Low power, high performance current mode transceiver for Network-on-Chip communication

V. Mohana Vidya ◽  
R. Thilagavathy ◽  
M. Bhaskar
2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 158-168
Muhammad Raza Naqvi

Mostly communication now days is done through SoC (system on chip) models so, NoC (network on chip) architecture is most appropriate solution for better performance. However, one of major flaws in this architecture is power consumption. To gain high performance through this type of architecture it is necessary to confirm power consumption while designing this. Use of power should be diminished in every region of network chip architecture. Lasting power consumption can be lessened by reaching alterations in network routers and other devices used to form that network. This research mainly focusses on state-of-the-art methods for designing NoC architecture and techniques to reduce power consumption in those architectures like, network architecture, network links between nodes, network design, and routers.

Kangmin Lee ◽  
Se-Joong Lee ◽  
Hoi-Jun Yoo

2008 ◽  
Vol 18 (02) ◽  
pp. 239-255 ◽  

As the number of integrated IP cores in the current System-on-Chips (SoCs) keeps increasing, communication requirements among cores can not be sufficiently satisfied using either traditional or multi-layer bus architectures because of their poor scalability and bandwidth limitation on a single bus. While new interconnection techniques have been explored to overcome such a limitation, the notion of utilizing Network-on-Chip (NoC) technologies for the future generation of high performance and low power chips for myriad of applications, in particular for wireless communication and multimedia processing, has been of great importance. In order for the NoC technologies to succeed, realistic specifications such as throughput, latency, moderate design complexity, programming model, and design tools are necessary requirements. For this purpose, we have covered some of the key and challenging design issues specific to the NoC architecture such as the router design, network interface (NI) issues, and complete system-level modeling. In this paper, we propose a multi-processor system platform adopting NoC techniques, called NePA (Network-based Processor Array). As a component of system platform, the fundamental NoC techniques including the router architecture and generic NI are defined and implemented adopting low power and clock efficient techniques. Using a high-level cycle-accurate simulation, various parameters relevant to its performance and its systematic modeling are extracted and analyzed. By combining various developed systematic models, we construct the tool chain to pursue hardware/software design tradeoffs necessary for better understanding of the NoC techniques. Finally utilizing implementation of parallel FFT algorithms on the homogeneous NePA, the feasibility and advantages of using NoC techniques are shown.

A. Ferrerón Labari ◽  
D. Suárez Gracia ◽  
V. Viñals Yúfera

In the last years, embedded systems have evolved so that they offer capabilities we could only find before in high performance systems. Portable devices already have multiprocessors on-chip (such as PowerPC 476FP or ARM Cortex A9 MP), usually multi-threaded, and a powerful multi-level cache memory hierarchy on-chip. As most of these systems are battery-powered, the power consumption becomes a critical issue. Achieving high performance and low power consumption is a high complexity challenge where some proposals have been already made. Suarez et al. proposed a new cache hierarchy on-chip, the LP-NUCA (Low Power NUCA), which is able to reduce the access latency taking advantage of NUCA (Non-Uniform Cache Architectures) properties. The key points are decoupling the functionality, and utilizing three specialized networks on-chip. This structure has been proved to be efficient for data hierarchies, achieving a good performance and reducing the energy consumption. On the other hand, instruction caches have different requirements and characteristics than data caches, contradicting the low-power embedded systems requirements, especially in SMT (simultaneous multi-threading) environments. We want to study the benefits of utilizing small tiled caches for the instruction hierarchy, so we propose a new design, ID-LP-NUCAs. Thus, we need to re-evaluate completely our previous design in terms of structure design, interconnection networks (including topologies, flow control and routing), content management (with special interest in hardware/software content allocation policies), and structure sharing. In CMP environments (chip multiprocessors) with parallel workloads, coherence plays an important role, and must be taken into consideration.

Nanophotonics ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 937-945
Ruihuan Zhang ◽  
Yu He ◽  
Yong Zhang ◽  
Shaohua An ◽  
Qingming Zhu ◽  

AbstractUltracompact and low-power-consumption optical switches are desired for high-performance telecommunication networks and data centers. Here, we demonstrate an on-chip power-efficient 2 × 2 thermo-optic switch unit by using a suspended photonic crystal nanobeam structure. A submilliwatt switching power of 0.15 mW is obtained with a tuning efficiency of 7.71 nm/mW in a compact footprint of 60 μm × 16 μm. The bandwidth of the switch is properly designed for a four-level pulse amplitude modulation signal with a 124 Gb/s raw data rate. To the best of our knowledge, the proposed switch is the most power-efficient resonator-based thermo-optic switch unit with the highest tuning efficiency and data ever reported.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 485-496
Kasem Khalil ◽  
Omar Eldash ◽  
Ashok Kumar ◽  
Magdy Bayoumi

N Poornima ◽  
Seetharaman Gopalakrishnan ◽  
Tughrul Arsalan ◽  
T. N. Prabakar ◽  
M. Santhi

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