Subnanosecond Breakdown in the Strongly Overvoltaged Gap: Simulation and Experiment

Dmitry Beloplotov ◽  
Anton Grishkov ◽  
Dmitry Sorokin ◽  
Valery Shklyaev ◽  
Victor Tarasenko ◽  
2019 ◽  
Chin-Ni Cheng ◽  
Yean-Der Kuan ◽  
Min-Feng Sung ◽  
Piin-Chyuan Huang

2011 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 129-134
Guanghui Cao ◽  
Ying Huang ◽  
Wu Zhang ◽  
Caixia Liu

2005 ◽  
Vol 345 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 173-184 ◽  
J NETO ◽  

Sensors ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 87
Zhenxi Liu ◽  
Jiamin Chen ◽  
Xudong Zou

The piezoelectric cantilever resonator is used widely in many fields because of its perfect design, easy-to-control process, easy integration with the integrated circuit. The tip displacement and resonance frequency are two important characters of the piezoelectric cantilever resonator and many models are used to characterize them. However, these models are only suitable for the piezoelectric cantilever with the same width layers. To accurately characterize the piezoelectric cantilever resonators with different width layers, a novel model is proposed for predicting the tip displacement and resonance frequency. The results show that the model is in good agreement with the finite element method (FEM) simulation and experiment measurements, the tip displacement error is no more than 6%, the errors of the first, second, and third-order resonance frequency between theoretical values and measured results are 1.63%, 1.18%, and 0.51%, respectively. Finally, a discussion of the tip displacement of the piezoelectric cantilever resonator when the second layer is null, electrode, or silicon oxide (SiO2) is presented, and the utility of the model as a design tool for specifying the tip displacement and resonance frequency is demonstrated. Furthermore, this model can also be extended to characterize the piezoelectric cantilever with n-layer film or piezoelectric doubly clamped beam.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (6) ◽  
pp. 172988142097634
Huan Tran Thien ◽  
Cao Van Kien ◽  
Ho Pham Huy Anh

This article proposes a new stable biped walking pattern generator with preset step-length value, optimized by multi-objective JAYA algorithm. The biped robot is modeled as a kinetic chain of 11 links connected by 10 joints. The inverse kinematics of the biped is applied to derive the specified biped hip and feet positions. The two objectives related to the biped walking stability and the biped to follow the preset step-length magnitude have been fully investigated and Pareto optimal front of solutions has been acquired. To demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of proposed multi-objective JAYA, the results are compared to those of MO-PSO and MO-NSGA-2 optimization approaches. The simulation and experiment results investigated over the real small-scaled biped HUBOT-4 assert that the multi-objective JAYA technique ensures an outperforming effective and stable gait planning and walking for biped with accurate preset step-length value.

Jiacheng Zhou ◽  
Chao Hu ◽  
Ziqiu Wang ◽  
Zhengfa Ren ◽  
Xiaoyu Wang ◽  

By studying dynamic characteristics of the leaf spring system, a new elastic component is designed to reduce the working load and to a certain extent to ensure the linearity as well as increase the amplitude in the vertical and horizontal directions in vibration screen. The modal parameters, amplitudes, and amplification factors of the leaf spring system are studied by simulation and experiment. The modal results show that the leaf spring system vibrates in horizontal and vertical directions in first and second mode shapes, respectively. It is conducive to loosening and moving the particles on the vibration screen. In addition, it is found that the maximum amplitude and amplification factor in the horizontal direction appear at 300 r/min (5 Hz) while those in the vertical direction appear at 480 r/min (8 Hz), which are higher than those in the disc spring system. Moreover, the amplitude of the leaf spring system increases proportionally with the increase of exciting force while the amplification factors are basically the same under different exciting forces, indicating the good linearity of the leaf spring system. Furthermore, the minimum exciting force occurs in the leaf spring system under the same amplitude by comparing the exciting force among different elastic components. The above works can provide guidance for the industrial production in vibration screen.

Nan Pan ◽  
Junbin Qian ◽  
Chengjun Zhao

It can divide the atomization effect in the direction of the nozzle axial injection into the jet area and the non-jet area by using the second crushing theory. On this basis, according to the feed liquid atomization particles discrete degree index of characteristics particle size of feed liquid atomization, it divides the injection zone into the atomization area and the diffusion area, so as to realize the axial direction of jet nozzle injection zone, atomization zone and the diffusion zone accurately. Simulation and experiment are used to verify the three zones of atomization nozzle. The division of three zones drives the study from the whole space of liquid distribution in the roller to atomization zone, clears the key zone of the roller in tobacco primary processing, and provides a basis for further work.

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