The future of children's rights

2000 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 277-293 ◽  
Michael Freeman
2013 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 233-247 ◽  
Ann Quennerstedt

The expansion of the research into children’s rights during the last 20 years has constituted children’s rights research as an established and legitimate field of study. The time may now be ripe to reflect on the work undertaken so far and to consider the future of children’s rights research. In recent years, self-critical voices have surfaced within the research field, pointing out possible areas of concern. The ambition of this paper is to contribute to such deliberations within children’s rights research. In the paper, comments and concerns that have been put forward are brought together and developed further, leading to the suggestion that research into children’s rights issues will need to address three major challenges on the way forward: advancing critique, increasing theorisation and contextualising research.

2013 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 209-232
Anne McGillivray

This paper is an invitation to re-think how we think about the future of children’s rights. Utopias, science fictions, and the trajectories of history are invoked in futurist imaginings. Utopian thinking across centuries has both marked and marred social interventions into the conduct of childhood. Visionaries from More to Comenius to H.G. Wells have to a greater or lesser extent focused on childhood as means to a utopian end. While utopianism has deeply harmed children, the Convention on the Rights of the Child is in some ways indebted to Wells’s imagined World State. The long history of childhood discloses intimations of rights millennia before rights existed. It also discloses how doing good for children often has gone terribly wrong due to failure of the imagination. Science fictions are rapidly becoming fact. Rights thinking has failed to keep pace with developments profoundly affecting children and the conduct of their childhood.

Ton Liefaard

Juvenile justice is a children’s rights issue. This chapter sheds light on the international children’s rights framework for juvenile justice and elaborates on its implications for juvenile justice systems at the domestic level. It discusses the comprehensive nature of the international legal framework and addresses key implementation challenges in light of the complexity of and controversies inherently related to juvenile justice. In doing so, the chapter shows there are specific challenges that ought to be recognized in order to enhance the protection of children in conflict with the law and secure a fair and child-specific approach. At the same time, it points at the progress made since adoption of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), which justifies the conclusion that the future of children’s rights implementation in the context of juvenile justice is a hopeful one.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 172-182
Yulia Hesti ◽  
Risna Intiza

Family is the smallest government, where there are problems or conflicts that occur in both parenting, protection, supervision, education and giving freedom in choosing skills, favorites that can be developed and applied in society and for the future. Seeing more and more cases of bullying, violence in schools and in the community is growing, worrying parents. Based on that background, the formulation of the problem is whether the Principles and Policies in The Development of ChildrenWorthy Cities based on the Regulation of the Minister of State for Women Empowerment and Child Protection on Child Development Policy No. 11 of 2011. Based on Article 5, it affirms that the government in creating programs and policies that put children's rights first, both to grow and develop children because the current growth of the child will have an impact on their lives in the future. Give breadth so that the child can give his opinion according to his point of view, because we do not know that there is a great potential that exists on each side of the child. Children are the next generation of the nation, the pride of every parent and family, who must be looked after and protected as best they can. Under Article 6, its policy governs a. civil rights and freedoms; b. family environment and alternative parenting; c. basic health and well-being; d. education, leisure use, and cultural activities; and e. special protection. The principles in government management must be transparency, accountability, participation, information disclosure, and legal supremacy, and not discrimination or discriminating between tribes, races, cultures and others. The policy on children's rights is a civil right in which the right to identity is the child hasa birth certificate.

2007 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 303-314 ◽  
Heinz Sünker ◽  
Thomas Swiderek

Conditions of children's political socialisation and education have more than ever in the last 40 years to deal with questions of social inclusion and exclusion. This is a result of social cleavages which are pertinent for children's lives and experiences. This article deals with this question while favouring an approach which shows that a strengthening of children's rights – based on an emancipatory concept of politics of childhood – could support the struggle against these cleavages in the interest of establishing a really democratic society. A central starting point for an improvement of the situation of all children could be a new connection between communal life and childhood policies. Therefore the article shows different approaches which work on this level and argues for their generalisation. When the future of mankind is at stake, only a democratisation of society/ies – based on enlisting the competencies of all citizens (including children) – can be useful. This is the major challenge for political education.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 18-34
Ms Udin

One of the problems in this country is the large number of school-aged children who cannot continue schooling due to disasters and others, in large cities abandoned children with school age can easily be found alongside roads, terminals, stations and so on. Children, whatever their background is an investment in the future, every child in essence has the rights and obligations as a child in a family, but in reality there is often a neglect of the fulfillment of children's rights, this is probably due to economic conditions, family social and psychology. Child protection is a business that establishes conditions in which every child can exercise his rights and obligations. The protection of children is a manifestation of the existence of justice in a society. Thus, child protection must be sought in various fields of state and community life. Child protection is a field of national development. Protecting children is protecting people is building whole people

Awaluddin Sallatu

AbstractThe Juvenile Court has included the rights of the child, the implementation of the obligations of parents, society and the government and the State, but the protection of children's rights still requires serious handling when there are things that are specific relating to legal protection for themselves. and if this can be overcome then every child will be able to assume their responsibilities as a child in the future so that the child is still given the broadest opportunity to grow and develop optimally, both physically, mentally and socially, with noble character, it is necessary to protect and to realize the welfare of children by providing guarantees for the fulfillment of their rights and the treatment without discrimination. This study aims to determine and analyze the effectiveness of fulfilling children's rights after divorce as well as factors that are inhibiting the fulfillment of children's rights after divorce.Keywords: Fulfillment Effectiveness, Children's Rights, After Divorce.AbstrakPengadilan Anak telah mencantumkan hak-hak anak, pelaksanaan kewajiban orang tua, masyarakat dan pemerintah serta Negara, namun perlindungan terhadap hak-hak anak masih memerlukan penanganan yang serius manakala ada hal-hal yang sifatnya spesifik yang berkaitan dengan perlindungan hukum bagi dirinya. dan apabila hal tersebut dapat diatasi maka setiap anak kelak mampu memikul tanggung jawabnya sebagai anak dikemudian hari sehingga dengan demikian anak tetap diberikan kesempatan yang seluas-luasnya untuk tumbuh dan berkembang secara optimal, baik fisik, mental maupun sosoial, berakhlak mulia, perlu dilakukan upaya perlindungan serta untuk mewujudkan kesejahteraan anak dengan memberikan jaminan terhadap pemenuhan hak-haknya serta adanyaperlakuan tanpa diskrimansi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis efektivitas pemenuhan hak anak setelah perceraian serta faktor-faktor yang menjadi penghambat dalam pemenuhan hak anak setelah perceraian.Kata Kunci :Efektivitas Pemenuhan, Hak Anak, Setelah Perceraian.

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