Estimating Peak Velocity Profiles from Doppler Echocardiography using Digital Image Processing

Amirtaha Taebi ◽  
Richard H. Sandler ◽  
Bahram Kakavand ◽  
Hansen A. Mansy
1995 ◽  
Vol 117 (3) ◽  
pp. 331-340
S. D. Bruneau ◽  
W. R. Pauley

To aid in the investigation of artificially generated turbulent spots a technique was developed to make instantaneous measurements of full velocity profiles in an unsteady water boundary layer. These profiles were used to document the unsteady behavior of scalar descriptors such as the displacement thickness. The classical hydrogen bubble flow visualization technique was augmented to yield quantitative information by incorporating digital image processing of videotaped boundary layer flow. Digital images were converted into velocity fields using a corrected time-of-flight technique. The capability and limitations of this method in both steady and unsteady flows have been verified using an analytical uncertainty analysis and through comparison with laser-Doppler anemometry measurements. Recommendations are made for effective use of this technique.

R. C. Gonzalez

Interest in digital image processing techniques dates back to the early 1920's, when digitized pictures of world news events were first transmitted by submarine cable between New York and London. Applications of digital image processing concepts, however, did not become widespread until the middle 1960's, when third-generation digital computers began to offer the speed and storage capabilities required for practical implementation of image processing algorithms. Since then, this area has experienced vigorous growth, having been a subject of interdisciplinary research in fields ranging from engineering and computer science to biology, chemistry, and medicine.

L. Montoto ◽  
M. Montoto ◽  
A. Bel-Lan

INTRODUCTION.- The physical properties of rock masses are greatly influenced by their internal discontinuities, like pores and fissures. So, these need to be measured as a basis for interpretation. To avoid the basic difficulties of measurement under optical microscopy and analogic image systems, the authors use S.E.M. and multiband digital image processing. In S.E.M., analog signal processing has been used to further image enhancement (1), but automatic information extraction can be achieved by simple digital processing of S.E.M. images (2). The use of multiband image would overcome difficulties such as artifacts introduced by the relative positions of sample and detector or the typicals encountered in optical microscopy.DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING.- The studied rock specimens were in the form of flat deformation-free surfaces observed under a Phillips SEM model 500. The SEM detector output signal was recorded in picture form in b&w negatives and digitized using a Perkin Elmer 1010 MP flat microdensitometer.

J. Hefter

Semiconductor-metal composites, formed by the eutectic solidification of silicon and a metal silicide have been under investigation for some time for a number of electronic device applications. This composite system is comprised of a silicon matrix containing extended metal-silicide rod-shaped structures aligned in parallel throughout the material. The average diameter of such a rod in a typical system is about 1 μm. Thus, characterization of the rod morphology by electron microscope methods is necessitated.The types of morphometric information that may be obtained from such microscopic studies coupled with image processing are (i) the area fraction of rods in the matrix, (ii) the average rod diameter, (iii) an average circularity (roundness), and (iv) the number density (Nd;rods/cm2). To acquire electron images of these materials, a digital image processing system (Tracor Northern 5500/5600) attached to a JEOL JXA-840 analytical SEM has been used.

K. N. Colonna ◽  
G. Oliphant

Harmonious use of Z-contrast imaging and digital image processing as an analytical imaging tool was developed and demonstrated in studying the elemental constitution of human and maturing rabbit spermatozoa. Due to its analog origin (Fig. 1), the Z-contrast image offers information unique to the science of biological imaging. Despite the information and distinct advantages it offers, the potential of Z-contrast imaging is extremely limited without the application of techniques of digital image processing. For the first time in biological imaging, this study demonstrates the tremendous potential involved in the complementary use of Z-contrast imaging and digital image processing.Imaging in the Z-contrast mode is powerful for three distinct reasons, the first of which involves tissue preparation. It affords biologists the opportunity to visualize biological tissue without the use of heavy metal fixatives and stains. For years biologists have used heavy metal components to compensate for the limited electron scattering properties of biological tissue.

Sindhu Madhuri G. ◽  
Indira Gandhi M P

Image is a basic and fundamental data source for the digital image processing. This image data source is required to be processed into information or intelligence and further to knowledge levels where it is required to understand and migrate into knowledge economy systems. Image registration is one of such key and most important process already identified in the digital image processing domain. Image registration is a process of bringing the reference image and sensed image into a common co-ordinate system, and application of complex transformation techniques for necessary comparison of reference with sensed images obtained from different - views, times, spaces, etc., in order to extract the valuable information and intelligence embedded in them. Due to the complexity of overall image registration process, it is difficult to suggest a single transformation technique even for a specific application. In addition, it is highly impossible to suggest one single transformation technique for comparison of various sensed images with a reference image during the image registration process. This research gap calls for the development of new image registration techniques for the application of more than one transformation technique during the image registration process for the necessary comparisons with reference image & sensed images, those are obtained from the available heterogeneous sources or sensors, based on the requirement. In addition, it is a basic need to attempt for the measurement of effectiveness of the image registration process also. Therefore, a research framework is developed for image registration process and attempted for the measurement of its effectiveness also. This new research area is a novel idea, and is expected to emerge as a provision for the knowledge computations with creative thinking through the embedded intelligence extraction during the complex image registration process.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
pp. 377
Didiet Haryadi Hakim ◽  
Roland A. Barkey ◽  
Ria Wikantari

Bertambahnya penduduk akan selalu diikuti oleh bertambahnya bangunan-bangunan permukiman maupun bukan permukiman di wilayah Kota Kabupaten Sinjai sehingga mengakibatkan adanya persebaran pemanfaatan lahan yang tidak terarah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) Menganalisis persebaran pemanfaatan lahan Perkotaan Sinjai (2) Mengidentifikasi faktor yang menarik dan mendorong terjadinya migrasi penduduk Perkotaan Sinjai dan (3) Mengusulkan arahan pemanfaatan lahan Perkotaan Sinjai. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode analisis pembobotan sesuai dengan hasil kuisioner dan mengakses data dari instansi terkait. Data diolah menggunakan alat analisis pengelolaan citra digital (Digital Image Processing) yaitu teknik analisis (manipulasi dan interpretasi) data digital dengan bantuan komputer. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kondisi perkembangan Kota Kabupaten Sinjai dipengaruhi oleh aspek perkembangan permukiman, perdagangan, pendidikan dan kesehatan, Faktor Pendorong (push factor) terjadinya urbanisasi di Kota Kabupaten Sinjai adalah keterbatasan lapangan kerja, rendahnya pendapatan di daerah asal, keamanan, sarana kesehatan yang tidak lengkap dan pelayanan pendidikan yang tidak sesuai harapan. Faktor penarik (pull factors) terjadinya urbanisasi adalah faktor ekonomi yaitu tingginya pendapatan apabila bekerja di Kota Kabupaten Sinjai, tersedianya sarana pendidikan dan sarana kesehatan yang lengkap, dan faktor aksesibilitas yaitu transportasi yang murah dan mudah, kemudian mengetahui arahan pemanfaatan lahan Kota Sinjai.

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