Research of Hydrodynamic Coefficients Identification for Submarine in Vertical Motions Based on APSO

Ping Zhang ◽  
Changbo Liu ◽  
Kun Hu ◽  
Jianhua Zhang
Fengying Dang ◽  
Feitian Zhang

Bio-inspired robotic fish have received an increasingly rapid development in recent years due to their advanced performances, such as high energy efficiency and high maneuverability. An accurate dynamic model is essential to the design and control of such robots. Hydrodynamic co-efficients play an important role in modeling the robot, which are usually obtained from theoretical calculation or water tunnel experiments. This paper proposes a novel method for hydrodynamic coefficients identification using an improved Kalman filter with angular velocity and distributed pressure measurements, which are typically available from the robot’s on-board sensors. Simulation based on a Joukowski airfoil shaped robotic fish demonstrates the proposed method.

2013 ◽  
Vol 39 (1) ◽  
pp. 105-118
Jacek Kurnatowski

Abstract Identification of coefficients determining flow resistance, in particular Manning’s roughness coefficients, is one of the possible inverse problems of mathematical modeling of flow distribution in looped river networks. The paper presents the solution of this problem for the lower Oder River network consisting of 78 branches connected by 62 nodes. Using results of six sets of flow measurements at particular network branches it was demonstrated that the application of iterative algorithm for roughness coefficients identification on the basis of the sensitivity-equation method leads to the explicit solution for all network branches, independent from initial values of identified coefficients.

Amin Najafi ◽  
Mohammad Saeed Seif

Determination of high-speed crafts’ hydrodynamic coefficients will help to analyze the dynamics of these kinds of vessels and the factors affecting their dynamic stabilities. Also, it can be useful and effective in controlling the vessel instabilities. The main purpose of this study is to determine the coefficients of longitudinal motions of a planing catamaran with and without a hydrofoil using Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes method to evaluate the foil effects on them. Determination of hydrodynamic coefficients by experimental approach is costly and requires meticulous laboratory equipment; therefore, utilizing the numerical methods and developing a virtual laboratory seem highly efficient. In this study, the numerical results for hydrodynamic coefficients of a high-speed craft are verified against Troesch’s experimental results. In the following, after determination of hydrodynamic coefficients of a planing catamaran with and without foil, the foil effects on its hydrodynamic coefficients are evaluated. The results indicate that most of the coefficients are frequency-independent especially at high frequencies.

Joa˜o M. B. P. Cruz ◽  
Anto´nio J. N. A. Sarmento

This paper presents a different approach to the work developed by Cruz and Sarmento (2005), where the same problem was studied in the frequency domain. It concerns the same sphere, connected to the seabed by a tension line (single point moored), that oscillates with respect to the vertical direction in the plane of wave propagation. The pulsating nature of the sphere is the basic physical phenomenon that allows the use of this model as a simulation of a floating wave energy converter. The hydrodynamic coefficients and diffraction forces presented in Linton (1991) and Lopes and Sarmento (2002) for a submerged sphere are used. The equation of motion in the angular direction is solved in the time domain without any assumption about its output, allowing comparisons with the previously obtained results.

2012 ◽  
Vol 24 (6) ◽  
pp. 840-847 ◽  
Yu-cun Pan ◽  
Huai-xin Zhang ◽  
Qi-dou Zhou

Cheng Yee Ng ◽  
Siti Nor Adha Tuhaijan ◽  
V. John Kurian ◽  
Zahiraniza Mustaffa ◽  
Edwar Yazid ◽  

2010 ◽  
D Deepak ◽  
A Benjamin ◽  
V Seshadri ◽  
S N Singh ◽  

В.Ю. Семенова ◽  
К.И. Баканов

В статье рассматривается определение коэффициентов демпфирования и присоединенных масс, возникающих при совместной качке двух судов в условиях мелководья параллельно вертикальной стенке на основании решения трехмерной потенциальной задачи. Определение гидродинамических коэффициентов осуществляется на основании методов интегральных уравнений и зеркальных отображений. Представленное решение в отечественной практике является новым. В статье приводятся результаты расчетов коэффициентов присоединенных масс и демпфирования, возникающих при качке двух одинаковых судов, расположенных лагом к волнению и параллельно вертикальной стенке в зависимости от изменения расстояний как между судами, так и между судами и вертикальной стенкой. Проводится исследование влияния различных фарватеров на величины гидродинамических коэффициентов, а именно: мелководного фарватера, мелководного фарватера с вертикальной стенкой, мелководного фарватера со вторым параллельно качающимся судном и мелководного фарватера с вертикальной стенкой и вторым судном. Таким образом, в работе учитывается одновременное влияния мелководья, вертикальной стенки и второго судна. Показано увеличение значений коэффициентов присоединенных масс и демпфирования при уменьшении расстояний между судами и между судами и вертикальной стенкой. Также показано значительное совместное влияние вертикальной стенки и второго судна на коэффициенты присоединенных масс и демпфирования по сравнению с другими видами стесненных фарватеров. The article discusses the determination of damping coefficients and added masses arising from the joint motions of two ships in shallow water conditions parallel to the vertical wall based on the solution of a three-dimensional potential problem. Determination of hydrodynamic coefficients is carried out on the basis of the methods of integral equations and mirror images. The solution presented in the national practice is new The article presents the results of calculating the coefficients of added masses and damping arising from the motions of two identical ships located lagged to the sea and parallel to the vertical wall, depending on the change in the distances between the ships and between the ships and the vertical wall. A study is being made of the influence of various waterways on the values ​​of hydrodynamic coefficients, namely: a shallow waterway, a shallow waterway with a vertical wall, a shallow waterway with a second parallel oscillating ship and a shallow waterway with a vertical wall and a second ship. Thus, the work takes into account the simultaneous influence of shallow water, vertical wall and the second ship. An increase in the values of the coefficients of added masses and damping with a decrease in the distances between ships and between ships and the vertical wall is shown. It also shows a significant combined effect of the vertical wall and the second ship on the added mass and damping coefficients in comparison with other types of constrained waterways.

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