A Low-cost Compressive Thermoacoustic Tomography System for Hot and Cold Foreign Bodies Detection

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-1
Yifei Sun ◽  
Chenzhe Li ◽  
Baosheng Wang ◽  
Xiong Wang
Bruno Furtado de Moura ◽  
francisco sepulveda ◽  
Jorge Luis Jorge Acevedo ◽  
Wellington Betencurte da Silva ◽  
Rogerio Ramos ◽  

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 374 ◽  
Mohsin Zafar ◽  
Karl Kratkiewicz ◽  
Rayyan Manwar ◽  
Mohammad Avanaki

A low-cost Photoacoustic Computed Tomography (PACT) system consisting of 16 single-element transducers has been developed. Our design proposes a fast rotating mechanism of 360o rotation around the imaging target, generating comparable images to those produced by large-number-element (e.g., 512, 1024, etc.) ring-array PACT systems. The 2D images with a temporal resolution of 1.5 s and a spatial resolution of 240 µm were achieved. The performance of the proposed system was evaluated by imaging complex phantom. The purpose of the proposed development is to provide researchers a low-cost alternative 2D photoacoustic computed tomography system with comparable resolution to the current high performance expensive ring-array PACT systems.

Daohuai Jiang ◽  
Yifei Xu ◽  
Yongjian Zhao ◽  
Hengrong Lan ◽  
Fei Gao

2015 ◽  
Paul Kumar Upputuri ◽  
Kathyayini Sivasubramanian ◽  
Manojit Pramanik

Guangqian Yuan ◽  
Umar Alqasemi ◽  
Yi Yang ◽  
Aaron Chen ◽  
Quing Zhu

2014 ◽  
Vol 577 ◽  
pp. 705-708
Xiang Deng ◽  
Lu Chen ◽  
Zhao Dong ◽  
Hao Liu

The fast non-destructive inspection of plant tubers or roots is a big problem in the plant accurate cultivation. With the characteristic of non-invasion, low cost, no radiation and visualization, the electrical resistance tomography technology is applied to the research of agriculture field; therefore it can be used in the tuber growth status monitoring, new varieties nurturing and fine cultivation of plants. The main research contents include: establish the sensitive model and simulate by using COMSOL software; the affects brought by different positions and sizes of one tuber are studied in detail and the research of effects of tuber number on electrical properties is carried out. The research has crucial guidance for the further study of the TERT technology.

10.29007/x6vj ◽  
2022 ◽  
Minh Quan Cao Dinh ◽  
Quoc Tuan Nguyen Diep ◽  
Hoang Nhut Huynh ◽  
Ngoc An Dang Nguyen ◽  
Anh Tu Tran ◽  

Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) is known as non-invasive method to detect and classify the abnormal breast tissues. Reimaging conductivity distribution within an area of the subject reveal abnormal tissues inside that area. In this work, we have created a very low-cost system with a simple 16-electrode phantom for doing research purposes. The EIT data were measured and reconstructed with EIDORS software.

Mohd. Fua’ad Rahmat ◽  
Hakilo Ahmed Sabit

Proses tomografi adalah suatu teknik membina imej yang murah, cekap dan sesuai untuk proses di industri yang kini semakin diguna pakai untuk tujuan pemantauan proses dan pengukuran. Mekanisme pengesanan dalam proses tomografi bergantung kepada bahan aliran dalam paip industri sama ada pepejal, gas atau cecair. Dalam kertas kerja ini, proses yang terlibat adalah pengaliran pepejal kering dalam paip mengikut arah graviti dan mekanisme pengesanan yang digunakan ialah penderia elektrodinamik. Pengenalpastian rejim aliran daripada pengukuran penderia adalah dengan menggunakan rangkaian neural yang akan mengenal pasti aliran pepejal sama ada dalam aliran penuh, suku separuh dan tiga suku. Kata kunci: Proses tomografi, rangkaian neural, penderia elektrodinamik, pengenalpastian Process tomography is a low cost, efficient and non-invasive industrial process imaging technique. It is used in many industries for process imaging and measuring. Provided that appropriate sensing mechanism is used, process tomography can be used in processes involving solids, liquids, gases, and any of their mixtures. In this paper, the process to be imaged and measured involves solid particles flow in gravity drop system. Electrical charge tomography or electrodynamic tomography is a tomographic technique using electrodynamic sensors. This paper presents the flow regime identification using neural network. Keywork: Process tomography; neural network; electrodynamic sensor; identification

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