Distributed intelligent hierarchical system for heat metering and controlling

G. Moczar ◽  
T. Csubak ◽  
P. Varady
M. G. Koliada ◽  
T. I. Bugayova

The hierarchy of learning motives plays an extremely important role for a management of productive activity of learners, their activity and purposefulness. In the process of educational work, such a motivational hierarchy is formed, where some motives are dynamic mechanisms of other motives that are very difficult to identify at the intuitive level, especially considering the influence of each of them. Therefore, to determine the most significant hierarchical sequence of motives, an innovative method was proposed which is based on the ideas of artificial intelligence. As an example, the search was implemented based on the so-called algorithm of imitation roasting, which is capable to take into account the probabilistic nature of motivational indicators. The article highlights the main leading educational motives of students, on the basis of which the “mechanism” of finding their optimal hierarchical system is shown, and one that simultaneously takes into account the multifactorial influence of their driving causes, taking into account their interconnection, interaction and dynamism. A step-by-step realization of construction of such a hierarchical system of main educational motives in combination with casual, minor motives which are difficult for expecting or providing in advance is shown. Given their unpredictability and probabilistic nature of occurrence, the proposed system of intelligent search allows you to select exactly those sequences of motives that provide the highest productivity and effectiveness of training. The value of the proposed algorithm of imitation roasting is that the accuracy of the result is sacrificed, but the number of iteration cycles decreases, which plays a large role in processing a significant number of motivational indicators.

1986 ◽  
Vol 57 (24) ◽  
pp. 3101-3104 ◽  
Deepak Kumar ◽  

2012 ◽  
Vol 512-515 ◽  
pp. 2863-2866
Hong Bing Chen ◽  
Ping Wei

Aiming at the current unreasonable heat charge policy, this paper describes the necessity of consumption-based heat bill system, introduces the basic ideas and problems of household heat metering and central control on total heat supply, and analyzes the relationship of household heat metering and central control. The study shows these two aspects should be well coordinated wit[h each other for better energy savings.

Valentina Kovaleva ◽  
Oleg Pokhalenkov

The article deals with such categories of carnivalization as a free familiar contact, eccentricity, profanation, carnival ambivalence, crowning, and debunking the carnival king. Taking these categories to the analysis of B. Vasilyev’s story «Tomorrow Was the War» into consideration allows not only to reveal the features of the carnival poetics of the work, but also to understand more deeply the atmos-phere of total Stalinist terror reigned in the country on the eve of the war. Turning to the theory of carnivalization helps to draw a conclusion about how heavy was the atmosphere of suspicion, informers, and unjustified repression created by the NKVD with the support ofthe state machine. B. Vasi-lyev makes the reader wonder whether the new world order that is being estab-lished can be considered better than the old one that has been swept away by the revolution. Thus, the main goal of the carnival is realized in the story–to turn inside out the usual ideas about the world as a reasonable hierarchical system, to turn the usual order of things upside down, to ridicule everything familiar and frozen, so that through denial, ridicule (symbolic death) to promote the re-vival and renewal of the world.

2015 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 461-467 ◽  
Romanas Savickas ◽  
Lauryna Savickienė ◽  
Juozas Bielskus

Energy consumption in the world increases, so the measures in order to improve energy efficiency must be found. The aim of 2012/27/EU Energy Efficiency Directive targets is to decrease energy consumption for a final energy consumer by 1.5% every year, but there is no definition how these targets could be achieved by an individual member state. This article presents the analysis how these targets could be achieved by the means of individual heat metering by heat cost allocators for every flat thus decreasing an energy consumption for a final consumer. Statistical analysis of identical buildings with individual metering by heat cost allocators and without them is presented. Heat cost allocators do not decrease energy consumption by themselves, so this article presents a technical solution and a set of additional equipment, i.e. thermostatic valves, balance valves, hot water meters and remote data collection system that must be installed. The final results show that the targets of 2012/27/EU Energy Efficiency Directive in Lithuania can be reached, because the buildings with individual heat cost allocators consume about 20–30% less of heat energy. Pasaulyje energijos vartojimas auga, todėl turi būti rastos energetinio efektyvumo pagerinimo priemonės. 2012/27/ES Energijos Efektyvumo Direktyvos tikslas yra sumažinti galutinio energijos vartotojo energijos suvartojimą kasmet po 1,5 %, tačiau nėra nurodyta, kaip kiekviena valstybė narė šiuos tikslus galėtų įgyvendinti. Šis straipsnis pristato analizę, kaip šie tikslai galėtų būti pasiekti, kiekviename bute įrengiant individualios šilumos apskaitos šilumos daliklius, kad sumažėtų energijos vartojimas atskiruose butuose. Pateikta statistinė identiškų pastatų su šilumos dalikliais ir be jų analizė. Šiluminei energijai taupyti neužtenka vien tik šilumos daliklių, todėl straipsnyje pateiktas techninis sprendimas – būtinų įdiegti techninių priemonių paketas, kurį sudaro tokios priemonės: termostatiniai ventiliai, balansiniai ventiliai, karšto vandens skaitikliai, belaidė reguliaraus duomenų nuskaitymo sistema. Galutiniai analizės rezultatai rodo, kad 2012/27/ES Energijos Efektyvumo Direktyvos tikslai Lietuvoje gali būti pasiekti, nes pastatai su individualia šilumos apskaita ir įrengtais šilumos dalikliais vartoja apie 20–30 % mažiau šiluminės energijos nei pastatai be tokios apskaitos.

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