Convex programming model for inverse scheduling with adjustable release times

Ming Liu ◽  
Xuenan Yang
1974 ◽  
C. Turcanu

A mathematical modeling of well-known methods used to define turbojet main parameters aiming at solution optimization is described. The parameters considered include: compression ratio, maximum temperature for turbine, compressor efficiency, turbine efficiency, etc. By using the relationships for specific thrust, specific fuel consumption, etc., and assuming that construction and functional parameters such as calorific value, combustion efficiency, flight altitude and speed, etc., are known a function representing a sum of the ratios describing specific thrust and SFC deviations against maximum specific thrust and minimum SFC, respectively, is derived. Main parameter selection criteria pending on engine operation conditions and aircraft category are introduced. Mathematic analysis for main parameter selection optimization leads to a convex programming model for which both the function and the constraints are convex functions defined by convex fields. Although this paper makes reference to classic jet engines the method may be easily developed for by-pass engines, etc.

2006 ◽  
Vol 23 (4) ◽  
pp. 431-447 ◽  
S.A. Mohamed ◽  
M.M. Helal ◽  
F.F. Mahmoud

1973 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 30-36 ◽  
Jerome Bracken ◽  
James T. McGill

1988 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
pp. 156-165 ◽  
P. A. Busby ◽  
Y. C. Tong ◽  
G. M. Clark

The identification of consonants in a/-C-/a/nonsense syllables, using a fourteen-alternative forced-choice procedure, was examined in 4 profoundly hearing-impaired children under five conditions: audition alone using hearing aids in free-field (A),vision alone (V), auditory-visual using hearing aids in free-field (AV1), auditory-visual with linear amplification (AV2), and auditory-visual with syllabic compression (AV3). In the AV2 and AV3 conditions, acoustic signals were binaurally presented by magnetic or acoustic coupling to the subjects' hearing aids. The syllabic compressor had a compression ratio of 10:1, and attack and release times were 1.2 ms and 60 ms. The confusion matrices were subjected to two analysis methods: hierarchical clustering and information transmission analysis using articulatory features. The same general conclusions were drawn on the basis of results obtained from either analysis method. The results indicated better performance in the V condition than in the A condition. In the three AV conditions, the subjects predominately combined the acoustic parameter of voicing with the visual signal. No consistent differences were recorded across the three AV conditions. Syllabic compression did not, therefore, appear to have a significant influence on AV perception for these children. A high degree of subject variability was recorded for the A and three AV conditions, but not for the V condition.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
S Mohd Baki ◽  
Jack Kie Cheng

Production planning is often challenging for small medium enterprises (SMEs) company. Most of the SMEs are having difficulty in determining the optimal level of the production output which can affect their business performance. Product mix optimization is one of the main key for production planning. Many company have used linear programming model in determining the optimal combination of various products that need to be produced in order to maximize profit. Thus, this study aims for profit maximization of a SME company in Malaysia by using linear programming model. The purposes of this study are to identify the current process in the production line and to formulate a linear programming model that would suggest a viable product mix to ensure optimum profitability for the company. ABC Sdn Bhd is selected as a case study company for product mix profit maximization study. Some conclusive observations have been drawn and recommendations have been suggested. This study will provide the company and other companies, particularly in Malaysia, an exposure of linear programming method in making decisions to determine the maximum profit for different product mix.

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