performance degradations in the presence of time-varying resistance coefficients. In this paper, an adaptive model predictive control (MPC) method is proposed for cruise control of high-speed trains with time-varying resistance coefficients. The adaptive MPC is designed by combining an adaptive updating law for estimated parameters and a multiply constrained MPC for the estimated system. It is proved theoretically that, with the proposed adaptive MPC, the high-speed trains track the desired speed with ultimately bounded tracking errors, while the estimated parameters are bounded and the relative spring displacement between the two neighboring cars is stable at the equilibrium state. Simulations results validate that proposed method is better than the traditional model predictive control.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2016 ◽  
pp. 1-14 ◽  
Xi Wang ◽  
Yan Zhao ◽  
Tao Tang

We investigate the problem of fuzzy constrained predictive optimal control of high speed train considering the effect of actuator dynamics. The dynamics feature of the high speed train is modeled as a cascade of cars connected by flexible couplers, and the formulation is mathematically transformed into a Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy model. The goal of this study is to design a state feedback control law at each decision step to enhance safety, comfort, and energy efficiency of high speed train subject to safety constraints on the control input. Based on Lyapunov stability theory, the problem of optimizing an upper bound on the cruise control cost function subject to input constraints is reduced to a convex optimization problem involving linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). Furthermore, we analyze the influences of second-order actuator dynamics on the fuzzy constrained predictive controller, which shows risk of potentially deteriorating the overall system. Employing backstepping method, an actuator compensator is proposed to accommodate for the influence of the actuator dynamics. The experimental results show that with the proposed approach high speed train can track the desired speed, the relative coupler displacement between the neighbouring cars is stable at the equilibrium state, and the influence of actuator dynamics is reduced, which demonstrate the validity and effectiveness of the proposed approaches.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 712
Wangang Zhu ◽  
Wei Sun ◽  
Hao Wu

The vibration data of the gearbox on a high-speed train was measured, and the vibration characteristics were analyzed in this paper. The dynamic stress of the gearbox under the internal and external excitation was examined by a railway vehicle dynamic model with a flexible gearbox and a flexible wheelset. The ideal 20th polygonal wear was considered, and dynamic stresses of the gearbox under different polygonal wear amplitudes were calculated. The gear transmission model was established to study the dynamic stress of the gearbox under the influence of the time-varying stiffness of the gear meshing. Based on the rigid–flexible coupling model, and considering the influence of wheel polygonization, gear meshing time-varying stiffness, and wheelset elastic deformation, the dynamic stress of the gearbox was investigated with consideration of the measured polygonal wear and measured rail excitation. The results show that the dynamic stress of the gearbox is dominated by the wheel polygonization. Moreover, not only the wheel polygonization excites the resonance of the gearbox, but also the flexible deformation of the wheelset leads to the deformation of the gearbox, which also increases the dynamic stress of the gearbox. Within the resonant bandwidth of the frequency, the amplitude of the dynamic stresses in the gearbox will increase considerably compared with the normal case.

Chih-Jer Lin ◽  
Wan-Quan Xu

This paper presents a complete analysis of the cruise control and the active suspension control for the high speed train (HST). For a train system, the system are designed to being safe and reliable with high efficiency and fault tolerance; however, users require faster, more stable and more comfort transportation. To make sure the safety at such high speed, automatic train control (ATC) is needed and used for the modern HST to guarantee the safety and monitor the cruise status. For HST, the conventional (passive) suspension techniques have reached the limit of its optimization and development; therefore, the active suspension system is necessary for HST to obtain better comfort. In this paper, the extended sliding mode control is studied and applied to the cruise and active suspension of the HST.

2016 ◽  
Vol 47 (16) ◽  
pp. 3940-3951 ◽  
B. Kaviarasan ◽  
R. Sakthivel ◽  
Y. Shi

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